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Created November 11, 2021 11:07
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Detect video card in MS DOS
;* V I O S P A *;
;* Task : Creates a function for determining the type *;
;* of video card installed on a system. This *;
;* routine must be assembled into an OBJ file, *;
;* then linked to a Turbo Pascal program. *;
;* Author : Michael Tischer *;
;* Developed on : 10/02/88 *;
;* Last update : 02/18/92 *;
;* Assembly : MASM VIOSPA; *;
;* ... Link to a Turbo Pascal program *;
;* using the {$L VIOSPA} compiler directive *;
;== Constants for the VIOS structure ==================================
;Video card constants
NO_VIOS = 0 ;No video card/unrecognized card
VGA = 1 ;VGA card
EGA = 2 ;EGA card
MDA = 3 ;Monochrome Display Adapter
HGC = 4 ;Hercules Graphics Card
CGA = 5 ;Color Graphics Adapter
;Monitor constants
NO_MON = 0 ;No monitor/unrecognized code
MONO = 1 ;Monochrome monitor
COLOR = 2 ;Color Monitor
EGA_HIRES = 3 ;High-resolution/multisync monitor
ANLG_MONO = 4 ;Monochrome analog monitor
ANLG_COLOR = 5 ;Analog color monitor
;== Data segment ======================================================
DATA segment word public ;Turbo data segment
DATA ends
;== Code segment ======================================================
CODE segment byte public ;Turbo code segment
assume cs:CODE, ds:DATA
public getvios
;-- Initialized global variables must be placed in the code segment ---
vios_tab equ this word
;-- Conversion table for supplying return values of VGA ---
;-- BIOS function 1AH, sub-function 00H ---
db NO_VIOS, NO_MON ;No video card
db MDA , MONO ;MDA card/monochrome monitor
db CGA , COLOR ;CGA card/color monitor
db ? , ? ;Code 3 unused
db EGA , EGA_HIRES ;EGA card/hi-res monitor
db EGA , MONO ;EGA card/monochrome monitor
db ? , ? ;Code 6 unused
db VGA , ANLG_MONO ;VGA card/analog mono monitor
db VGA , ANLG_COLOR ;VGA card/analog color monitor
ega_dips equ this byte
;-- Conversion table for EGA card DIP switches -----
;-- GETVIOS: Determines type(s) of installed video card(s) ------------
;-- Pascal call : GetVios ( vp : ViosPtr ); external;
;-- Declaration : Type Vios = record VCard, Monitor: byte;
;-- Return Value: None
getvios proc near
sframe struc ;Stack access structure
cga_possi db ? ;Local variables
ega_possi db ? ;Local variables
mono_possi db ? ;Local variables
bptr dw ? ;BPTR
ret_adr dw ? ;Return address of calling program
vp dd ? ;Pointer to first VIOS structure
sframe ends ;End of structure
frame equ [ bp - cga_possi ] ;Address elements of structure
push bp ;Push BP onto stack
sub sp,3 ;Allocate memory for local variables
mov bp,sp ;Move SP to BP
mov frame.cga_possi,1 ;Is it a CGA?
mov frame.ega_possi,1 ;Is it an EGA?
mov frame.mono_possi,1;Is it an MDA or HGC?
mov di,word ptr frame.vp ;Get offset addr. of structure
mov word ptr [di],NO_VIOS ;No video system or unknown
mov word ptr [di+2],NO_VIOS ;system found
call test_vga ;Test for VGA card
cmp frame.ega_possi,0 ;Or is it an EGA card?
je gv1 ;No --> Go to CGA test
call test_ega ;Test for EGA card
gv1: cmp frame.cga_possi,0 ;Or is it a CGA card?
je gv2 ;No --> Go to MDA/HGC test
call test_cga ;Test for CGA card
gv2: cmp frame.mono_possi,0;Or is it an MDA or HGC card?
je gv3 ;No --> End tests
call test_mono ;Test for MDA/HGC card
;-- Determine video configuration --------------------------
gv3: cmp byte ptr [di],VGA ;VGA card?
je gvi_end ;Yes --> Active card indicated
cmp byte ptr [di+2],VGA;VGA card part of secondary system?
je gvi_end ;Yes --> Active card indicated
mov ah,0Fh ;Determine video mode using
int 10h ;BIOS video interrupt
and al,7 ;Only modes 0-7 are of interest
cmp al,7 ;Mono card active?
jne gv4 ;No --> CGA or EGA mode
;-- MDA, HGC or EGA card (mono) currently active -----------
cmp byte ptr [di+1],MONO ;Mono monitor in first structure?
je gvi_end ;Yes --> Sequence O.K.
jmp short switch ;No --> Switch sequence
;-- CGA or EGA card currently active -----------------------
gv4: cmp byte ptr [di+1],MONO ;Mono monitor in first structure?
jne gvi_end ;No -->Sequence O.K.
switch: mov ax,[di] ;Get contents of first structure
xchg ax,[di+2] ;Switch with second structure
mov [di],ax
gvi_end: add sp,3 ;Add local variables from stack
pop bp ;Pop BP off of stack
ret 4 ;Clear variables off of stack;
;Return to Turbo
getvios endp
;-- TEST_VGA: Determines whether a VGA card is installed
test_vga proc near
mov ax,1a00h ;Function 1AH, sub-function 00H
int 10h ;Call VGA-BIOS
cmp al,1ah ;Function supported?
