April 20, 2012 13:28
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Collection of AutoHotkey scripts I use
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; Variables definition | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
EnvGet, userProfile, USERPROFILE | |
Software := userProfile . "\Dropbox\software\" | |
; Launch or toggle program, | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
ToggleWinMinimize(WindowTitle) | |
{ | |
SetTitleMatchMode,2 | |
DetectHiddenWindows, Off | |
IfWinActive, %WindowTitle% | |
WinMinimize, %WindowTitle% | |
Else | |
IfWinExist, %WindowTitle% | |
{ | |
WinActivate | |
} | |
Return | |
} | |
RunOrActivateOrMinimizeProgram(Program, WorkingDir="", WindowSize="") | |
{ | |
SplitPath Program, ExeFile | |
Process, Exist, %ExeFile% | |
PID = %ErrorLevel% | |
if (PID = 0) | |
{ | |
Run, %Program%, %WorkingDir%, %WindowSize% | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
SetTitleMatchMode,2 | |
DetectHiddenWindows, Off | |
IfWinActive, ahk_pid %PID% | |
WinMinimize, ahk_pid %PID% | |
Else | |
IfWinExist, ahk_pid %PID% | |
WinActivate, ahk_pid %PID% | |
Return | |
} | |
} | |
<^<!i::RunOrActivateOrMinimizeProgram(Software . "firefox\firefox.exe", UserProfile) | |
<^<!n::RunOrActivateOrMinimizeProgram(Software . "notepadpp\notepad++.exe", UserProfile) | |
<^<!a::RunOrActivateOrMinimizeProgram(Software . "foobar2000\foobar2000.exe", UserProfile) | |
<^<!m::RunOrActivateOrMinimizeProgram(Software . "sublimetext-x64\sublime_text.exe", UserProfile) | |
<^<!w::RunOrActivateOrMinimizeProgram("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\WINWORD.EXE", UserProfile) | |
<^<!x::RunOrActivateOrMinimizeProgram("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE", UserProfile) | |
<^<!o::RunOrActivateOrMinimizeProgram("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE", UserProfile) | |
<^<!v::RunOrActivateOrMinimizeProgram("C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware.exe", UserProfile) | |
<^<!j::ToggleWinMinimize("ahk_class CabinetWClass") | |
<^<!k::ToggleWinMinimize("ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass") | |
; for Skype, I also like the text box to have focus, so that it's ready to type text | |
<^<!u:: | |
RunOrActivateOrMinimizeProgram(Software . "skype\Phone\Skype.exe", UserProfile) | |
ControlClick, TChatRichEdit1, ahk_class tSkMainForm,,,,,, | |
ControlClick, TChatRichEdit2, ahk_class tSkMainForm,,,,,, | |
ControlClick, TChatRichEdit3, ahk_class tSkMainForm,,,,,, | |
Return | |
; exceptions for a few programs that behave differently | |
<^<!h::Run, "%Software%\processhacker\x64\ProcessHacker.exe" | |
!F10::Run, "%Software%\tomboy\Tomboy.exe" --open-note work, "", "" | |
!F11::Run, "%Software%\tomboy\Tomboy.exe" --start-here, "", "" | |
; Paste as pure text, | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
<#v:: | |
Clip0 = %ClipBoardAll% | |
ClipBoard = %ClipBoard% | |
Send ^v | |
Sleep 50 | |
ClipBoard = %Clip0% | |
VarSetCapacity(Clip0, 0) | |
Return | |
; Archive Outlook message | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
<^<+a:: | |
IfWinActive, ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32, MsoDockTop | |
{ | |
SendInput ^+v | |
Sleep, 100 | |
SendInput sent{Enter} ; I archive my mail in "Sent Items", adjust accordingly | |
Return | |
} | |
Return | |
; Hotstrings | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
:R*:p@mail::[email protected] | |
:R*:.pweb:: | |
:R*:btw::by the way | |
:R*:afaik::as far as I know | |
; Toggle hidden files in Windows Explorer, | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
<^h:: | |
IfWinActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass | |
{ | |
RegRead, HiddenFiles_Status, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, Hidden | |
If HiddenFiles_Status = 2 | |
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, Hidden, 1 | |
Else | |
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, Hidden, 2 | |
WinGetClass, eh_Class,A | |
If (eh_Class = "#32770" OR A_OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA" OR A_OSVersion = "WIN_7") | |
send, {F5} | |
Else PostMessage, 0x111, 28931,,, A | |
} | |
Else SendInput ^h | |
Return | |
; Middle-click on title bar to minimize, | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
~MButton:: | |
CoordMode, Mouse, Window | |
MouseGetPos, ClickX, ClickY, WindowUnderMouseID | |
WinActivate, ahk_id %WindowUnderMouseID% | |
WinGetClass, class, A | |
MouseGetPos, ClickX, ClickY, WindowUnderMouseID | |
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, ahk_id %WindowUnderMouseID% | |
; check if title bar, with an exception for Firefox with tabs in title bar that can be middle-clicked to close | |
if (ClickX < w and ClickY < 24 and ClickY > 0 and ClickX > 0 and class != "MozillaWindowClass") | |
{ | |
WinMinimize, A | |
} | |
Return | |
; Disable annoying keyboard keys | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
F1::Return | |
CapsLock::Return | |
Launch_Mail::Return | |
