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Called from $profile to add functionality to console settings
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######################################## | |
# | |
# ProfileExtensions.ps1 | |
# | |
# The profile extensions is normally called by a single line that is added to | |
# the end of $Profile, or can be dotsourced manually if required. | |
# | |
# The handler line in $Profile performs the following: | |
# a) It check if $($Profile)_extensions.ps1 exists, if not download it. | |
# b) It then runs (dotsource) $($Profile)_extensionss.ps1. | |
# | |
# Core Notes: | |
# Do not inject notifications into the console at start time as remember that | |
# this will be called when all scripts run. Make sure that these extensions always | |
# have a less than one second load time, anything more complex should be pushed | |
# into the Custom-Tools.psm1 Module. Make sure to note the switches to use when | |
# running scripts, to save on memory overheads: | |
# -NoProfile -NoLogo (see about_PowerShell.exe) | |
# Do not migrate gist-functions into custom-tools as they are dependent upon my | |
# specific GitHub account access, have to keep things generic. | |
# | |
# Using the handler line in $Profile allows keeping this set of tools completely | |
# separate from $Profile so that it can be replaced / updated at any time and | |
# disabling it is as simple as removing the single line that calls the extensions. | |
# | |
# Intent is to only keep core console functionality functions in here that relate | |
# to these tools (so things like Update-ProfileExtensions would go here) and then | |
# putting other more complex tools into the Custom-Tools.psm1 Module. | |
# | |
######################################## | |
# | |
# Module loading issues: # | |
# somehow a function to replace more with out-host compatible, function morx { Out-Host -Paging } # helps with things like terminal-icons | |
# large things could be downloaded as externalscripts from gists repeatedly! like mklmerts | |
# sys function throws errors about a registry key (plus fix the CPU stuff in general) | |
# BackupRoboZeroSize src dst (use standard flags to backup with zerosize) | |
# Add things to the path that are useful / generic | |
# e.g. Find the newest .NET framework, check if on path, and if not, add it (to get csc.exe etc on path), same for C:\CmdTools, D:\CmdTools etc etc | |
# Check latest .NET version: | |
# $last = "empty" ; foreach ($i in $(dir -attrib d)) { if (Test-Path "$i\csc.exe") { $last = echo $i.Name } } | |
# setx /M PATH "%PATH%;C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" | |
# if Wnidows 7 import PSReadLine as it is not auto-loaded (but is on Windows 10) # | |
if ((Get-WMIObject win32_operatingsystem).name -like "*Windows 7*") {Import-Module PSReadLine} | |
# Variables, create HomeFix in case of network shares (as always want to use C:\ drive, so get the name (Leaf) from $HOME) | |
$HomeFix = $HOME | |
$HomeLeaf = split-path $HOME -leaf # Just get the correct username in spite of any changes to username! | |
if ($HomeFix -like "\\*") { $HomeFix = "C:\Users\$(Split-Path $HOME -Leaf)" } | |
# The default Modules and Scripts paths are not created by default in Windows | |
if (!(Test-Path $HomeFix)) { md $HomeFix -Force -EA silent | Out-Null } | |
if (!(Test-Path "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules")) { md "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" -Force -EA silent | Out-Null } | |
if (!(Test-Path "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts")) { md "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts" -Force -EA silent | Out-Null } | |
$CustomToolsPath = "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Custom-Tools\Custom-Tools.psm1" | |
# Running myfunctions will display functions created since the start of the session (i.e. all user-defined functions) | |
# Keep this at start of the profile extension so that it captures functions in here. | |
$sysfunctions = gci function: | |
function MyFunctions { | |
"`nTo get help on these functions, use 'def <function-name>', or 'm <function-name>'" | |
"Note: If MyFunctions is empty, it usually means that ProfileExtensions has been dotsourced inside this console session`n" | |
