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;; nano-emacs.el --- NANO Emacs (minimal version) -*- lexical-binding: t -*- | |
;; Copyright (c) 2025 Nicolas P. Rougier | |
;; Released under the GNU General Public License 3.0 | |
;; Author: Nicolas P. Rougier <[email protected]> | |
;; URL: https://github.com/rougier/nano-emacs | |
;; This is NANO Emacs in 256 lines, without any dependency | |
;; Usage (command line): emacs -Q -l nano.el -[light|dark] | |
;; --- Speed benchmarking ----------------------------------------------------- | |
(setq init-start-time (current-time)) | |
;; --- Typography stack ------------------------------------------------------- | |
(set-face-attribute 'default nil | |
:height 140 :weight 'light :family "Roboto Mono") | |
(set-face-attribute 'bold nil :weight 'regular) | |
(set-face-attribute 'bold-italic nil :weight 'regular) | |
(set-display-table-slot standard-display-table 'truncation (make-glyph-code ?…)) | |
(set-display-table-slot standard-display-table 'wrap (make-glyph-code ?–)) | |
;; --- Frame / windows layout & behavior -------------------------------------- | |
(setq default-frame-alist | |
'((height . 44) (width . 81) (left-fringe . 0) (right-fringe . 0) | |
(internal-border-width . 32) (vertical-scroll-bars . nil) | |
(bottom-divider-width . 0) (right-divider-width . 0) | |
(undecorated-round . t))) | |
(modify-frame-parameters nil default-frame-alist) | |
(setq-default pop-up-windows nil) | |
;; --- Activate / Deactivate modes -------------------------------------------- | |
(tool-bar-mode -1) (menu-bar-mode -1) (blink-cursor-mode -1) | |
(global-hl-line-mode 1) (icomplete-vertical-mode 1) | |
(pixel-scroll-precision-mode 1) | |
;; --- Minimal NANO (not a real) theme ---------------------------------------- | |
(defface nano-default '((t)) "") (defface nano-default-i '((t)) "") | |
(defface nano-highlight '((t)) "") (defface nano-highlight-i '((t)) "") | |
(defface nano-subtle '((t)) "") (defface nano-subtle-i '((t)) "") | |
(defface nano-faded '((t)) "") (defface nano-faded-i '((t)) "") | |
(defface nano-salient '((t)) "") (defface nano-salient-i '((t)) "") | |
(defface nano-popout '((t)) "") (defface nano-popout-i '((t)) "") | |
(defface nano-strong '((t)) "") (defface nano-strong-i '((t)) "") | |
(defface nano-critical '((t)) "") (defface nano-critical-i '((t)) "") | |
(defun nano-set-face (name &optional foreground background weight) | |
"Set NAME and NAME-i faces with given FOREGROUND, BACKGROUND and WEIGHT" | |
(apply #'set-face-attribute `(,name nil | |
,@(when foreground `(:foreground ,foreground)) | |
,@(when background `(:background ,background)) | |
,@(when weight `(:weight ,weight)))) | |
(apply #'set-face-attribute `(,(intern (concat (symbol-name name) "-i")) nil | |
:foreground ,(face-background 'nano-default) | |
,@(when foreground `(:background ,foreground)) | |
:weight regular))) | |
(defun nano-link-face (sources faces &optional attributes) | |
"Make FACES to inherit from SOURCES faces and unspecify ATTRIBUTES." | |
(let ((attributes (or attributes | |
'( :foreground :background :family :weight | |
:height :slant :overline :underline :box)))) | |
(dolist (face (seq-filter #'facep faces)) | |
(dolist (attribute attributes) | |
(set-face-attribute face nil attribute 'unspecified)) | |
(set-face-attribute face nil :inherit sources)))) | |
(defun nano-install-theme () | |
"Install THEME" | |
(set-face-attribute 'default nil | |
:foreground (face-foreground 'nano-default) | |
:background (face-background 'nano-default)) | |
(dolist (item '((nano-default . (variable-pitch variable-pitch-text | |
fixed-pitch fixed-pitch-serif)) | |
(nano-highlight . (hl-line highlight)) | |
(nano-subtle . (match region | |
lazy-highlight widget-field)) | |
(nano-faded . (shadow | |
font-lock-comment-face | |
font-lock-doc-face | |
icomplete-section | |
completions-annotations)) | |
(nano-popout . (warning | |
font-lock-string-face)) | |
(nano-salient . (success link | |
help-argument-name | |
custom-visibility | |
font-lock-type-face | |
font-lock-keyword-face | |
