#A curated list of great resources for the job search
###General Advice:
- How to ace an algorithms interview
- The Coding Interview
- List of great resources on resumes, negotiations, and more
- I'm a huge believer in the ability of good questions to change the tenor of an interview.
- How to interview your interviewers
- The importance of salary negotiation
- What to look for in a software engineering culture
###Practice interview questions:
- 28 common interview questions and their solutions
- CodeEval
- Codewars
- HackerRank
- LeetCode
- GeeksForGeeks
###Stuff you should definitely know:
- The best definition of REST I've read yet
- How to make a pull request
- Common sorting algorithms with visualization
- Big-O cheat sheet
- Big O in plain english
- And another
- Things every JS dev should know
- 18 tough JS questions
- 10 most common JS mistakes
###Random stuff
- Data Structure Visualization
- The big JS frameworks pros and cons
- Ruby Weekly Newsletter and JavaScript Weekly Newsletter Good tutorials and articles every week
- [More git tips and tricks] (https://github.com/git-tips/tips)
- [The secret lives of data] (http://thesecretlivesofdata.com/)
- [Eternally Confuzzled - Tutorials for data structures and algorithms] (http://www.eternallyconfuzzled.com/Tutorials.aspx)
- [What is all this stuff about docker containers?] (http://highscalability.com/blog/2015/8/19/the-microsoft-take-on-containers-and-docker.html)
###Scalability and distributed systems:
- Resources on how to learn high scalability
- Scalable systems design patterns
- This one is a great high level overview of the cycle of tech: Cache is the new RAM
- Some common large system implementations
###Evaluating your job offer
- Stock and RSU compensation
- Better understanding your employee stock options
- 14 crucial questions about your stock options
#####My hired.com referral link
- Hired let employers bid on you as an employee and they will give you $2000 and a swag box if you take a job through them.
[Too real] (http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20140817.png)