if (Test-Path $CustomToolsPath) { Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName $CustomToolsPath } | |
$myfunctions = (gci function: | where { $sysfunctions -notcontains $_ } | select Name).Name | |
$out = ""; foreach ($i in $myfunctions) {$out = "$out, $i"} ; "" ; Write-Wrap $out.trimstart(", ") ; "" | |
} | |
Set-Alias mf MyFunctions -Description "Shows all functions defined within the current session" | |
# This alternative to find user function just parses $profile (so the above method is a lot better) but this is useful for the regex part | |
# Function Get-MyCommands { | |
# Get-Content -Path $profile | Select-String -Pattern "^function.+" | ForEach-Object { | |
# [Regex]::Matches($_, "^function ([a-z.-]+)","IgnoreCase").Groups[1].Value | |
# } | Where-Object { $_ -ine "prompt" } | Sort-Object | |
# } | |
# Running myvars will display variabls created since the start of the session (i.e. all user-defined variables) | |
# Keep this at start of the profile extension so that it captures variables at session start. | |
# $AutomaticVariables = Get-Variable | |
# function cmpv { | |
# Compare-Object (Get-Variable) $AutomaticVariables -Property Name -PassThru | Where -Property Name -ne "AutomaticVariables" | |
# } | |
# | |
$sysvariables = gci variable: | |
# Display all variables defined in this PowerShell session | |
function myvars { | |
Write-Host "" | |
Write-Host "Show all PowerShell vars : variable or gci variable: (or, e.g. gci variable:s* (starting with s etc)" -F Yellow | |
Write-Host "Show all Environment vars: env or gci env: (or, e.g. gci env:s* (starting with s etc)`n" -F Yellow | |
Write-Host 'Get-Variable |%{ "Name : {0}`r`nValue: {1}`r`n" -f $_.Name,$_.Value }' | |
Write-Host "`n" | |
gci variable: | where { | |
$sysvariables -notcontains $_ -and $_.Name -ne 'sysvariables' -and $_.Name -ne 'args' -and $_.Name -ne 'input' -and ` | |
$_.Name -ne 'MaximumAliasCount' -and $_.Name -ne 'MaximumDriveCount' -and $_.Name -ne 'MaximumErrorCount' -and $_.Name -ne 'MaximumFunctionCount' -and $_.Name -ne 'MaximumVariableCount' -and ` | |
$_.Name -ne 'MyInvocation' -and $_.Name -ne 'PSBoundParameters' -and $_.Name -ne 'PSCommandPath' -and $_.Name -ne 'PSScriptRoot' | |
} | |
} | |
function Confirm-Choice { | |
param ( [string]$Message ) | |
$yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Yes"; | |
$no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "No"; | |
$choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no); | |
$caption = "" # Did not need this before, but now getting odd errors without it. | |
$answer = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($caption, $message, $choices, 0) # Set to 0 to default to "yes" and 1 to default to "no" | |
switch ($answer) { | |
0 {return 'yes'; break} # 0 is position 0, i.e. "yes" | |
1 {return 'no'; break} # 1 is position 1, i.e. "no" | |
} | |
} | |
function Get-ProfileFunctions { | |
Write-Host "Functions in profile:`n" -F Yellow | |
Get-Content -Path "$($profile)_extensions.ps1" | Select-String -Pattern "^function" | ForEach-Object { # "^function.+" | |
$functionName = ($_ -split "{")[0] -replace "function ", "" | |
$functionParam = ($_ -split "\(") # (($_ -split "(")[1] -split ")")[0] | |
$functionComment = ($_ -split " # ")[1] | |
echo "$functionName $functionParam $functionComment" | |
} | |
} | |
# Test if the current session is elevated | |
function Test-Admininstrator { | |
$user = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent(); | |
(New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator) | |
} | |
Set-Alias Test-Admin Test-Admininstrator | |
function Get-Uptime { | |
$wmi = gwmi -class Win32_OperatingSystem -computer "." | |
$LBTime = $wmi.ConvertToDateTime($wmi.Lastbootuptime) | |
[TimeSpan]$uptime = New-TimeSpan $LBTime $(get-date) | |
$s = "" ; if ($uptime.Days -ne 1) {$s = "s"} | |
return "$($uptime.days) day$s $($uptime.hours) hr $($uptime.minutes) min $($uptime.seconds) sec" | |
} | |
Set-Alias -Name uptime -Value Get-Uptime | |
