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" !::exe [so %]
" Author: romgrk
" Description: hightlight helpers
" Date: 07 Oct 2015
" this is the README:
" highlight autoload function very handy for scripting the syntax-hl
" hi#fg and hi#bg ('GoupName' [, color:String])
" are both getter and setters
" hi#( name [, group:[] | fg [,bg [,attr ] ] ] )
" can get/set or define your group without error
" a group-hl definition may be
" (name && ( 1, 2 or 4 arguments)) || (Array of (2, 3 or 4 arguments))
" where arguments are assumed to be (in order): gui-foreground-color, gui-background-color, attributes
" (no cterm handling)
" Useful trick example:
" <C-r>=hi#fg('Function')<CR>
" gives you the foreground color for group Function
" hi#( name [, group:[] | fg [,bg [,attr ] ] ] )
" - general getter/setter
fu! hi# (...)
if (a:0 == 1)
return hi#group(a:1)
let name = a:1
let group = _#type(a:2)=='List' ? a:2 : a:000[1:]
if hi#exists(name)
return hi#set(name, group)
return hi#create(name, group)
fu! hi#id (name)
return synIDtrans(hlID(a:name))
fu! hi#fg (name, ...)
if a:0
exe 'hi ' . a:name . ' guifg=' . (len(a:1) ? a:1 : 'None')
return synIDattr(hi#id(a:name), 'fg#') | end
fu! hi#bg (name, ...)
if a:0
exe 'hi ' . a:name . ' guibg=' . (len(a:1) ? a:1 : 'None')
return synIDattr(hi#id(a:name), 'bg#') | end
fu! hi#attr (name, ...)
if a:0
exe 'hi ' . a:name . ' gui=' . (len(a:1) ? a:1 : 'None')
return synIDattr(hi#id(a:name), 'attr') | end
fu! hi#name (id)
return synIDattr(id, 'name')
" create name, { [group] OR fg, bg, attr }
fu! hi#create (name, ...)
let name = a:name
let group = a:0==1 ? a:1 : a:000
let fg = get(group, 0, '')
let bg = get(group, 1, '')
let attr = get(group, 2, '')
let cmd = 'hi! ' . name .
\(fg!='' ? ' guifg=' . fg : '') .
\(bg!='' ? ' guibg=' . bg : '') .
\(attr!='' ? ' gui=' . attr : '')
exe cmd
let id = hlID(name)
return [fg, bg, attr, id, name]
" overwrite name, { [group] OR fg, bg, attr }
fu! hi#set (name, ...)
let name = a:name
let group = _#type(a:1)=='List' ? a:1 : a:000
let fg = get(group, 0, '')
let bg = get(group, 1, '')
let attr = get(group, 2, '')
"let fg = (fg=='' ? 'None' : fg )
"let bg = (bg=='' ? 'None' : bg )
"let attr = (attr=='' ? 'None' : attr )
let cmd = 'hi ' . name .
\ (len(fg) ? ' guifg=' . fg : '') .
\ (len(bg) ? ' guibg=' . bg : '') .
\ (len(attr) ? ' gui=' . attr : '')
try | silent exe cmd
catch /.*/
echoerr v:exception
echoerr name . ' ' . group
echoerr cmd
return | endtry
let id = hlID(name)
return [fg, bg, attr, id, name]
" Returns:
" 0 -> doesnt exist
" 1 -> linked
" 2 -> set
" (and this is epic logic if you try to understand the calculation)
fu! hi#exists (r)
let id = type(a:r) ? hlID(a:r) : a:r
let tID = synIDtrans(id)
return !!(id * tID) + (tID == id)
" true if group is linked
fu! hi#islink (name)
let id = hlID(a:name)
return synIDtrans(id) != id
" true if group is defined
fu! hi#isdefined (name)
if !hlexists(name) | return 0 | end
return !hi#islink(name)
" returns [fg, bg, attr, id, name]
fu! hi#get (ref)
if _#type(a:ref) == 'String'
let name = a:ref
let id = synIDtrans(hlID(name))
elseif _#type(a:ref) == 'Number'
let id = a:ref
let name = synIDattr(id, 'name')
let fg = synIDattr(id, 'fg#')
let bg = synIDattr(id, 'bg#')
let attr = synIDattr(id, 'attr')
return [fg, bg, attr, id, name]
" return [fg, bg, attr, id, name]
fu! hi#group (...)
" null group
if !(a:0) | return [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] | end
let ref = (a:0 == 1) ? a:1 : a:000
let typ = _#type(ref)
if typ == 'String'
let name = ref
let id = synIDtrans(hlID(name))
elseif typ == 'Number'
let id = ref
let name = synIDattr(id, 'name')
elseif typ == 'List'
"return hi#fill(ref)
return [
\ get(ref, 0, ''),
\ get(ref, 1, ''),
\ get(ref, 2, ''),
\ get(ref, 3, 0),
\ get(ref, 4, ''), ]
elseif typ == 'Dict'
return [
\ get(ref, 'fg', ''),
\ get(ref, 'bg', ''),
\ get(ref, 'attr', ''),
\ get(ref, 'id', 0),
\ get(ref, 'name', ''), ]
let fg = synIDattr(id, 'fg#')
let bg = synIDattr(id, 'bg#')
let attr = synIDattr(id, 'attr')
return [fg, bg, attr, id, name]
fu! hi#clear (name)
let e = hi#exists(a:name)
if !(e) | return | end
if (e - 1)
let cmd = 'hi! clear ' . a:name
let cmd = 'hi! def link ' . a:name . ' NONE'
silent! exe cmd
fu! hi#fill (group, ...)
let group = hi#group(a:group)
let default = (a:0 == 1) ? hi#group(a:1) : hi#group('Normal')
if empty(default[0])
let default[0] = hi#fg('Normal')
if empty(default[1])
let default[1] = hi#bg('Normal')
for i in range(0, 2)
if empty(group[i])
let group[i] = default[i]
return [
\ get(group, 0, default[0]),
\ get(group, 1, default[1]),
\ get(group, 2, default[2]),
\ get(group, 3, 0),
\ get(group, 4, ''), ]
fu! hi#compose (rule, ...)
let r = a:rule
if r == 'fg' | let [fg, _, _, _, _] = hi#group(a:1)
let [_, bg, attr, _, _] = hi#group()
elseif r == 'inv' || r == 'inverse'
let [bg, fg, attr, _, _] = hi#group(a:1)
elseif r == 'fgbg' | let [fg, _, attr, _, _] = hi#group(a:1)
let [_, bg, _, _, _] = hi#group(a:2)
elseif r == 'fgfg' | let [fg, _, attr, _, _] = hi#group(a:1)
let [bg, _, _, _, _] = hi#group(a:2)
elseif r == 'bgfg' | let [_, bg, _, _, _] = hi#group(a:1)
let [fg, _, attr, _, _] = hi#group(a:2)
elseif r == 'bgbg' | let [_, fg, _, _, _] = hi#group(a:1)
let [_, bg, attr, _, _] = hi#group(a:2)
else | return 0 | end
let group = [ fg, bg, attr, 0, 0 ]
return group
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