Launch_App2::Return | |
Browser_Home::Return | |
; Move window to other monitor / Maximize window / Close window | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
#a:: SendInput #+{Left} | |
#q:: SendInput #{Up} | |
<^<!Enter:: | |
SendInput !{F4} ;WinClose, A | |
Return | |
; Open in Chrome/IE | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
<^<!c:: | |
SetTitleMatchMode,2 | |
DetectHiddenWindows, Off | |
IfWinActive, ahk_class MozillaWindowClass | |
{ | |
clipboard = | |
SendInput ^l^c{TAB}{TAB} | |
ClipWait | |
EnvGet, chromeFolder, LOCALAPPDATA | |
Run "%chromeFolder%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --incognito %clipboard% | |
} | |
Else SendInput ^!l | |
Return | |
<^<!e:: | |
SetTitleMatchMode,2 | |
DetectHiddenWindows, Off | |
IfWinActive, ahk_class MozillaWindowClass | |
{ | |
clipboard = | |
SendInput ^l^c{TAB}{TAB} | |
ClipWait | |
Run "iexplore" %clipboard% | |
} | |
Else SendInput ^!l | |
Return | |
; Resize current window to standard sizes | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
MoveWindow(width, height) | |
{ | |
WinMove, A, , , , width, height | |
ToolTip, %width%x%height% | |
Sleep, 500 | |
ToolTip, | |
Return | |
} | |
<#1::MoveWindow(1619, 1049) ; that's not "standard", just my whole screen | |
<#2::MoveWindow(1280, 800) | |
<#3::MoveWindow(1024, 768) | |
<#4::MoveWindow(800, 600) | |
; Insert <code></code> or surround selected text with it | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
<^<+.:: | |
ClipboardOld = %Clipboard% | |
clipboard = | |
Send, ^c | |
ClipboardNew = %Clipboard% | |
Sleep, 50 | |
If (ClipboardNew <> "") | |
{ | |
SendInput <code></code>{Left 7} | |
SendRaw %ClipboardNew% | |
} | |
Else SendInput <code></code>{Left 7} | |
ClipBoard = %ClipboardOld% | |
Return | |
; Increase/lower/mute volume | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
<^<!PgDn::Send {Volume_Down} | |
<^<!PgUp::Send {Volume_Up} | |
<^<!End:: | |
; exclude MSTSC, which uses Ctrl+Alt+End for Ctrl+Alt+Delete | |
IfWinNotActive, ahk_class TscShellContainerClass | |
Send {Volume_Mute} | |
Else SendInput ^!{End} | |
Return | |
; Clear console log with Ctrl+L and exit it with Ctrl+D | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
<^l:: | |
SetTitleMatchMode,2 | |
IfWinActive, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass | |
{ | |
SendInput ^c | |
SendInput cls{ENTER} | |
Return | |
} | |
Else SendInput ^l | |
Return | |
<^d:: | |
SetTitleMatchMode,2 | |
IfWinActive, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass | |
{ | |
SendInput ^c | |
SendInput exit{ENTER} | |
Return | |
} | |
Else SendInput ^d | |
Return | |
; Process killer, © Skrommel 2005. Click a window to close it; Ctrl-click to kill it; Esc to cancel | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
<^<!Backspace:: | |
#SingleInstance,Force | |
CoordMode,Mouse,Screen | |
MouseGetPos,x2,y2,winid,ctrlid | |
wx:=x2+15 | |
wy:=y2+15 | |
Gui,+Owner +AlwaysOnTop -Resize -SysMenu -MinimizeBox -MaximizeBox -Disabled -Caption -Border -ToolWindow | |
Gui,Margin,0,0 | |
Gui,Color,AAAAAA | |
Gui,Add,Picture,Icon1,C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskmgr.exe | |
Gui,Show,X%wx% Y%wy% W32 H32 NoActivate,KillSkull | |
WinSet,TransColor,AAAAAA,KillSkull | |
Loop | |
{ | |
MouseGetPos,x1,y1,winid,ctrlid | |
If x1=%x2% | |
If y1=%y2% | |
Continue | |
wx:=x1+15 | |
wy:=y1+15 | |
WinMove,KillSkull,,%wx%,%wy% | |
GetKeyState,esc,Esc,P | |
If esc=D | |
Break | |
GetKeyState,lbutton,LButton,P | |
If lbutton=D | |
{ | |
WinKill,ahk_id %winid% | |
Break | |
} | |
x2=%x1% | |
y2=%y2% | |
} | |
Gui,Destroy | |
Return | |
; Reduce mouse sensitivity temporarily, | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
^RShift::DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", Int,113, Int,0, UInt,1, Int,2) | |
^RShift Up::DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", Int,113, Int,0, UInt,10, Int,2) | |
; Meta: Open AutoHotkey.ahk, Open ahk's help file, Open Window Spy, Auto-reload the running AutoHotkey script when you save it with CTRL+S in an editor | |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
<^<+h:: | |
Run "%Software%\notepadpp\notepad++.exe" %A_ScriptFullPath% | |
Return | |
<^<+j:: | |
Run hh.exe "%A_WorkingDir%\AutoHotkey.chm" | |
WinWait, AutoHotkey_L Help | |
WinMaximize | |
Return | |
<^<+k::RunOrActivateOrMinimizeProgram("%Software%\autohotkey-64\AU3_Spy.exe", UserProfile) | |
~^s:: | |
SetTitleMatchMode 2 | |
IfWinActive, AutoHotkey.ahk | |
{ | |
Sleep, 300 | |
ToolTip, Reloading... | |
Sleep, 300 | |
Reload | |
} | |
Else SendInput ^s | |
return |
OK, for anyone else here's the documentation I was after:
Be warned the above script does some funky tweaks - including disabling your Caps Lock key!
wow, thank you for this. modified slightly and works for my needs on Windows 8.1 💯
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Hi, what keystrokes are required to activate the below command?
I've checked their documentation but can't find details!
Hope you can help.