# Alternative for uptime, could be useful as supports WinRM remote connections | |
# param([parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$computer=".") | |
# # $computer = read-host "Please type in computer name you would like to check uptime on" | |
# $lastboottime = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $computer).LastBootUpTime | |
# $sysuptime = (Get-Date) - [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeconverter]::ToDateTime($lastboottime) | |
# Write-Host "$computer has been up for: " $sysuptime.days "days" $sysuptime.hours "hours" $sysuptime.minutes "minutes" $sysuptime.seconds "seconds" | |
function Write-Wrap { | |
<# | |
wraps a string or an array of strings at the console width without breaking within a word | |
# Was called Word-Wrap originally! | |
.PARAMETER chunk | |
a string or an array of strings | |
word-wrap -chunk $string | |
$string | word-wrap | |
.LINK | | | |
#> | |
[CmdletBinding()] | |
Param ( | |
[parameter (Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] | |
[Object[]] $chunk | |
) | |
# PROCESS block is always mandatory for proper pipeline usage, but BEGIN / END are optional to run-once at start / end of invocation. | |
# PROCESS is used to specify the code that will continually execute on every object that might be passed to the function. | |
# [parameter (Mandatory=1,ValueFromPipeline=1,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=1)] | |
# | |
$Lines = @() | |
foreach ($line in $chunk) { | |
$str = '' | |
$counter = 0 | |
$line -split '\s+' | %{ | |
$counter += $_.Length + 1 | |
if ($counter -gt $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width) { | |
$Lines += ,$str.trim() | |
$str = '' | |
$counter = $_.Length + 1 | |
} | |
$str = "$str$_ " | |
} | |
$Lines += ,$str.trim() | |
} | |
$Lines | |
} | |
} | |
# Quite often have to check TLS settings for uploading to git etc | |
function TLS12 { | |
"Before [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol is " + $([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol) | |
"[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12" | |
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 | |
"After [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol is " + $([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol) | |
} | |
function TLS { | |
"Before [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol is " + $([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol) | |
"[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls" | |
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls | |
"After [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol is " + $([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol) | |
} | |
function Get-SecurityProtocol { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol } # Show TLS / SLS | |
#################### | |
# | |
# Make sure to always dot-source this or changes will not update in the current session. | |
# . Update-ProfileExtensions | |
# . Update-CustomTools | |
# . pect # Combination of Update-ProfileExtensions and Update-Custom-Tools | |
# | |
# Get-GistProject is a helper function to locate the most likely source folder. | |
# PromptDefault is another helper function to always reset the Prompt to PowerShell defaults. | |
# This is done as if ProfileExtensions.ps1 / Custom-Tools.ps1 have errors in them, the | |
# Prompt can be wiped. This corrects that. | |
# | |
# This has to remain in the ProfileExtensions to be able to quickly update and test these | |
# as if Custom-Tools breaks through changes, it will not be possible to recover. | |
# | |
#################### | |
function PromptDefault { | |
# get-help about_Prompt | |
# | |
function global:prompt { | |
"PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "; | |
# .Link | |
# | |
# .ExternalHelp System.Management.Automation.dll-help.xml | |
$Elevated = "" | |
$user = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent(); | |
if ((New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)) {$Elevated = "Administrator: "} | |
# $TitleVer = "PS v$($PSVersionTable.PSversion.major).$($PSVersionTable.PSversion.minor)" | |
$TitleVer = "PowerShell" | |
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$($Elevated)$($TitleVer)" | |
} | |
} | |
function Get-GistProject { | |
# Try to find a folder with the source files to update them | |
$ProjectRoot = "" | |
# The last in the list will take precedence. Ideally, should keep the files in the first two, so the last | |
# two folders take precedence since they should only be there if really needed). | |
if (Test-Path "D:\0 Cloud\OneDrive\Gist") { $ProjectRoot = "D:\0 Cloud\OneDrive\Gist" } | |
