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Last active August 8, 2024 02:14
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Try to give meaningful information about any Variable, Cmdlet, Function, Alias, External Script, Application
# Find definitions for any Cmdlet, Function, Alias, External Script, Application, or Variable
function what {
param (
[ArgumentCompleter({ [Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::Command })]
# Previously declared $cmd as [string]$cmd but this was wrong as cannot then handle arrays or anything else
function Write-Wrap {
[CmdletBinding()]Param( [parameter(Mandatory=1, ValueFromPipeline=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=1)] [Object[]]$chunk )
$Lines = @()
foreach ($line in $chunk) {
$str = ''; $counter = 0
$line -split '\s+' | % {
$counter += $_.Length + 1
if ($counter -gt $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width) {
$Lines += ,$str.trim()
$str = ''
$counter = $_.Length + 1
$str = "$str$_ "
$Lines += ,$str.trim()
$deferr = 0; $type = ""
try { $type = ((gcm $cmd -EA silent).CommandType); if ($null -eq $type) { $deferr = 1 } } catch { $deferr = 1 }
if ($deferr -eq 1) {
if ($cmd -eq $null) { Write-Host "Object is `$null" ; return }
Write-Host "`$object | ConvertTo-Json:" -F Cyan
$cmd | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Host "(`$object).GetType()" -F Cyan -NoNewline ; Write-Host " (Below is: BaseType, Name, IsPublic, IsSerial, Module)"
($cmd).GetType() | % { "$($_.BaseType), $($_.Name), $($_.IsPublic), $($_.IsSerializable), $($_.Module)" }
Write-Host "`$object | Get-Member -Force" -F Cyan
$m = "" ; $cm = "" ; $sm = ""; $p = "" ; $ap = "" ; $cp = "" ; $np = "" ; $pp = "" ; $sp = "" ; $ms = ""
$msum = 0 ; $cmsum = 0 ; $smsum = 0 ; $psum = 0 ; $cpsum = 0 ; $apsum = 0 ; $spsum = 0 ; $ppsum = 0 ; $npsum = 0 ; $spsum = 0 ; $mssum = 0
$($cmd | Get-Member -Force) | % {
if ($_.MemberType -eq "Method") { if(!($m -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $m += "$($_.Name), " ; $msum++ } }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "CodeMethod") { if(!($cm -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $cm += "$($_.Name), " ; $cmsum++ } }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "ScriptMethod") { if(!($sm -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $sm += "$($_.Name), " ; $smsum++ } }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "Property") { if(!($p -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $p += "$($_.Name), " ; $psum++ } }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "AliasProperty") { if(!($ap -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $ap += "$($_.Name), " ; $apsum++ } }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "CodeProperty") { if(!($cp -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $cp += "$($_.Name), " ; $cpsum++ } }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty") { if(!($np -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $np += "$($_.Name), " ; $npsum++ } }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "ParameterizedProperty") { if(!($pp -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $pp += "$($_.Name), " ; $ppsum++} }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "ScriptProperty") { if(!($sp -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $sp += "$($_.Name), " ; $npsum++ } }
if ($_.MemberType -eq "MemberSet") { if(!($ms -like "*$($_.Name),*")) { $ms += "$($_.Name), " ; $mssum++ } }
# AliasProperty, CodeMethod, CodeProperty, Method, NoteProperty, ParameterizedProperty, Property, ScriptMethod, ScriptProperty
# All, Methods, MemberSet, Properties, PropertySet
if($msum -ne 0) { Write-Wrap ":: Method [$msum] => $($m.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($msum -ne 0) { Write-Wrap ":: CodeMethod [$cmsum] => $($cm.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($msum -ne 0) { Write-Wrap ":: ScriptMethod [$smsum] => $($sm.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($psum -ne 0) { Write-Wrap ":: Property [$psum] => $($p.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($npsum -ne 0) { Write-Wrap ":: AliasProperty [$apsum] => $($ap.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($npsum -ne 0) { Write-Wrap ":: CodeProperty [$cpsum] => $($cp.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($npsum -ne 0) { Write-Wrap ":: NoteProperty [$npsum] => $($np.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($ppsum -ne 0) { Write-Wrap ":: ParameterizedProperty [$ppsum] => $($pp.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($spsum -ne 0) { Write-Wrap ":: ScriptProperty [$spsum] => $($sp.TrimEnd(", "))" }
if($mssum -ne 0) { Write-Wrap ":: ScriptProperty [$mssum] => $($ms.TrimEnd(", "))" }
Write-Host "`$object | Measure-Object" -F Cyan
$cmd | Measure-Object | % { "Count [$($_.Count)], Average [$($_.Average)], Sum [$($_.Sum)], Maximum [$($_.Maximum)], Minimum [$($_.Minimum)], Property [$($_.Property)]" }
if ($deferr -eq 0) {
if ($cmd -like '*`**') { Get-Command $cmd ; break } # If $cmd contains a *, then just check for commands, don't find definitions
if ($type -eq 'Cmdlet') {
Write-Host "`n'$cmd' is a Cmdlet:`n" -F Green
Write-Host "SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, SYNTAX for '$cmd'. " -F Green
Write-Host "------------"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "(Get-Help $cmd).Synopsis" -F Cyan
Write-Host "$((Get-Help $cmd).Synopsis)"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "(Get-Help $cmd).Description.Text" -F Cyan
