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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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My XVM configuration
* Config was created in XVM Editor v0.7417
* at Sat Mar 15 14:02:43 GMT+1100 2014
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"formatRightNick": "{{name}}{{clan}}",
"formatRightVehicle": "<font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating}}</font> <font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{eff:4}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> {{vehicle}}",
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"showBattleTier": false,
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"formatRightNick": "{{nick}}",
"formatRightVehicle": "<font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating}}</font> <font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{eff:4}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> {{vehicle}}",
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"showBattleTier": false,
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"nickFormatRight": "{{nick}} <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating}}</font>",
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"vehicleFormatRight": "<font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{vehicle}}</font>",
"width": 170
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"formatRight": "<font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{nick}}</font>",
"width": 46
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"hotkeys": { "minimapZoom": { "enabled": false, "keyCode": 29, "onHold": true } },
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"deadMarker": "<font face='Wingdings'>N</font>",
"defaultHeader": "<font color='#FFFFFF'>Hits:</font> <font size='13'>#0</font>",
"direction": "down",
"formatHeader": "<font color='#CCCCCC'>Hits:</font> <font size='13'>#{{n}}</font> <font size='0{{nick}}'><b>{{dmg-total}}</b> <font color='#CCCCCC'>Last:</font> <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'><b>{{dmg}}</b> {{dead}}</font></font>",
"formatHistory": "<textformat leading='-4' tabstops='[20,50,90,150]'><font size='12'>×{{n-player}}:</font><tab>{{dmg-player}}<tab>| <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg}}</font><tab>| <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg-kind}}</font><tab>| <font color='{{c:vtype}}'>{{vehicle}} {{dead}}</font></textformat>",
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"h": 100,
"hpLeft": {
"enabled": true,
"format": "<textformat leading='-4' tabstops='[50,90,180]'><font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'> {{hp}}</font><tab><font color='#FFFFFF'>/ </font>{{hp-max}}<tab><font color='#FFFFFF'>|</font><font color='{{c:vtype}}'>{{vehicle}}</font><tab><font color='#FFFFFF'>|{{nick}}</font></textformat>",
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"captureBar": {
"enabled": true,
"ally": {
"captureDoneFormat": "<font size='17' color='#FFCC66'>Ally base captured!</font>",
"extra": "Capturers: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{tanks}}</font></b> Timeleft: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{time}}</font><b>",
"primaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#FFFFFF'>Ally base capture! {{extra}}</font>",
"secondaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#FFFFFF'>{{points}}</font>",
"shadow": { "alpha": 50, "blur": 6, "color": "0x000000", "strength": 3 }
"appendPlus": true,
"enemy": {
"captureDoneFormat": "<font size='17' color='#FFCC66'>Enemy base captured!</font>",
"extra": "Capturers: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{tanks}}</font></b> Timeleft: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{time}}</font><b>",
"primaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#FFFFFF'>Enemy base capture! {{extra}}</font>",
"secondaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#FFFFFF'>{{points}}</font>",
"shadow": { "alpha": 50, "blur": 6, "color": "0x000000", "strength": 3 }
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"iconset": {
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"battleLoadingEnemy": "contour/",
"playersPanelAlly": "contour/",
"playersPanelEnemy": "contour/",
"statisticFormAlly": "contour/",
"statisticFormEnemy": "contour/",
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{ "m41": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 1210, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