if (Test-Path "$HomeFix\Gist") { $ProjectRoot = "$HomeFix\Gist" } # If laptop has no D: drive for OneDrive | |
if (Test-Path "C:\0\Gist") { $ProjectRoot = "C:\0\Gist" } # ING laptop, try not to use | |
if (Test-Path "D:\Gist") { $ProjectRoot = "D:\Gist" } # Tmporary location, try not to use | |
if ($null -eq $ProjectRoot) { "No Gist setup folder was found, cannot be run from this system." ; break } | |
return $ProjectRoot | |
} | |
function Update-ProfileExtensions { | |
# Update and dotsource the latest profile extensions (local if available, or download) | |
$jumpfrom = Get-Location # Save the current location | |
$ProjectRoot = Get-GistProject | |
Set-Location $ProjectRoot | |
"" | |
"About to update the Profile Extensions for $profile :" | |
"" | |
"Previous directory: $jumpfrom" | |
"Current directory: $ProjectRoot" | |
"Previous directory will be returned to after Toolkit configuration completes." | |
# Create $Profile if it does not exist for this host (could be in VS Code or ISE etc) | |
if (!(Test-Path $(Split-Path $Profile))) { New-Item -Type Directory $(Split-Path $Profile) } | |
if (!(Test-Path $Profile)) { New-Item -Type File $Profile } | |
$ProfileExtensions = "$($Profile)_extensions.ps1" | |
$UrlProfileExtensions = '' | |
function BackupProfile { | |
if (Test-Path ($ProfileExtensions)) { | |
Write-Host "`nCreating backup of existing profile extensions ..." | |
Copy-Item -Path "$($ProfileExtensions)" -Destination "$($ProfileExtensions)_$(Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd__hh-mm-ss").txt" | |
} | |
} | |
if (Test-Path ".\ProfileExtensions.ps1") { | |
Write-Host "`nProfileExtensions.ps1 found in current directory, so will use this file ..." | |
BackupProfile | |
Copy-Item ".\ProfileExtensions.ps1" "$($ProfileExtensions)" -Force | |
} else { | |
$updateonline = read-host "No local file found, download latest Profile Extensions from internet (default is y) (y/n)? " | |
if ($updateonline -eq 'y' -or $updateonline -eq '') { | |
Update-Help -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Use erroraction silentl here as it's very common for some of the modules to fail to update, just ignore that | |
BackupProfile | |
try { | |
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("$UrlProfileExtensions") | Out-File "$($Profile)_extensions.ps1" | |
Write-Host "`nDownload completed ..." -F Green | |
Write-Host "Profile Extensions are at:" | |
Write-Host $ProfileExtensions -F Yellow | |
} catch { | |
Write-Host "`nCould not download profile extensions, check internet/TLS before trying again." -ForegroundColor Red | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
Write-Host "`nCheck profile extensions handler line is in `$Profile ...`n" | |
# Remove it if it exsts | |
Set-Content -Path $profile -Value (Get-Content -Path $profile | Select-String -Pattern '^if \(\!\(Test-Path \("\$\(\$Profile\)_extensions\.ps1\"\)\)\) \{ try { \(New' -NotMatch) | |
# Add it back in | |
$ProfileExtensionsHandler = "if (!(Test-Path (""`$(`$Profile)_extensions.ps1""))) { try { (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('$UrlProfileExtensions') | Out-File ""`$(`$Profile)_extensions.ps1"" } catch { ""Could not download profile extensions, check internet/TLS before opening a new console."" } } ; " | |
$ProfileExtensionsHandler += '. "$($Profile)_extensions.ps1" -EA silent' | |
Add-Content -Path $profile -Value $ProfileExtensionsHandler -PassThru | |
Write-Host "`nThe above line has been added to `$Profile`n" | |
Write-Host "`nRun (dotsource) profile extensions into current session ..." | |
. "$($Profile)_extensions.ps1" -EA silent | |
"$($Profile)_extensions.ps1" | |
# pause | |
Set-Location $jumpfrom # Return to saved location | |
Write-Host "" | |
} | |
function Update-CustomTools { | |
Write-Host "" | |
Write-Host "Update Custom-Tools.psm1 Module (reinstall from Gist if required)." -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black | |
Write-Host "get-command -module custom-tools" -ForegroundColor Green | |
$jumpfrom = Get-Location # Save the current location | |
$ProjectRoot = (Get-GistProject).ToString() | |
echo $ProjectRoot | |
Set-Location Get-GistProject | |
"" | |