jne tvga_end ;No --> End routine
;-- If function is supported, BL contains the code of the --
;-- active video system, while BH contains the code of --
;-- the inactive video system --
mov cx,bx ;Move result to CX
xor bh,bh ;Set BH to 0
or ch,ch ;Only one video system?
je tvga_1 ;Yes --> Display first system's code
;-- Convert code of second system --------------------------
mov bl,ch ;Move second system's code to BL
add bl,bl ;Add offset to table
mov ax,vios_tab[bx] ;Get code from table and move into
mov [di+2],ax ;caller's structure
mov bl,cl ;Move first system's code into BL
;-- Convert code of second system --------------------------
tvga_1: add bl,bl ;Add offset to table
mov ax,vios_tab[bx] ;Get code from table
mov [di],ax ;and move into caller's structure
mov frame.cga_possi,0 ;CGA test fail?
mov frame.ega_possi,0 ;EGA test fail?
mov frame.mono_possi,0 ;Test for mono
mov bx,di ;Address of active structure
cmp byte ptr [bx],MDA ;Monochrome system online?
je do_tmono ;Yes --> Execute MDA/HGC test
add bx,2 ;Address of inactive structure
cmp byte ptr [bx],MDA ;Monochrome system online?
jne tvga_end ;No --> End routine
do_tmono: mov word ptr [bx],0 ;Emulate if this system
;isn't available
mov frame.mono_possi,1;Execute monochrome test
tvga_end: ret ;Return to caller
test_vga endp
;-- TEST_EGA: Determine whether an EGA card is installed
test_ega proc near
mov ah,12h ;Function 12H
mov bl,10h ;Sub-function 10H
int 10h ;Call EGA-BIOS
cmp bl,10h ;Is this function supported?
je tega_end ;No --> End routine
;-- If the function IS supported, CL contains the ---
;-- EGA card DIP switch settings ---
mov bl,cl ;Move DIP switches to BL
shr bl,1 ;Shift one position to the right
xor bh,bh ;Index high byte to 0
mov ah,ega_dips[bx] ;Get element from table
mov al,EGA ;Is it an EGA card?
call found_it ;Transfer data to the vector
cmp ah,MONO ;Mono monitor connected?
je is_mono ;Yes --> Not MDA or HGC
mov frame.cga_possi,0 ;No CGA card possible
jmp short tega_end ;End routine
is_mono: mov frame.mono_possi,0;EGA can either emulate MDA or HGC,
;if mono monitor is attached
tega_end: ret ;Back to caller
test_ega endp
;-- TEST_CGA: Determines whether a CGA card is installed
test_cga proc near
mov dx,3D4h ;Port addr. of CGA's CRTC addr. reg.
call test_6845 ;Test for installed 6845 CRTC
jc tega_end ;No --> End test
mov al,CGA ;Yes --> CGA installed
mov ah,COLOR ;CGA uses color monitor
jmp found_it ;Transfer data to vector
test_cga endp
;-- TEST_MONO: Checks for MDA or HGC card
test_mono proc near
mov dx,3B4h ;Port addr. of MONO's CRTC addr. reg.
call test_6845 ;Test for installed 6845 CRTC
jc tega_end ;No --> End test
;-- Monochrome video card installed ------------------------
mov dl,0BAh ;MONO status port at 3BAH
in al,dx ;Read status port
and al,80h ;Separate bit 7 and
mov ah,al ;move to AH
;-- If the contents of bit 7 in the status port change ---
;-- during the following readings, it is handled as an ---
;-- HGC ---
mov cx,8000h ;Maximum 32768 loop executions
test_hgc: in al,dx ;Read status port
and al,80h ;Isolate bit 7
cmp al,ah ;Contents changed?
jne is_hgc ;Bit 7 = 1 --> HGC
loop test_hgc ;Continue
mov al,MDA ;Bit 7 <> 1 --> MDA
jmp set_mono ;Set parameters
is_hgc: mov al,HGC ;Bit 7 = 1 --> HGC
set_mono: mov ah,MONO ;MDA and HGC set as mono screen
jmp found_it ;Set parameters
test_mono endp
;-- TEST_6845: Returns set carry flag if 6845 doesn't lie in the
;-- port address in DX
test_6845 proc near
mov al,0Ah ;Register 0AH
out dx,al ;Register number in CRTC address reg.
inc dx ;DX now in CRTC data register
in al,dx ;Get contents of register 0AH
mov ah,al ;and move to AH
mov al,4Fh ;Any value
out dx,al ;Write to register 0AH
mov cx,100 ;Short wait loop to which
waitforit: loop waitforit ;6845 can react
in al,dx ;Read contents of register 0AH
xchg al,ah ;Exchange Ah and AL
out dx,al ;Send value
cmp ah,4Fh ;Written value been read?
je t6845_end ;Yes --> End test
stc ;No --> Set carry flag
t6845_end: ret ;Back to caller
test_6845 endp
;-- FOUND_IT: Transfers type of video card to AL and type of ----
;-- monitor in AH in the video vector ----
found_it proc near
mov bx,di ;Address of active structure
cmp word ptr [bx],0 ;Video system already onboard?
je set_data ;No --> Data in active structure
add bx,2 ;Yes --> Inactive structure address
set_data: mov [bx],ax ;Place data in structure
ret ;Back to caller
found_it endp
code ends ;End of code segment
end ;End of program
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