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The minimal template to use distributed TensorFlow on TensorPort
# Notes:
# You need to have the tensorport package installed (pip install tensorport)
# Export logs to /logs, your data is in /data.
# See example here
# and documentation here
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorport import get_data_path, get_logs_path
# Get the environment parameters for distributed TensorFlow
job_name = os.environ['JOB_NAME']
task_index = os.environ['TASK_INDEX']
ps_hosts = os.environ['PS_HOSTS']
worker_hosts = os.environ['WORKER_HOSTS']
except: # we are not on TensorPort, assuming local, single node
task_index = 0
ps_hosts = None
worker_hosts = None
# This function defines the master, ClusterSpecs and device setters
def device_and_target():
# If FLAGS.job_name is not set, we're running single-machine TensorFlow.
# Don't set a device.
if FLAGS.job_name is None:
print("Running single-machine training")
return (None, "")
# Otherwise we're running distributed TensorFlow.
print("Running distributed training")
if FLAGS.task_index is None or FLAGS.task_index == "":
raise ValueError("Must specify an explicit `task_index`")
if FLAGS.ps_hosts is None or FLAGS.ps_hosts == "":
raise ValueError("Must specify an explicit `ps_hosts`")
if FLAGS.worker_hosts is None or FLAGS.worker_hosts == "":
raise ValueError("Must specify an explicit `worker_hosts`")
cluster_spec = tf.train.ClusterSpec({
"ps": FLAGS.ps_hosts.split(","),
"worker": FLAGS.worker_hosts.split(","),
server = tf.train.Server(
cluster_spec, job_name=FLAGS.job_name, task_index=FLAGS.task_index)
if FLAGS.job_name == "ps":
worker_device = "/job:worker/task:{}".format(FLAGS.task_index)
# The device setter will automatically place Variables ops on separate
# parameter servers (ps). The non-Variable ops will be placed on the workers.
return (
device, target = device_and_target()
# Defining graph
with tf.device(device):
#TODO define your graph here
#Defining the number of training steps
with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(master=target,
is_chief=(FLAGS.task_index == 0),
hooks = hooks) as sess:
while not sess.should_stop():
# execute training step here (read data, feed_dict, session)
# TODO define training ops
data_batch = ...
feed_dict = {...}
loss, _ =
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