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Created August 16, 2009 20:16
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;; mutable boids
;; a Clojure+Processing example
;; written around July/August 2009
;; The code is in the Public Domain.
;; based on Flocking example by by Daniel Shiffman
;; (distributed with processing)
;; this version is a more performant version of
(ns rosado.processing.examples.mutable-boids
(:use rosado.processing)
(:use rosado.genstruct)
(:import (javax.swing JFrame))
(:import (processing.core PApplet PVector)
(rosado.processing.examples boid)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
:name rosado.processing.examples.boid
:mutable-fields [[processing.core.PVector v]
[processing.core.PVector pos]]
:final-fields [[static float R :is 5.0]])
(defmacro set-v! [bd v]
`(set! (.v #^boid ~bd) ~v))
(defmacro set-pos! [bd pos]
`(set! (.pos #^boid ~bd) ~pos))
(defn vnorm [#^PVector v]
(let [z (PVector. (float 0) (float 0))]
(.dist v z)))
(defn vnormalize [#^PVector v]
(.normalize v)
(defn vsub
"Returns the difference of two 2d vectors"
[#^PVector v #^PVector u]
(PVector/sub v u))
(defn vadd
"Returns the sum of two 2d vectors"
[#^PVector v #^PVector u]
(PVector/add v u))
(defn vmul
[#^PVector v s]
(PVector/mult v (float s)))
(defn vdiv [#^PVector v s]
(PVector/div v (float s)))
(defn vdot
[#^PVector v #^PVector u]
(.dot v u))
;; world's parameters
(def *width* 500)
(def *height* 500)
(def *num-boids* 100)
(def max-sep 10.0)
(def max-vel 5.0)
(def max-force 0.024)
(def neighbour-dist 30.0)
(def #^{:doc "3 element seq: separation, alignment, coherence."}
*weights* (list 4.5 2.0 5.0))
;; size of a boid
(defn make-boid []
(let [bd (rosado.processing.examples.boid.)]
(set-v! bd (PVector. (random -1 1) (random -1 1)))
(set-pos! bd (PVector. (/ *width* 2) (/ *height* 2)))
(def *boids* (for [i (range *num-boids*)] (make-boid)))
(defn limit [#^PVector v lim]
(let [d (float (vnorm v))
lim (float lim)]
(if (< lim d)
(vmul (vdiv v d) lim)
(defn bound-coord [p dim]
(< p 0) dim
(>= p dim) 0
:else p))
(defn bound [#^PVector v]
(.set v (bound-coord (.x v) (float *width*))
(bound-coord (.y v) *height*)
(float 0.0))
(defn steer
[#^boid bd #^PVector v]
(let [#^PVector desired-dir (vsub v (.pos bd))
d (float (vnorm desired-dir))]
(if (< 0 d)
(let [desired-dir (vnormalize desired-dir)]
(limit (vsub (vmul desired-dir max-vel)
(.v bd))
(PVector. (float 0.0) (float 0.0)))))
(defn- boid-filter [#^PVector pos d]
#(< 0 (vnorm (vsub pos (.pos #^boid %))) d))
(defmacro make-force
[name actions]
`(def ~name
(fn [bd# others#]
(let [pos# (.pos bd#)
num-boids# (int (count others#))
actions# ~actions]
;; (println "====" (str ~name) "====")
(= 0 num-boids#) (PVector. (float 0.0) (float 0.0))
:else (actions# pos# others# num-boids# bd#))))))
(make-force separate
(fn [#^PVector pos fboids num-fboids #^boid cboid]
(let [diffs (map (fn [#^boid bd] (vsub pos (.pos bd))) fboids)
ndiffs (for [diff diffs]
(let [d (float (vnorm diff))]
(vdiv diff (sq d))))
sum (reduce vadd ndiffs)]
(vdiv sum num-fboids))))
(make-force align (fn [#^PVector pos fboids num-fboids #^boid cboid]
(let [sum (reduce vadd (map #(.v % ) fboids))]
(limit (vdiv sum num-fboids) max-force))))
(make-force cohere (fn [pos fboids num-fboids cboid]
(let [sum (reduce vadd (map #(.pos %) fboids))]
(steer cboid (vdiv sum num-fboids)))))
(defn move-boid
[#^boid b acc]
(let [#^PVector vel (limit (vadd (.v b) acc) max-vel)
#^PVector pos (bound (vadd (.pos b) vel))]
(set-v! b vel)
(set-pos! b pos)
(defn weight-forces [a b c]
(map vmul (list a b c) *weights*))
(defn acceleration
[sep ali coh]
(reduce vadd (weight-forces sep ali coh)))
(defn flock [boids-coll]
(let [num-boids (count boids-coll) boids-coll (cycle boids-coll)]
(loop [#^boid current (first boids-coll)
boids (next boids-coll)
others (take (dec num-boids) boids)
counter (range num-boids)
updated []
bfilter (boid-filter (.pos current) max-sep)]
(if counter
(let [sep (separate current (filter bfilter others))]
(let [neighbours (filter (boid-filter (.pos current) neighbour-dist) others)
ali (align current neighbours)
coh (cohere current neighbours)]
(recur (first boids)
(next boids)
(take (dec num-boids) boids)
(next counter)
(conj updated (move-boid current (acceleration sep ali coh)))
(boid-filter (.pos (first boids)) max-sep))))
(defn draw-boids
"Draw the boids"
(fill 0)
(framerate 25)
(background-int 124)
(stroke-float 225 150 0)
(let [updated-boids (flock *boids*)
boid-r (float (rosado.processing.examples.boid/R))]
(doseq [#^boid b updated-boids]
(let [#^PVector pos (.pos b) v (.v b)]
(translate (.x pos) (.y pos))
(rotate (+ HALF_PI (- (atan2 (- (.y v)) (.x v)))))
(triangle 0 (* 2 (- boid-r)) (- boid-r) boid-r boid-r boid-r)
;; ------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
(def p5-applet (proxy [PApplet] []
(setup []
(binding [*applet* this]
(size *width* *height*)
(fill 226)
(framerate 10)))
(draw []
(binding [*applet* this]
(draw-boids this)))))
(.init p5-applet)
(def swing-frame (JFrame. "Boids in Clojure+Prcessing"))
(doto swing-frame
(.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
(.setSize *width* *height*)
(.add p5-applet)
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