font-lock-builtin-face | |
completions-common-part)) | |
(nano-strong . (font-lock-function-name-face | |
font-lock-variable-name-face | |
icomplete-first-match | |
minibuffer-prompt)) | |
(nano-critical . (error | |
completions-first-difference)) | |
(nano-faded-i . (help-key-binding)) | |
(nano-default-i . (custom-button-mouse | |
isearch)) | |
(nano-critical-i . (isearch-fail)) | |
((nano-subtle nano-strong) . (custom-button | |
icomplete-selected-match)) | |
((nano-faded-i nano-strong) . (show-paren-match)))) | |
(nano-link-face (car item) (cdr item))) | |
;; Mode & header lines | |
(set-face-attribute 'header-line nil | |
:background 'unspecified | |
:underline nil | |
:box `( :line-width 1 | |
:color ,(face-background 'nano-default)) | |
:inherit 'nano-subtle) | |
(set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil | |
:background (face-background 'default) | |
:underline (face-foreground 'nano-faded) | |
:height 40 :overline nil :box nil) | |
(set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil | |
:background (face-background 'default) | |
:underline (face-foreground 'nano-faded) | |
:height 40 :overline nil :box nil)) | |
(defun nano-light (&rest args) | |
"NANO light theme (based on material colors)" | |
(interactive) | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-default "#37474F" "#FFFFFF") ;; Blue Grey / L800 | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-strong "#000000" nil 'regular) ;; Black | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-highlight nil "#FAFAFA") ;; Very Light Grey | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-subtle nil "#ECEFF1") ;; Blue Grey / L50 | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-faded "#90A4AE") ;; Blue Grey / L300 | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-salient "#673AB7") ;; Deep Purple / L500 | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-popout "#FFAB91") ;; Deep Orange / L200 | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-critical "#FF6F00") ;; Amber / L900 | |
(nano-install-theme)) | |
(defun nano-dark (&rest args) | |
"NANO dark theme (based on nord colors)" | |
(interactive) | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-default "#ECEFF4" "#2E3440") ;; Snow Storm 3 | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-strong "#ECEFF4" nil 'regular) ;; Polar Night 0 | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-highlight nil "#3B4252") ;; Polar Night 1 | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-subtle nil "#434C5E") ;; Polar Night 2 | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-faded "#677691") ;; | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-salient "#81A1C1") ;; Frost 2 | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-popout "#D08770") ;; Aurora 1 | |
(nano-set-face 'nano-critical "#EBCB8B") ;; Aurora 2 | |
(nano-install-theme)) | |
;; --- Command line theme chooser --------------------------------------------- | |
(add-to-list 'command-switch-alist '("-dark" . nano-dark)) | |
(add-to-list 'command-switch-alist '("-light" . nano-light)) | |
(if (member "-dark" command-line-args) (nano-dark) (nano-light)) | |
;; --- Minibuffer completion -------------------------------------------------- | |
(setq tab-always-indent 'complete | |
icomplete-delay-completions-threshold 0 | |
icomplete-compute-delay 0 | |
icomplete-show-matches-on-no-input t | |
icomplete-hide-common-prefix nil | |
icomplete-prospects-height 9 | |
icomplete-separator " . " | |
icomplete-with-completion-tables t | |
icomplete-in-buffer t | |
icomplete-max-delay-chars 0 | |
icomplete-scroll t | |
resize-mini-windows 'grow-only | |
icomplete-matches-format nil) | |
(bind-key "TAB" #'icomplete-force-complete icomplete-minibuffer-map) | |
(bind-key "RET" #'icomplete-force-complete-and-exit icomplete-minibuffer-map) | |
;; --- Minimal key bindings --------------------------------------------------- | |
(defun nano-quit () | |
"Quit minibuffer from anywhere (code from Protesilaos Stavrou)" | |
(interactive) | |
(cond ((region-active-p) (keyboard-quit)) | |