"About to update the Custom-Tools Module in the User Modules folder and reload:" | |
"" | |
"Previous directory: $jumpfrom" | |
"Current directory: $ProjectRoot" | |
"Previous directory will be returned to after Toolkit configuration completes." | |
# $user = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent(); | |
# if ((New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator) -eq $true ) { | |
$CustomTools = "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Custom-Tools\Custom-Tools.psm1" | |
$CustomToolsNew = "$ProjectRoot\Custom-Tools.psm1" | |
# Install/Uninstall vs Import/Remove : | |
Remove-Module Custom-Tools -Force -Verbose -EA Silent | |
if (Test-Path ($CustomTools)) { rm "$CustomTools" -Force } # Delete old version if there | |
if (!(Test-Path (Split-Path $CustomTools))) { New-Item (Split-Path $CustomTools) -ItemType Directory -Force } | |
if (Test-Path $CustomToolsNew) { Copy-Item $CustomToolsNew $CustomTools -Force } | |
. Import-Module Custom-Tools -Force -Verbose | |
. PromptDefault # This is required because the Remove-Module statement removes the function that set the prompt | |
PromptDefault # This is required because the Remove-Module statement removes the function that set the prompt | |
Set-Location $jumpfrom # Return to saved location | |
} | |
# $updateonline = read-host "No local file found, download latest Custom-Tools.psm1 from internet (default is y) (y/n)? " | |
# if ($updateonline -eq 'y' -or $updateonline -eq '') { | |
# try { | |
# (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('') | Out-File $CustomTools | |
# Write-Host "`nDownload completed ..." -F Green | |
# Write-Host "Custom-Tools.psm1 are at:" | |
# Write-Host $CustomTools -F Yellow | |
# } catch { | |
# Write-Host "`nCould not download Custom-Tools Module, check internet/TLS before trying again." -ForegroundColor Red | |
# } | |
# } | |
function Update-ToolkitLocal { | |
# Update reload (with dotsource) latest Profile Extensions and Custom-Tools (local if available, or download) | |
$jumpfrom = Get-Location # Save the current location | |
$ProjectRoot = Get-GistProject | |
Set-Location $ProjectRoot | |
"" | |
"About to update both the Profile Extensions and the Custom-Tools Module:" | |
"" | |
"Previous directory: $jumpfrom" | |
"Current directory: $ProjectRoot" | |
"Previous directory will be returned to after Toolkit configuration completes." | |
# Check if this function has been run dot sourced, by checking the value of $MyInvocation.InvocationName, if '.' then it was dotsourced, if 'cd' then not dotsourced | |
# | |
if ( $MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq 'Update-ToolkitLocal' -or $MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq 'pect') { "`nWarning: Command cannot run without being dotsourced! Please rerun as:`n`n . Update-ToolkitLocal`n . pect # (Alias for Update-ToolkitLocal)`n" } | |
else { | |
. Update-CustomTools | |
# . Import-Module Custom-Tools -Force -Verbose | |
. Update-ProfileExtensions | |
# . ./ProfileExtensions.ps1 # dotsource this version in case the profile folder version failed to update | |
} | |
# if (Test-Path $jumpfrom) { Set-Location $jumpfrom } # Return to saved location | |
. PromptDefault # This is required because the Remove-Module statement removes the function that set the prompt(!) | |
Set-Location $jumpfrom # Return to saved location | |
} | |
Set-Alias pect Update-ToolkitLocal # pect stands for "Profile Extensions Custom Tools" | |
function Update-ToolkitGist { | |
# Same as pect, but pull from Gist first then deploy | |
. iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) | |
} | |
Set-Alias pectfromgist Update-ToolkitGist | |
function Remove-Toolkit { # Work in Progress ... Cleanly remove all traces of Toolkit from system | |
Write-Host "`nRemove the profile extensions handler line from `$Profile ..." | |
# get the content *minus* the line to remove "-NotMatch" | |
Set-Content -Path $profile -Value (Get-Content -Path $profile | Select-String -Pattern '^if \(\!\(Test-Path \("\$\(\$Profile\)_extensions\.ps1\"\)\)\) \{ try { \(New' -NotMatch) | |
Set-Content -Path $profile -Value (Get-Content -Path $profile | Select-String -Pattern '^function Enable-Extensions { if' -NotMatch) | |
Write-Host "`nRemove the profile extensions file from the `$Profile folder ..." | |
