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Last active March 26, 2019 18:01
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MutationObserver for Jest
file to place in the JEST setupFiles options
class Util {
constructor() {
this.counter = 1;
this.expando = 'mo_id';
static clone($target, config) {
let recurse = true; // set true so childList we'll always check the first level
return (function copy($target) {
let elestruct = {
/** @type {Node} */
node: $target,
charData: null,
attr: null,
kids: null,
// Store current character data of target text or comment node if the config requests
// those properties to be observed.
if (config.charData && ($target.nodeType === 3 || $target.nodeType === 8)) {
elestruct.charData = $target.nodeValue;
} else {
// Add attr only if subtree is specified or top level and avoid if
// attributes is a document object (#13).
if (config.attr && recurse && $target.nodeType === 1) {
* clone live attribute list to an object structure {name: val}
* @type {Object.<string, string>}
elestruct.attr = Util.reduce($target.attributes, (memo, attr) => {
if (!config.afilter || config.afilter[]) {
memo[] = attr.value;
return memo;
}, {});
// whether we should iterate the children of $target node
if (recurse && (( || config.charData) || (config.attr && config.descendents))) {
/** @type {Array.<!Object>} : Array of custom clone */ =$target.childNodes, copy);
recurse = config.descendents;
return elestruct;
* indexOf an element in a collection of custom nodes
* @param {NodeList} set
* @param {!Object} $node : A custom cloned nodeg333
* @param {number} idx : index to start the loop
* @return {number}
static indexOfCustomNode(set, $node, idx) {
const JSCompiler_renameProperty = a => a;
return this.indexOf(set, $node, idx, JSCompiler_renameProperty('node'));
* Attempt to uniquely id an element for hashing. We could optimize this for legacy browsers but it hopefully wont be called enough to be a concern
* @param {Node} $ele
* @return {(string|number)}
static getElementId($ele) {
try {
return $ || ($ele[this.expando] = $ele[this.expando] || this.counter++);
} catch (e) { // ie <8 will throw if you set an unknown property on a text node
try {
return $ele.nodeValue; // naive
} catch (shitie) { // when text node is removed: :(
return this.counter++;
* **map** Apply a mapping function to each item of a set
* @param {Array|NodeList} set
* @param {Function} iterator
static map(set, iterator) {
let results = [];
for (let index = 0; index < set.length; index++) {
results[index] = iterator(set[index], index, set);
return results;
* **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values
* @param {Array|NodeList|NamedNodeMap} set
* @param {Function} iterator
* @param {*} [memo] Initial value of the memo.
static reduce(set, iterator, memo) {
for (let index = 0; index < set.length; index++) {
memo = iterator(memo, set[index], index, set);
return memo;
* **indexOf** find index of item in collection.
* @param {Array|NodeList} set
* @param {Object} item
* @param {number} idx
* @param {string} [prop] Property on set item to compare to item
static indexOf(set, item, idx, ...prop) {
for (/*idx = ~~idx*/; idx < set.length; idx++) {// start idx is always given as this is internal
if ((prop ? set[idx][prop] : set[idx]) === item) return idx;
return -1;
* @param {Object} obj
* @param {(string|number)} prop
* @return {boolean}
static has(obj, prop) {
return obj[prop] !== undefined; // will be nicely inlined by gcc
export class MutationObserver {
constructor(listener) {
this._watched = [];
this._listener = listener;
this._period = 1;
this._timeout = null;
this._disposed = false;
this._notifyListener = () => {
observe($target, config) {
let settings = {
attr: !!(config.attributes || config.attributeFilter || config.attributeOldValue),
// some browsers enforce that subtree must be set with childList, attributes or characterData.
// We don't care as spec doesn't specify this rule.
kids: !!config.childList,
descendents: !!config.subtree,
charData: !!(config.characterData || config.characterDataOldValue),
afilter: null
MutationNotifier.getInstance().on("changed", this._notifyListener);
let watched = this._watched;
// remove already observed target element from pool
for (let i = 0; i < watched.length; i++) {
if (watched[i].tar === $target) watched.splice(i, 1);
if (config.attributeFilter) {
* converts to a {key: true} dict for faster lookup
* @type {Object.<String,Boolean>}
settings.afilter = Util.reduce(config.attributeFilter, (a, b) => {
a[b] = true;
return a;
}, {});
tar: $target,
fn: this.createMutationSearcher($target, settings)
takeRecords() {
let mutations = [];
let watched = this._watched;
for (let i = 0; i < watched.length; i++) {
return mutations;
disconnect() {
this._watched = []; // clear the stuff being observed
MutationNotifier.getInstance().removeListener("changed", this._notifyListener);
this._disposed = true;
clearTimeout(this._timeout); // ready for garbage collection
this._timeout = null;
createMutationSearcher($target, config) {
/** type {Elestuct} */
let $oldstate = Util.clone($target, config); // create the cloned datastructure
* consumes array of mutations we can push to
* @param {Array.<MutationRecord>} mutations
return (mutations) => {
let olen = mutations.length;
let dirty;
if (config.charData && $target.nodeType === 3 && $target.nodeValue !== $oldstate.charData) {
mutations.push(new MutationRecord({
type: 'characterData',
target: $target,
oldValue: $oldstate.charData
// Alright we check base level changes in attributes... easy
if (config.attr && $oldstate.attr) {
this.findAttributeMutations(mutations, $target, $oldstate.attr, config.afilter);
// check childlist or subtree for mutations
if ( || config.descendents) {
dirty = this.searchSubtree(mutations, $target, $oldstate, config);
// reclone data structure if theres changes
if (dirty || mutations.length !== olen) {
/** type {Elestuct} */
$oldstate = Util.clone($target, config);
scheduleMutationCheck(observer) {
// Only schedule if there isn't already a timer.
