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Created October 13, 2020 01:51
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Set up ssh on a Raspberry Pi
# ssh on raspberry pi
# in these examples I use as an example ip address for the raspberry pi
# enable ssh either using raspi-config or by placing a file named 'ssh' in the boot partition
# connect from a client
ssh [email protected]
# set up passwordless access
# check for existing keys on the client ('' file)
ls -la ~/.ssh
# if no public key found
# copy key over to the raspberry pi using ssh-copy-id
ssh-copy-id [email protected]
# test your connection
ssh [email protected]
# connect using an alias
# create the config file
touch ~/.ssh/config
vim ~/.ssh/config
# example file (macos)
Host *
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Host rpi
User pi
# connect
ssh rpi
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