- SQLBolt
- SQLZoo
- GalaXQL
- Mode SQL Tutorial
- Datacamp: Intro to SQL for Data Science
- Codecademy Learn SQL
- Select Star SQL
- SQL Murder Mystery Walkthrough for SQL Beginners
- SQL Murder Mystery
- SQLCourse
- SQLCourse2
- SQL Climber
- PostgreSQL Exercises
- Study by Yourself SQL Course
- Kaggle: Intro to SQL
- Kaggle: Advanced SQL
- Strata Scratch - Interview Questions
- Sololearn SQL Course
- SQL Server playlist by kudvenkat
- SQL Server Queries playlist by wiseowl
- SQL Server Programming and Procedures playlist by wiseowl
Note that the book links go to bookfinder.com, a book price comparison website. These links are not affiliate links.
- Relational Model
- A quick start on database design
- Normalization
- An Introduction to Database Normalization
- 3 Normal Forms Database Tutorial
- Description of Database Normalization Basics
- Database Normalization and Techniques
- Creating a Quick MySQL Database
- Relational Database Design
- SQLfiddle - Online Database Environment
- DBfiddle - Another Online Database service
- db<>fiddle - Run Queries in batches, multiple dbms to choose from
- mycli - Command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, Percona
- poorsql - SQL Formatter