((derived-mode-p 'completion-list-mode) (delete-completion-window)) | |
((> (minibuffer-depth) 0) (abort-recursive-edit)) | |
(t (keyboard-quit)))) | |
(defun nano-kill () | |
"Delete frame or kill emacs if there is only one frame left" | |
(interactive) | |
(condition-case nil | |
(delete-frame) | |
(error (save-buffers-kill-terminal)))) | |
(bind-key "C-x k" #'kill-current-buffer) | |
(bind-key "C-x C-c" #'nano-kill) | |
(bind-key "C-x C-r" #'recentf-open) | |
(bind-key "C-g" #'nano-quit) | |
(bind-key "M-n" #'make-frame) | |
(bind-key "C-z" nil) ;; No suspend frame | |
(bind-key "C-<wheel-up>" nil) ;; No text resize via mouse scroll | |
(bind-key "C-<wheel-down>" nil) ;; No text resize via mouse scroll | |
;; --- Sane settings ---------------------------------------------------------- | |
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8) | |
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil | |
ring-bell-function 'ignore | |
select-enable-clipboard t) | |
;; --- OSX Specific ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
(when (eq system-type 'darwin) | |
(select-frame-set-input-focus (selected-frame)) | |
(setq mac-option-modifier nil | |
ns-function-modifier 'super | |
mac-right-command-modifier 'hyper | |
mac-right-option-modifier 'alt | |
mac-command-modifier 'meta)) | |
;; --- Header & mode lines ---------------------------------------------------- | |
(setq-default mode-line-format "") | |
(setq-default header-line-format | |
'(:eval | |
(let ((prefix (cond (buffer-read-only '("RO" . nano-default-i)) | |
((buffer-modified-p) '("**" . nano-critical-i)) | |
(t '("RW" . nano-faded-i)))) | |
(mode (concat "(" (downcase (cond ((consp mode-name) (car mode-name)) | |
((stringp mode-name) mode-name) | |
(t "unknow"))) | |
" mode)")) | |
(coords (format-mode-line "%c:%l "))) | |
(list | |
(propertize " " 'face (cdr prefix) 'display '(raise -0.25)) | |
(propertize (car prefix) 'face (cdr prefix)) | |
(propertize " " 'face (cdr prefix) 'display '(raise +0.25)) | |
(propertize (format-mode-line " %b ") 'face 'nano-strong) | |
(propertize mode 'face 'header-line) | |
(propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to (- right ,(length coords)))) | |
(propertize coords 'face 'nano-faded))))) | |
;; --- Minibuffer setup ------------------------------------------------------- | |
(defun nano-minibuffer--setup () | |
(set-window-margins nil 3 0) | |
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)) | |
(add-text-properties (point-min) (+ (point-min) 1) | |
`(display ((margin left-margin) | |
,(format "# %s" (substring (minibuffer-prompt) 0 1)))))) | |
(setq truncate-lines t)) | |
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'nano-minibuffer--setup) | |
;; --- Speed benchmarking ----------------------------------------------------- | |
(let ((init-time (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) init-start-time))) | |
(total-time (string-to-number (emacs-init-time "%f")))) | |
(message (concat | |
(propertize "Startup time: " 'face 'bold) | |
(format "%.2fs " init-time) | |
(propertize (format "(+ %.2fs system time)" | |
(- total-time init-time)) 'face 'shadow)))) |
Feb 4, 2025

Man this is SPECTACULAR !!
I browsed your nano-* repositories. I am quite lost. I see this gist, I see many nano-related stuff, I see a nano-theme, a whole nano thing with almost any other nano repo inside and finaly your dotemacs. Can you explain what a user should use in order to test deeply ? Individual nano-repos ? The whole nano "distribution" ? Something else ?
nano-emacs repository was the first version and over the years, I added different pieces that more or less extend the initial nano-emacs. There is now a nano-theme and nano-modeline on ELPA which are the main packages for nano emacs. You can skip other stuff. This gist is a full rewrite since I now know elisp a bit more. I'll create a branch and probably make it the main branch at some point.
If I understand correctly nano256.el could replace both original nano-emacs, nano-theme and nano-modeline ? Right ? That's quite impressive 👍