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Last active January 9, 2022 17:05
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Frontend tests knowledge share πŸ“š

What are tests?

Unit test: A test written by a programmer for the purpose of ensuring that the production code does what the programmer expects it to do.

Other types of tests: integration test, end-to-end test, acceptance test, etc.

Why test?

  • Tests can improve API design πŸ—
  • Tests can help document what something is supposed to do πŸ“ƒ
  • Tests can improve developer confidence 😁

Tools & libraries πŸ”¨

  • jest: JavaScript test runner πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ
  • ts-jest: enables you to test Typescript projects with jest
    • Don't worry, wizardry config sets this up for us
  • jest-extended: provides additional jest matchers
    • Ex. .toBeTrue(), .toIncludeAllMembers([members]), .toSatisfy(predicate)
  • enzyme: enables you to test the DOM representation of a component
    • Use this to shallow render a component
  • pupeteer: enables you to run tests in Chrome (headless by default)
  • cypress: end-to-end testing framework

How to write tests?

Example from report-common
 * Inserts the provided separator after every item except the last one in the provided array of React nodes, returning a
 * new array.
function joinChildren(children: React.ReactNode[], renderSeparator: (index: number) => React.ReactNode) {
  // intentionally empty 

describe("joinChildren", () => {
    it("handles an empty array", () => {
        expect(joinChildren([], renderComma)).toEqual([]);
  • describe("joinChildren, fn) => used to logically group tests together
  • it("handles an empty array", fn) => alias for test. fn contains the expectations to test
  • toEqual => matcher

Traits of good tests

  • Run fast πŸš€
  • Easy to read πŸ“–
  • Test API rather than implementation
  • Prevent regressions (catch bugs) πŸ›

How to run tests?

In a wizard package run yarn test

View test results in console or in browser via open ./build/jest/test-results.html

Jest / Wizard config βš™οΈ

In a wizard package run yarn test --inspect-jest-configuration

Example report-app's jest-config

Test coverage

  • Statement: Has each statement in the program been executed?
  • Branch: Has every branch of a control structure (ex. if / else) been executed?
  • Function: Has each function in the program been called?
  • Line: Has every line of the program been executed?

Under the hood jest uses istanbul for coverage reports πŸš—

Example report-app's test-coverage


There are many ways to test the same piece of code.

  • Try to write tests before implementation code. A lot of the benefit of writing tests comes from writing test-able code
  • Focus on readability

Topic for debate: describe.each table exists but is it readable? πŸ‘©β€βš–οΈ

What next?

  • Refactor existing tests (one idea <QuillEditor>)
  • Add tests to an untested component

Additional Resources

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