// observer._timeout === null &&'scheduleMutationCheck', observer._timeout);
if (!observer._timeout) {
observer._timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, this._period);
mutationChecker(observer) {
// allow scheduling a new timer.
observer._timeout = null;
let mutations = observer.takeRecords();
if (mutations.length) { // fire away
// calling the listener with context is not spec but currently consistent with FF and WebKit
observer._listener(mutations, observer);
searchSubtree(mutations, $target, $oldstate, config) {
// Track if the tree is dirty and has to be recomputed (#14).
let dirty;
* Helper to identify node rearrangment and stuff...
* There is no gaurentee that the same node will be identified for both added and removed nodes
* if the positions have been shuffled.
* conflicts array will be emptied by end of operation
const _resolveConflicts = (conflicts, node, $kids, $oldkids, numAddedNodes) => {
// the distance between the first conflicting node and the last
let distance = conflicts.length - 1;
// prevents same conflict being resolved twice consider when two nodes switch places.
// only one should be given a mutation event (note -~ is used as a math.ceil shorthand)
let counter = -~((distance - numAddedNodes) / 2);
let $cur;
let oldstruct;
let conflict;
while ((conflict = conflicts.pop())) {
$cur = $kids[conflict.i];
oldstruct = $oldkids[conflict.j];
// attempt to determine if there was node rearrangement... won't gaurentee all matches
// also handles case where added/removed nodes cause nodes to be identified as conflicts
if ( && counter && Math.abs(conflict.i - conflict.j) >= distance) {
mutations.push(new MutationRecord({
type: 'childList',
target: node,
addedNodes: [$cur],
removedNodes: [$cur],
// haha don't rely on this please
nextSibling: $cur.nextSibling,
previousSibling: $cur.previousSibling
counter--; // found conflict
// Alright we found the resorted nodes now check for other types of mutations
if (config.attr && oldstruct.attr) this.findAttributeMutations(mutations, $cur, oldstruct.attr, config.afilter);
if (config.charData && $cur.nodeType === 3 && $cur.nodeValue !== oldstruct.charData) {
mutations.push(new MutationRecord({
type: 'characterData',
target: $cur,
oldValue: oldstruct.charData
// now look @ subtree
if (config.descendents) _findMutations($cur, oldstruct);
* Main worker. Finds and adds mutations if there are any
* @param {Node} node
* @param {!Object} old : A cloned data structure using internal clone
const _findMutations = (node, old) => {
let $kids = node.childNodes;
let $oldkids =;
let klen = $kids.length;
// $oldkids will be undefined for text and comment nodes
let olen = $oldkids ? $oldkids.length : 0;
// if (!olen && !klen) return; // both empty; clearly no changes
// we delay the intialization of these for marginal performance in the expected case (actually quite signficant on large subtrees when these would be otherwise unused)
// map of checked element of ids to prevent registering the same conflict twice
let map;
// array of potential conflicts (ie nodes that may have been re arranged)
let conflicts;
let id; // element id from getElementId helper
let idx; // index of a moved or inserted element
let oldstruct;
// current and old nodes
let $cur;
let $old;
// track the number of added nodes so we can resolve conflicts more accurately
let numAddedNodes = 0;
// iterate over both old and current child nodes at the same time
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
// while there is still anything left in $kids or $oldkids (same as i < $kids.length || j < $oldkids.length;)
while (i < klen || j < olen) {
// current and old nodes at the indexs
$cur = $kids[i];
oldstruct = $oldkids[j];
$old = oldstruct && oldstruct.node;
if ($cur === $old) { // expected case - optimized for this case
// check attributes as specified by config
if (config.attr && oldstruct.attr) {/* oldstruct.attr instead of textnode check */
this.findAttributeMutations(mutations, $cur, oldstruct.attr, config.afilter);
// check character data if node is a comment or textNode and it's being observed
if (config.charData && oldstruct.charData !== undefined && $cur.nodeValue !== oldstruct.charData) {
mutations.push(new MutationRecord({
type: 'characterData',
target: $cur
// resolve conflicts; it will be undefined if there are no conflicts - otherwise an array
if (conflicts) _resolveConflicts(conflicts, node, $kids, $oldkids, numAddedNodes);
// recurse on next level of children. Avoids the recursive call when there are no children left to iterate
if (config.descendents && ($cur.childNodes.length || && _findMutations($cur, oldstruct);