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{ "amx_105am": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 1000, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "_105_lefh18b2": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 1000, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "su_5": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 605, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "m7_priest": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 1047, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "grille": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 1210, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "lorraine39_l_am": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 844, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "su_26": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 578, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "wespe": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 1000, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "sturmpanzer_ii": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 605, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "m37": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 969, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "renaultbs": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 450, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "su_18": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 552, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "t57": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 552, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "bison_i": { "alpha": 60, "color": 15615044, "distance": 605, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } }
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"deadenemy": "<span class='mm_dot'>{{vehicle-class}}</span><span class='mm_de'></span>",
"deadsquad": "<span class='mm_dot'>{{vehicle-class}}</span><span class='mm_ds'><i>{{short-nick}}</i></span>",
"deadteamkiller": "<span class='mm_dot'>{{vehicle-class}}</span><span class='mm_dt'></span>",
"enemy": "<span class='mm_e'>{{vehicle-type}}</span>",
"lost": "<span class='mm_dot'>•</span><span class='mm_l'><i>{{vehicle-type}}</i></span>",
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"teamkiller": { "alpha": 80, "angle": 45, "blur": 3, "color": "0x000000", "distance": 0, "enabled": true, "strength": 4 }
"vehicleclassmacro": { "heavy": "", "light": "", "medium": "", "spg": "■", "superh": "", "td": "▼" }
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"color": 4517444,
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"alive": {
"normal": {
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"alpha": 100,
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"x": 0,
"y": -67
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"visible": true,
"x": 0,
"y": -67
"damageTextSquadman": {
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"blowupMessage": "Blown-up!",
"color": null,
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"x": 0,
"y": -67
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"x": -41,
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"color": null,
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"germany-VK3002M": { "name": null, "short": "3002M" },
"germany-VK3601H": { "name": null, "short": "3601" },
"germany-VK4502A": { "name": null, "short": "4502A" },
"germany-VK4502P": { "name": null, "short": "4502P" },
"germany-VK7201": { "name": null, "short": "7201" },
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"germany-Waffentrager_IV": { "name": null, "short": "WT4" },
"germany-Wespe": { "name": null, "short": "Wespe" },
"japan-Chi_Ha": { "name": null, "short": "ChiHa" },
"japan-Chi_He": { "name": null, "short": "ChiHe" },
"japan-Chi_Ni": { "name": null, "short": "ChiNi" },
"japan-Chi_Nu": { "name": null, "short": "ChiNu" },
"japan-Chi_Nu_Kai": { "name": null, "short": "ChiNuKai" },
"japan-Chi_Ri": { "name": null, "short": "ChiRi" },
"japan-Chi_To": { "name": null, "short": "ChiTo" },
"japan-Ha_Go": { "name": null, "short": "HaGo" },
"japan-Ke_Ho": { "name": null, "short": "KeHo" },
"japan-Ke_Ni": { "name": null, "short": "KeNi" },
"japan-Ke_Ni_B": { "name": null, "short": "KeNiB" },
"japan-NC27": { "name": null, "short": "Otsu" },
"japan-STA_1": { "name": null, "short": "STA1" },
"japan-ST_B1": { "name": null, "short": "STB1" },
"japan-Type_61": { "name": null, "short": "61" },
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"uk-GB03_Cruiser_Mk_I": { "name": null, "short": "Cru1" },
"uk-GB04_Valentine": { "name": null, "short": "Val1" },
"uk-GB05_Vickers_Medium_Mk_II": { "name": null, "short": "Mk2" },
"uk-GB06_Vickers_Medium_Mk_III": { "name": null, "short": "Mk3" },
"uk-GB07_Matilda": { "name": null, "short": "Matil" },
"uk-GB08_Churchill_I": { "name": null, "short": "Chur1" },
"uk-GB09_Churchill_VII": { "name": null, "short": "Chur7" },
"uk-GB10_Black_Prince": { "name": null, "short": "Princ" },
"uk-GB11_Caernarvon": { "name": null, "short": "Caern" },
"uk-GB12_Conqueror": { "name": null, "short": "Conq" },
"uk-GB13_FV215b": { "name": null, "short": "215b" },
