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Last active October 31, 2018 02:58
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
angle_inc = np.pi / 6.
def print_bbox(bbox):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox
plt.plot([x1, x2, x2, x1, x1], [y1, y1, y2, y2, y1], 'r-')
return True
def bbox2para(bbox):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox
return (x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2)
def print_para(para, skip_outlier=False, width=None, height=None, color='r', circular=False, **kwargs):
if skip_outlier:
for x, y in para:
if x < 0 or x > width or y < 0 or y > height:
return False
(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4) = para
if circular:
if x1 < 0 or x2 < 0 or x3 < 0 or x4 < 0:
para = (x1+width, y1), (x2+width, y2), (x3+width, y3), (x4+width, y4)
print_para(para, skip_outlier, width, height, color, False, **kwargs)
elif x1 >= width or x2 >= width or x3 >= width or x4 >= width:
para = (x1-width, y1), (x2-width, y2), (x3-width, y3), (x4-width, y4)
print_para(para, skip_outlier, width, height, color, False, **kwargs)
plt.plot([x1, x2, x3, x4, x1], [y1, y2, y3, y4, y1], color, **kwargs)
return True
def _canonical_angle(x):
''' Make angle in (-pi, +pi) '''
return x - 2 * np.pi * round(x / (2 * np.pi))
def _adjust_elevation(h, e, delta_e):
y = -np.sin(e)
x = np.cos(e)*np.sin(h)
z = np.cos(e)*np.cos(h)
ee = -np.arctan2(y, z)
hh = np.arcsin(x)
ee += delta_e
x = np.sin(hh)
y = -np.cos(hh) * np.sin(ee)
z = np.cos(hh) * np.cos(ee)
h_new = np.arctan2(x, z)
e_new = -np.arcsin(y)
return h_new, e_new
def map_para2angles(para, viewIndex, width, height, depth):
base_heading = (viewIndex % 12) * angle_inc
base_elevation = (viewIndex // 12 - 1) * angle_inc
angles = [None]*4
for n, (X, Y) in enumerate(para):
x = X - width/2.
y = Y - height/2.
z = depth
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
rel_heading = np.arctan2(x, z)
rel_elevation = - np.arcsin(y / r)
heading, elevation = _adjust_elevation(
rel_heading, rel_elevation, base_elevation)
heading = _canonical_angle(base_heading + heading)
angles[n] = heading, elevation
return tuple(angles)
def map_angles2para(angles, viewIndex, width, height, depth):
base_heading = (viewIndex % 12) * angle_inc
base_elevation = (viewIndex // 12 - 1) * angle_inc
paras = [None]*4
for n, (heading, elevation) in enumerate(angles):
heading = _canonical_angle(heading - base_heading)
rel_heading, rel_elevation = _adjust_elevation(
heading, elevation, -base_elevation)
# Check whether the point is in the half-sphere (visible)
if rel_heading <= -np.pi/2 or rel_heading > np.pi/2:
return None, False
z = depth
x = z * np.tan(rel_heading)
y = -np.tan(rel_elevation) * np.sqrt(x**2 + z**2)
X = x + width/2.
Y = y + height/2.
paras[n] = X, Y
return tuple(paras), True
def gen_panorama_img(scanId, viewpointId, agent_heading=0, vfov_deg=90,
hfov_deg=10, height=480):
import sys; sys.path.append(osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), '../../build')) # NoQA
import MatterSim
assert 360 % hfov_deg == 0, 'hfov_deg must be a factor of 360'
HEIGHT = height
VFOV = np.radians(vfov_deg)
HFOV = np.radians(hfov_deg)
DEPTH = (HEIGHT/2.) / np.tan(VFOV/2.)
WIDTH = int(np.round(2.*DEPTH*np.tan(HFOV/2.)))
num_headings = int(360/hfov_deg) + 1
pano_img = np.zeros(
(HEIGHT, WIDTH*num_headings, 3), np.uint8)
sim = MatterSim.Simulator()
sim.setCameraResolution(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
for n_heading in range(num_headings):
heading = agent_heading+np.radians(n_heading*hfov_deg-180)
sim.newEpisode(scanId, viewpointId, heading, 0)
state = sim.getState()
im = state.rgb
X_begin = WIDTH*n_heading
X_end = X_begin+WIDTH
pano_img[:, X_begin:X_end, :] = im[..., ::-1]
pano_img = pano_img[:, WIDTH//2:-WIDTH//2, :]
return pano_img
def rotate_panorama_img(img, new_agent_heading, old_agent_heading=0):
img_new = np.zeros_like(img)
rotation = _canonical_angle(new_agent_heading - old_agent_heading)
split_X = int(np.round(img.shape[1] * rotation / (2*np.pi)))
if split_X == 0:
img_new[...] = img
img_new[:, -split_X:, :] = img[:, :split_X, :]
img_new[:, :-split_X, :] = img[:, split_X:, :]
return img_new
def map_angles_onto_panorama(
angles, width, height, agent_heading=0, vfov_deg=90):
VFOV = np.radians(vfov_deg)
depth = (height/2.) / np.tan(VFOV/2.)
paras = [None]*4
base_heading = max(_canonical_angle(a[0] - agent_heading) for a in angles)
base_X = width * (base_heading + np.pi) / (2*np.pi)
for n, (heading, elevation) in enumerate(angles):
X = base_X + width * _canonical_angle(
heading - agent_heading - base_heading) / (np.pi*2)
Y = height/2. - depth * np.tan(elevation)
paras[n] = X, Y
return paras
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