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Created October 21, 2016 13:25
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Mitigates Linqpad DumpContainer MemoryDump
public static class MyExtensions
public static void UpdateContentOccasionally(this DumpContainer dc, object newContent, int intervalMilliseconds = 1000) =>
UpdateContentOccasionally(dc, newContent, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(intervalMilliseconds));
public static void UpdateContentOccasionally(this DumpContainer dc, object newContent, TimeSpan interval)
var swAttachment = dc.GetOrSetAttached(() => Stopwatch.StartNew());
if (swAttachment.Found)
if (swAttachment.Value.Elapsed >= interval)
public static class AttachmentExtensions
private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<object, ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>> _attachmentTable =
new ConditionalWeakTable<object, ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>>();
/// <summary>
/// Atomically gets or sets an attached value if it's found.
/// </summary>
public static AttachmentResult<T> GetOrSetAttached<T>(this object host, Func<T> factory, string key = null)
key = key ?? typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName;
var dict = _attachmentTable.GetOrCreateValue(host);
var found = true;
var value = dict.GetOrAdd(key, _ => { found = false; return factory(); });
var castValue = (T)value;
return new AttachmentResult<T>(found, castValue);
/// <summary>
/// Sets an attached value. Any existing value will be overwritten.
/// If a key isn't provided, the value's assembly qualified type
/// name will be used.
/// </summary>
public static void SetAttached(this object host, object value, string key = null)
if (value == null && key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(key, $"{nameof(value)} or {nameof(key)} must be provided");
key = key ?? value.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
var dict = _attachmentTable.GetOrCreateValue(host);
dict[key] = value;
/// <summary>
/// Gets an attached value using the type's AssemblyQualifiedName as the key.
/// </summary>
public static AttachmentResult<object> GetAttached(this object host, Type type) =>
GetAttached(host, type.AssemblyQualifiedName);
/// <summary>
/// Gets an attached value by name.
/// </summary>
public static AttachmentResult<object> GetAttached(this object host, string key)
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
var dict = _attachmentTable.GetOrCreateValue(host);
object value;
var found = dict.TryGetValue(key, out value);
return new AttachmentResult<object>(found, value);
/// <summary>
/// Gets an attached value by key or by the the type parameter's
/// AssemblyQualifiedName.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="host"></param>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static AttachmentResult<T> GetAttached<T>(this object host, string key = null)
key = key ?? typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName;
var dict = _attachmentTable.GetOrCreateValue(host);
object value;
var found = dict.TryGetValue(key, out value);
var castValue = found ? (T)value : default(T);
return new AttachmentResult<T>(found, castValue);
public static ICollection<string> GetAttachmentKeys(this object host)
ConcurrentDictionary<string, object> dict;
if (_attachmentTable.TryGetValue(host, out dict))
return dict.Keys;
return new string[0];
/// <summary>
/// Removes every attached value from the host object.
/// </summary>
public static void ClearAttached(this object host) => _attachmentTable.Remove(host);
/// <summary>
/// Removes the specified attached value.
/// </summary>
public static AttachmentResult<object> RemoveAttached(this object host, string key)
var dict = _attachmentTable.GetOrCreateValue(host);
object value;
var found = dict.TryRemove(key, out value);
return new AttachmentResult<object>(found, value);
/// <summary>
/// Removes the attached value. If a key isn't supplied
/// the type parameter's assembly qualified type name will be used.
/// </summary>
public static AttachmentResult<T> RemoveAttached<T>(this object host, string key = null)
key = key ?? typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName;
var dict = _attachmentTable.GetOrCreateValue(host);
object value;
var found = dict.TryRemove(key, out value);
var castValue = found ? (T)value : default(T);
return new AttachmentResult<T>(found, castValue);
private static string RefIdKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Unique identifier for the object reference.
/// </summary>
public static Guid GetReferenceId(this object obj) =>
obj.GetOrSetAttached(() => Guid.NewGuid(), RefIdKey).Value;
public class AttachmentResult<T>
public bool Found { get; }
public T Value { get; }
public AttachmentResult(bool found, T value)
Found = found;
Value = value;
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