"uk-GB20_Crusader": { "name": null, "short": "Crus" },
"uk-GB21_Cromwell": { "name": null, "short": "Cromw" },
"uk-GB22_Comet": { "name": null, "short": "Comet" },
"uk-GB23_Centurion": { "name": null, "short": "Cent" },
"uk-GB24_Centurion_Mk3": { "name": null, "short": "Cent3" },
"uk-GB25_Loyd_Carrier": { "name": null, "short": "2pdr" },
"uk-GB26_Birch_Gun": { "name": null, "short": "Birch" },
"uk-GB27_Sexton": { "name": null, "short": "Sext" },
"uk-GB28_Bishop": { "name": null, "short": "Bishp" },
"uk-GB29_Crusader_5inch": { "name": null, "short": "Crus5" },
"uk-GB30_FV3805": { "name": null, "short": "3805" },
"uk-GB31_Conqueror_Gun": { "name": null, "short": "ConqG" },
"uk-GB32_Tortoise": { "name": null, "short": "Tort" },
"uk-GB39_Universal_CarrierQF2": { "name": null, "short": "QF2" },
"uk-GB40_Gun_Carrier_Churchill": { "name": null, "short": "GChur" },
"uk-GB42_Valentine_AT": { "name": null, "short": "ValAT" },
"uk-GB48_FV215b_183": { "name": null, "short": "183" },
"uk-GB51_Excelsior": { "name": null, "short": "Excel" },
"uk-GB57_Alecto": { "name": null, "short": "Alect" },
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"uk-GB59_Cruiser_Mk_IV": { "name": null, "short": "Crui4" },
"uk-GB60_Covenanter": { "name": null, "short": "Coven" },
"uk-GB63_TOG_II": { "name": null, "short": "TOG" },
"uk-GB68_Matilda_Black_Prince": { "name": null, "short": "MatilBP" },
"uk-GB69_Cruiser_Mk_II": { "name": null, "short": "Crui2" },
"uk-GB70_FV4202_105": { "name": null, "short": "4202" },
"uk-GB71_AT_15A": { "name": null, "short": "AT15A" },
"uk-GB72_AT15": { "name": null, "short": "AT15" },
"uk-GB73_AT2": { "name": null, "short": "AT2" },
"uk-GB74_AT8": { "name": null, "short": "AT8" },
"uk-GB75_AT7": { "name": null, "short": "AT7" },
"uk-GB76_Mk_VIC": { "name": null, "short": "Mk6c" },
"uk-GB77_FV304": { "name": null, "short": "FV304" },
"uk-GB78_Sexton_I": { "name": null, "short": "Sext1" },
"uk-GB79_FV206": { "name": null, "short": "FV206" },
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"usa-M12": { "name": null, "short": "M12" },
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"usa-M24_Chaffee": { "name": null, "short": "Chaff" },
"usa-M2_lt": { "name": null, "short": "M2LT" },
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"usa-M36_Slagger": { "name": null, "short": "Jacks" },
"usa-M37": { "name": null, "short": "M37" },
"usa-M3_Grant": { "name": null, "short": "M3Lee" },
"usa-M3_Stuart": { "name": null, "short": "M3Stu" },
"usa-M40M43": { "name": null, "short": "4043" },
"usa-M41": { "name": null, "short": "M41" },
"usa-M44": { "name": null, "short": "M44" },
"usa-M46_Patton": { "name": null, "short": "Patt" },
"usa-M48A1": { "name": null, "short": "M48" },
"usa-M4A2E4": { "name": null, "short": "SheE4" },
"usa-M4A3E8_Sherman": { "name": null, "short": "SheE8" },
"usa-M4_Sherman": { "name": null, "short": "Sherm" },
"usa-M53_55": { "name": null, "short": "5355" },
"usa-M5_Stuart": { "name": null, "short": "M5Stu" },
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"usa-MTLS-1G14": { "name": null, "short": "MTLS" },
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"usa-Ram-II": { "name": null, "short": "Ram2" },
"usa-Sexton_I": { "name": null, "short": "Sext1usa" },
"usa-Sherman_Jumbo": { "name": null, "short": "SheJm" },
"usa-T110": { "name": null, "short": "110E5" },
"usa-T110E3": { "name": null, "short": "E3" },
"usa-T110E4": { "name": null, "short": "E4" },
"usa-T14": { "name": null, "short": "T14" },
"usa-T18": { "name": null, "short": "T18" },
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"usa-T1_E6": { "name": null, "short": "T1E6" },
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"usa-T23": { "name": null, "short": "T23" },
"usa-T23E3": { "name": null, "short": "T23E" },
"usa-T25_2": { "name": null, "short": "25/2" },
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"usa-T71": { "name": null, "short": "71" },
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"usa-T82": { "name": null, "short": "T82" },
"usa-T92": { "name": null, "short": "T92" },
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"ussr-IS-4": { "name": null, "short": "4" },
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"ussr-ISU-152": { "name": null, "short": "152" },
"ussr-KV": { "name": null, "short": "KV" },
"ussr-KV-13": { "name": null, "short": "KV13" },
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"ussr-KV-220": { "name": null, "short": "KV220" },
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"ussr-S-51": { "name": null, "short": "S51" },
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"ussr-T-127": { "name": null, "short": "T127" },
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"language": "auto",
"region": "auto"
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