} else { // (uncommon case) lookahead until they are the same again or the end of children
dirty = true;
if (!map) { // delayed initalization (big perf benefit)
map = {};
conflicts = [];
if ($cur) {
// check id is in the location map otherwise do a indexOf search
if (!(map[id = Util.getElementId($cur)])) { // to prevent double checking
// mark id as found
map[id] = true;
// custom indexOf using comparitor checking oldkids[i].node === $cur
if ((idx = Util.indexOfCustomNode($oldkids, $cur, j)) === -1) {
if ( {
mutations.push(new MutationRecord({
type: 'childList',
target: node,
addedNodes: [$cur], // $cur is a new node
nextSibling: $cur.nextSibling,
previousSibling: $cur.previousSibling
} else {
conflicts.push({ // add conflict
i: i,
j: idx
if ($old &&
// special case: the changes may have been resolved: i and j appear congurent so we can continue using the expected case
$old !== $kids[i]
) {
if (!(map[id = Util.getElementId($old)])) {
map[id] = true;
if ((idx = Util.indexOf($kids, $old, i)) === -1) {
if ( {
mutations.push(new MutationRecord({
type: 'childList',
target: old.node,
removedNodes: [$old],
nextSibling: $oldkids[j + 1], // praise no indexoutofbounds exception
previousSibling: $oldkids[j - 1]
} else {
i: idx,
j: j
}// end uncommon case
}// end loop
// resolve any remaining conflicts
if (conflicts) _resolveConflicts(conflicts, node, $kids, $oldkids, numAddedNodes);
_findMutations($target, $oldstate);
return dirty;
findAttributeMutations(mutations, $target, $oldstate, filter) {
let checked = {};
let attributes = $target.attributes;
let attr;
let name;
let i = attributes.length;
while (i--) {
attr = attributes[i];
name =;
if (!filter || Util.has(filter, name)) {
if (attr.value !== $oldstate[name]) {
// The pushing is redundant but gzips very nicely
mutations.push(new MutationRecord({
type: 'attributes',
target: $target,
attributeName: name,
oldValue: $oldstate[name],
attributeNamespace: attr.namespaceURI // in ie<8 it incorrectly will return undefined
checked[name] = true;
for (name in $oldstate) {
if (!(checked[name])) {
mutations.push(new MutationRecord({
target: $target,
type: 'attributes',
attributeName: name,
oldValue: $oldstate[name]
export class MutationRecord {
constructor(data) {
let settings = { // technically these should be on proto so hasOwnProperty will return false for non explicitly props
type: null,
target: null,
addedNodes: [],
removedNodes: [],
previousSibling: null,
nextSibling: null,
attributeName: null,
attributeNamespace: null,
oldValue: null
for (let prop in data) {
if (Util.has(settings, prop) && data[prop] !== undefined) settings[prop] = data[prop];
return settings;
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
class MutationNotifier extends EventEmitter {
static getInstance() {
if (!MutationNotifier._instance) {
MutationNotifier._instance = new MutationNotifier();
return MutationNotifier._instance;
constructor() {
this._instance = null;
destruct() {
notifyChanged(node) {
this.emit("changed", node);
let intersectSetter = function (proto, propertyName, intersect) {
let old = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, propertyName);
let oldSet = old.set;
let newSet = function set(V) {, V);
Object.defineProperty(proto, propertyName, {
set: newSet,
get: old.get,
configurable: old.configurable,
enumerable: old.enumerable
let intersectMethod = function (proto, methodName, intersect) {
let orig = proto[methodName];
proto[methodName] = function (...args) {
var ret = orig.apply(this, args);
return ret;
function patchNotifyChange(window) {
let notifyInstance = MutationNotifier.getInstance();
let notify = function (node) {
let node_proto = (window)._core.Node.prototype;
intersectMethod(node_proto, "appendChild", notify);
intersectMethod(node_proto, "insertBefore", notify);
intersectMethod(node_proto, "removeChild", notify);
intersectMethod(node_proto, "replaceChild", notify);
intersectSetter(node_proto, "nodeValue", notify);
intersectSetter(node_proto, "textContent", notify);
let element_proto = (window)._core.Element.prototype;
intersectMethod(element_proto, "setAttribute", notify);
intersectMethod(element_proto, "removeAttribute", notify);
intersectMethod(element_proto, "removeAttributeNode", notify);
intersectMethod(element_proto, "removeAttributeNS", notify);
Object.defineProperty(window, 'MutationObserver', {value: MutationObserver});
describe('Foo', () => {
it('Bar', (done) => {
// Arrange
// Act
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div><div>');
// Assert
setTimeout(() => {
//expect MutationObserver Event
}, 15);
}, 30);
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