##Git mergetool.
$ git config --global merge.tool=vimdiff
##vimdiff key mappings.
" vimdiff diffget mappings.
map <Leader>1 :diffget LOCAL<CR>
map <Leader>2 :diffget BASE<CR>
map <Leader>3 :diffget REMOTE<CR>
##vimdiff Commands
]c : - next difference
[c : - previous difference
Ctrl+w +w - switch windows
do - diff obtain
dp - diff put
zo - open folded text
zc - close folded text
:diffupdate - re-scan the files for differences
CTRL-W h move to the window on the left
CTRL-W j move to the window below
CTRL-W k move to the window above
CTRL-W l move to the window on the right
CTRL-W t move to the TOP window
CTRL-W b move to the BOTTOM window
Moving windows
CTRL-W K move window to the upper
CTRL-W H move window to the far left
CTRL-W J move window to the bottom
CTRL-W L move window to the far right