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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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# Prototype for transforming a set of time intervals with arrival and departure
# timestamps into utilization by hour
# Period start and end
period_start <- ymd("2015-04-01")
period_end <- ymd("2015-05-01")
# Vectors of start and end timestamps. Assume end >= start.
s_times <- c(ymd_hms("2015-04-08 11:20:03"),
ymd_hms("2015-04-18 19:55:32"),
ymd_hms("2015-04-03 01:01:35"))
e_times <- c(ymd_hms("2015-04-08 14:25:03"),
ymd_hms("2015-04-18 20:11:32"),
ymd_hms("2015-04-03 01:03:48"))
s_offsets <- as.double(s_times - period_start, units = "hours")
e_offsets <- as.double(e_times - period_start, units = "hours")
# s_buckets <- floor(s_offsets)
# s_frac <- s_offsets - s_buckets
# e_buckets <- floor(e_offsets)
# e_frac <- e_offsets - e_buckets
# Or more concisely, work on arrivals and departures at once using a matrix
# or data frame:
offsets <- cbind(s_offsets, e_offsets)
buckets <- floor(offsets)
frac <- offsets - buckets
frac_first <-
ifelse(buckets[, 2] == buckets[, 1],
frac[, 2] - frac[, 1],
1.0 - frac[, 1])
frac_last <-
ifelse(buckets[, 2] == buckets[, 1],
frac[, 2] - frac[, 1],
frac[, 2] - 0.0)
num_observations <- length(s_times)
num_periods <- ceiling(as.double(period_end - period_start, units = "hours"))
tmp_util <- matrix(, num_observations * num_periods),
nrow = num_observations,
ncol = num_periods)
# Now assign the fractions for the first and last buckets and fill in 1.0 for
# all the buckets in between (vectorized over the observation rows). Run apply
# on the updated matrix to add up the columns to get total utilization by hour.
# Run more functions on a vector of bucket start times to get the day of week
# and hour of day for each bucket, and find a way to reduce the results on a
# (dow, hour) key. Finally, convert the result to a data frame with columns
# (dow, hour, utilization).
# Check these out:
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