rm "$(Split-Path $Profile)_extensions.ps1*" # remove the extensions and any backups from the $Profile folder | |
Write-Host "`nRemove Custom-Tools.psm1 Module from User / System locations ..." | |
Uninstall-Module Custom-Tools | |
pause | |
Remove-Module Custom-Tools | |
pause | |
rm "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Custom-Tools\Custom-Tools.ps1*" # remove the extensions and any backups from the $Profile folder | |
pause | |
# Uninstall-Module Custom-Tools | |
# Remove-Module Custom-Tools | |
# Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName C:\Users\Boss\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Custom-Tools\Custom-Tools.psm1 -Force -Verbose | |
# Reset Prompt in case it was modified | |
function global:prompt { | |
"PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) "; | |
$Elevated = "" | |
$user = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent(); | |
if ((New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)) {$Elevated = "Administrator: "} | |
# $TitleVer = "PS v$($PSVersionTable.PSversion.major).$($PSVersionTable.PSversion.minor)" | |
$TitleVer = "PowerShell" | |
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$($Elevated)$($TitleVer)" | |
} | |
Write-Host "`nToolkit has been completely removed and defaults restored" | |
Write-Host "To reinstall the toolkit:`n`niex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))`n`n" | |
} | |
#################### | |
# | |
# GO / CD Functions | |
# | |
# Leaning towards keeping this in the Profile Extensions as if Custom-Tools breaks as | |
# it will while I'm doing updates, at least this will allow me quick access to folders | |
# to fix things. | |
# | |
# This defines the hash table, then the "go" function, then performs the alias. | |
# Note how the "cd" alias is set, this is quite specific and is inside the "go" function. | |
# Set-Alias cd Set-Location -Option AllScope | |
# Has to be AllScope in this way. | |
# | |
#################### | |
# | |
# To join things into a string, can either concatenate with a separator then strip the trailing separator character | |
# I normally do it in a clunky way of combining then trimming, which is fine, but there are better ways | |
### Method 1: Using the OFS (Output Field Separator) | |
# $myhash = @{"foo"=4;"bar"=5} | |
# $OFS =';' | |
# [string]($myhash.GetEnumerator() | % { "$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)" }) # OFS will automatically apply as separator! | |
### Method 2: Using Join (this is probably clearer/better) | |
# $myhash = @{"foo"=4;"bar"=5} | |
# ($myhash.GetEnumerator() | % { "$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)" }) -join ';' | |
### Method 3: foreach then trim the last character (this is how I would normally do this) | |
# $myhash = @{"foo"=4;"bar"=5} | |
# foreach($pair in $myhash.GetEnumerator()) { | |
# $output += $pair.key + "=" + $pair.Value + ";" | |
# $output = $output.TrimEnd(";") | |
# } | |
# $output | |
function Import-GoHash ($key, $value) { | |
$HomeFix = $HOME | |
$HomeLeaf = split-path $HOME -leaf # Just get the correct username in spite of any changes to username! | |
if ($HomeFix -like "\\*") { $HomeFix = "C:\Users\$(Split-Path $HOME -Leaf)" } | |
# This is the base hash table that can be added to | |
$gohash_base = @{ | |
share = $env:HOMESHARE | |
home = "$HomeFix::$env:USERPROFILE" | |
homec = $HomeFix | |
# inghome = "$(Split-Path (Split-Path $ProfileNetShare))\Desktop" | |
inghome = "\\\WPS\NL\P\UD\200024\$HomeLeaf\Home" # ING only! | |
user = $HomeFix | |
000 = "C:\0::D:\0" | |
pssys = "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0" | |
ps = "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell" # For network profile, force C:\ , # Split-Path $profile | |
prof = "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell" # For network profile, force C:\ , # Split-Path $profile | |
scripts = "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts" # For network profile, force C:\ , # "$(Split-Path $Profile)\Scripts" | |
appdata = "$HomeFix\AppData\Roaming::$env:APPDATA" # C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming | |
roaming = "$HomeFix\AppData\Roaming::$env:APPDATA" # C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming | |
local = "$HomeFix\AppData\Local" # C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local | |
cappdata = "$HomeFix\AppData\Roaming" # C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming | |
appdatac = "$HomeFix\AppData\Roaming" # C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming | |
temp = "$HomeFix\AppData\Local\Temp::$env:TEMP" # TEMP = TMP = C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Temp | |
tempu = "$HomeFix\AppData\Local\Temp::$env:TEMP" # 'u' for User | |
temps = "C:\Windows\Temp" # Temp Folder (System) # 's' for System | |
tempa = "C:\Windows\Temp" # Temp Folder (Admin) # 'a' for Admin | |
tmp = "$HomeFix\AppData\Local\Temp::$env:TMP" # TEMP = TMP = C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Temp | |
tmpu = "$HomeFix\AppData\Local\Temp::$env:TEMP" # 'u' for User | |
tmps = "C:\Windows\Temp" # Temp Folder (System) # 's' for System | |
tmpa = "C:\Windows\Temp" # Temp Folder (Admin) # 'a' for Admin | |
win = "C:\Windows" | |
dotnet = "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework" | |
dotnet64 = "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64" | |
sys = "C:\Windows\System32" # Use to point this at 'System', but it is useless, nothing of value is in there, so just point sys at 'System32' also | |
sys32 = "C:\Windows\System32" | |
hosts = "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" | |
etc = "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" | |
mod = "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" | |
modu = "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" # 'u' for User | |
ingmod = "\\\WPS\NL\P\UD\200024\$HomeLeaf\Home\My Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" | |
cmodu = "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" # For when on netowrk profile, force C:\ | |
mods = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules" # System | |
moda = "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" # Admin | |
ingdown = "\\\WPS\NL\P\UD\200024\$HomeLeaf\Home\Downloads" # Or, $env:HOMESHARE\My Documents\Downloads | |
down = "$HomeFix\Downloads" # User, note HOMESHARE for ING path, $env:HOMESHARE\My Documents\Downloads | |
downc = "$HomeFix\Downloads" # 'c' suffix for "force C:\" | |
cdown = "$HomeFix\Downloads" # 'c' prefix for "force C:\" | |
desk = "$HomeFix\Desktop" # User | |
deskc = "$HomeFix\Desktop" # 'c' suffix for "force C:\" | |
cdesk = "$HomeFix\Desktop" # 'c' prefix for "force C:\" | |
# ingdesk = "$(Split-Path (Split-Path (Split-Path $ProfileNetShare)))\Desktop" | |
ingdesk = "\\\WPS\NL\P\UD\200024\$env:USERNAME\Desktop" # Note that this is NOT under Home | |
docs = "$HomeFix\Documents" # User | |
docsc = "$HomeFix\Documents" # For when on netowrk profile, force C:\ | |
cdocs = "$HomeFix\Documents" # For when on netowrk profile, force C:\ | |
# ingdocs = "$(Split-Path (Split-Path (Split-Path $ProfileNetShare)))\My Documents" | |
ingdocs = "\\\WPS\NL\P\UD\200024\$HomeLeaf\Home\My Documents" | |
quickautomatic = "$HomeFix\Recent\AutomaticDestinations" # shell:recent\AutomaticDestinations | |
quickcustom = "$HomeFix\Recent\CustomDestinations" # shell:recent\CustomDestinations | |
startup = "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" # startup folder | |
startupc = "$HomeFix\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" # 'c' suffix for "force C:\" | |
cstartup = "$HomeFix\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" # 'c' prefix for "force C:\" | |
startupall = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp" # Startup, All Users | |
startupa = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp" # Startup, Admin | |
startups = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp" # Startup, System | |
# Lots of registry hacks: | |
# Important Virus Locations to check: | |
# | |
regexploreruser = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" | |
regexplorersys = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" | |
regstartupuser = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" | |
regstartupsys = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" | |
reginstallsys = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" # | |
reginstalluser = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" | |