try {
$arrdescription = (Get-Help $cmd).Description.Text.split("`n")
foreach ($i in $arrdescription) { Write-Wrap $i }
} catch { "Could not resolve description for $cmd" }
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "(Get-Command $cmd -Syntax)" -F Cyan
$arrsyntax = (Get-Command $cmd -syntax).TrimStart("").Split("`n") # Trim empty first line then split by line breaks
foreach ($i in $arrsyntax) { Write-Wrap $i } # Wrap lines properly to console width
Get-Alias -definition $cmd -EA silent # Show all defined aliases
Write-Host "`nThis Cmdlet is in the '$((Get-Command -type cmdlet $cmd).Source)' Module." -F Green
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
elseif ($type -eq 'Alias') {
Write-Host "`n'$cmd' is an Alias. " -F Green -NoNewLine ; Write-Host "This Alias is in the '$((get-command -type alias $cmd).ModuleName).' Module"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Get-Alias '$cmd' *or* cat alias:\$cmd" -F Cyan
$aliasdef = $(cat alias:\$cmd) # Write-Host "$(cat alias:\$cmd)" # "$((Get-Alias $cmd -EA silent).definition)"
if ($cmd -eq '?') { $cmd = '`?' } # To deal correctly with the wildcard '?'
$cmdref = (Get-Alias $cmd).ReferencedCommand
if ($null -eq $cmdref) {
"`n'$((Get-Alias $cmd).Name)' is an alias of '$aliasdef', but '$aliasdef' is not a defined command."
"cat alias:\$cmd => $aliasdef"
"(Get-Alias $cmd).ReferencedCommand => `$null"
} else {
"`n'$((Get-Alias $cmd).Name)' is an alias of '$cmdref'" # $((Get-Alias $cmd).ReferencedCommand)
$fulldef = (Get-Alias $cmd -EA silent).definition # Rerun def but using the full cmdlet or function name.
def $fulldef
if ($Examples -eq $true) { $null = Read-Host 'Press any key to view command examples' ; get-help $fulldef -examples }
elseif ($type -eq 'Function') {
Write-Host "`n'$cmd' is a Function. " -F Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "`ncat function:\$cmd (show contents of function)`n" -F Cyan
if ($bat = Get-Command bat -ErrorAction Ignore) {
(Get-Content function:$cmd) | & $bat -pp -l powershell
} else {
cat function:\$cmd ; Write-Host ""
Write-Host "cat function:\$cmd`n" -F Cyan
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "SYNOPSIS, SYNTAX for '$cmd'. " -F Green
Write-Host "------------"
$arrsynopsis = ((Get-Help $cmd).Synopsis).TrimStart("").Split("`n") # Trim empty first line then split by line breaks
$arrsyntax = (Get-Command $cmd -syntax).TrimStart("").Split("`n") # Often synopsis=syntax for function so use Compare-Object
if ($null -eq $(Compare-Object $arrsynopsis $arrsyntax -SyncWindow 0)) {
Write-Host "'(Get-Help $cmd).Synopsis'" -F Cyan -N
Write-Host " and " -N
Write-Host "'Get-Command $cmd -Syntax'" -F Cyan -N
Write-Host " have the same output for this function:`n"
foreach ($i in $arrsynopsis) { Write-Wrap $i } # Wrap lines properly to console width
} else {
Write-Host "(Get-Help $cmd).Synopsis" -F Cyan
foreach ($i in $arrsynopsis) { Write-Wrap $i } # Wrap lines properly to console width
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Get-Command $cmd -Syntax" -F Cyan
foreach ($i in $arrsyntax) { Write-Wrap $i } # Wrap lines properly to console width
Write-Host "The '$cmd' Function is in the '$((get-command -type function $cmd).Source)' Module." -F Green
Write-Host ""
if ($Examples -eq $true) { $null = Read-Host "Press any key to view command examples" ; get-help $cmd -examples }
Write-Host ""
elseif ($type -eq 'ExternalScript') { # For .ps1 scripts on path
$x = gcm $cmd
Write-Host "`n'$cmd' is an ExternalScript (i.e. a .ps1 file on the path)." -F Green
Write-Host "`n$($x.Path)`n" -F Green
Write-Host "`n$($x.ScriptContents)"
Write-Host ""
if ($Examples -eq $true) { $null = Read-Host "Press any key to view command examples" ; get-help $cmd -Examples }
elseif ($Synopsis -eq $true) { $null = Read-Host "Press any key to view command examples" ; (get-help $cmd).Synopsis }
elseif ($Syntax -eq $true) { $null = Read-Host "Press any key to view command examples" ; Get-Command $cmd -Syntax }
Write-Host ""
elseif ($type -eq 'Application') { # For .exe etc on path
Write-Host "`n'$cmd' was found. It is an Application (i.e. a .exe or similar located on the path)." -F Green
where.exe $cmd
Write-Host ""
Read-Host "Press any key to open cmd.exe and try '$cmd /?'" ; cmd.exe /c $cmd /? | more
Write-Host ""
} elseif ($null -ne (get-module -ListAvailable -Name $cmd -EA Silent)) {
(get-module $cmd).path
(get-module $cmd).ExportedFunctions
"ExportedCommands (also note: get-command -Module $cmd)"
(get-module custom-tools).ExportedCommands
echo "get-module $cmd | get-member # Just show the members"
echo "get-module $cmd | fl * # Show the contents of every member"
else {
if ($cmd.length -eq 0) { "`n'$cmd': No command definition found. The command may require to be surround by ' or `"`nif it contains special characters (such as 'def `"&`"').`n" }
else { "`nInput is not a command, so no command definition search.`n" }
Set-Alias def what # Generally better to use "what" (def is used in various other languages), but I'll keep this aliased in PowerShell for convenience
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Nice. You could make it cross-platform without too much effort:

  • UseGet-Content instead of cat
  • Don't rely on where.exe, just use (Get-Command ...).Path
  • Don't call via cmd.exe (there's no need to, just invoke directly).

Also note that "press any key" is not correct, because Enter is needed.
You could turn that into a virtue and let the user type arguments to pass ad hoc.

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