reginstall32node = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" # 32-bit apps installed to a 64-bit system go here | |
reginstallmsiroot = "HKCR:Installer\Products" # Apps are then under "<ProductCode>\SourceList\Net" | |
reginstallmsiuser = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Installer\Products" # Apps are then under "<ProductCode>\SourceList\Net" | |
regenv = "HKCU:\Environment" | |
pd = "C:\ProgramData" | |
pf = "C:\Program Files" | |
pf64 = "C:\Program Files" | |
pf32 = "C:\Program Files (x86)" | |
pf86 = "C:\Program Files (x86)" | |
onedrive = "$env:OneDrive::D:\0 Cloud\OneDrive::\\HP1\Drive-D\0 Cloud\OneDrive" # Test on UNC paths, | |
googledrive = "$env:USERPROFILE\Google Drive::D:\0 Cloud\Google Drive::\\HP1\Drive-D\0 Cloud\Google Drive" | |
dropbox = "$env:USERPROFILE\Dropbox::D:\0 Cloud\Dropbox::\\HP1\Drive-D\0 Cloud\Dropbox" | |
scripts_ahk = "D:\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_AutoHotkey::\\HP1\Drive-D\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_AutoHotkey" | |
ahk = "D:\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_AutoHotkey::\\HP1\Drive-D\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_AutoHotkey" | |
scripts_wotr = "D:\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_AutoHotkey\WOTR::\\HP1\Drive-D\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_AutoHotkey\WOTR" | |
wotr = "D:\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_AutoHotkey\WOTR::\\HP1\Drive-D\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_AutoHotkey\WOTR" | |
scripts_ps = "D:\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_PowerShell::\\HP1\Drive-D\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_PowerShell" | |
scripts_py = "D:\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_Python::\\HP1\Drive-D\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_Python" | |
py = "D:\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_Python::\\HP1\Drive-D\0 Cloud\OneDrive\0_Scripts_Python" | |
choco = "C:\ProgramData\Chocolatey" | |
choc = "C:\ProgramData\Chocolatey" | |
cbin = "C:\ProgramData\Chocolatey\bin" # All choco executables and shims for managed apps are in here (and this is on the path) | |
clib = "C:\ProgramData\Chocolatey\lib" # All managed installs go here | |
box = "C:\ProgramData\Boxstarter" | |
scoop = "$env:USERPROFILE\scoop" | |
backup = "D:\Backup" | |
ubuntu = "C:\Users\Boss\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu18.04onWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalState\rootfs" # For Ubuntu | |
opensuse = "C:\Users\Boss\AppData\Local\Packages\46932SUSE.openSUSELeap42.2_022rs5jcyhyac\LocalState\rootfs" # For OpenSUSE | |
debian = "C:\Users\Boss\AppData\Local\Packages\46932SUSE.openSUSELeap42.2_022rs5jcyhyac\LocalState\rootfs" # For Debian | |
centos = "C:\Users\Boss\AppData\Local\Packages\46932SUSE.openSUSELeap42.2_022rs5jcyhyac\LocalState\rootfs" # For CentOS | |
gist = "C:\0\Gist::$HomeFix\Gist::D:\Gist::D:\0 Cloud\OneDrive\Gist" # Current location for my Gist projects | |
cmdtools = "C:\CmdTools::D:\CmdTools" # Console Tools, maybe rename to C:\ConsoleTools / C:\ConsoleApps | |
customtools = "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Custom-Tools" # Custom-Tools | |
ct = "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Custom-Tools" # ct = Custom-Tools folder | |
pe = "$HomeFix\Documents\WindowsPowerShell" # pe = ProfileExtensions folder | |
me = "C:\0::D:\0::$env:USERPROFILE\0" # I use C:\0 as a convenient temp folder in drives so always sorts at top of dir listing, quick to get into | |
# Special folder paths are stored in: # | |
# | |
# | |
# Quick Access | |
# | |
} | |
$goxml = "$env:TEMP\ps_go_hash.xml" | |
$gonew = "$env:TEMP\ps_gohash_added.txt" # Keep a separate copy of added / redefined items to apply to new setups | |
# if (!(Test-Path $gonew)) { New-Item -ItemType File $gonew } | |
try { $gohash = Import-Clixml $goxml -EA Silent } # Could also test $gohashtype = $gohash.gettype().Name | |
catch { $gohash = $gohash_base } # Could not create a Hashtable from $goxml, so we reset it | |
# if ($null -eq $gohash) { $gohash = $gohash_base } # Could not create a Hashtable from $goxml, so we reset it | |
if ($null -ne $key -and $null -ne $value) { # Only do if key and value are defined | |
$gohash.Add( $key, $value ) | |
$keynew = "Import-GoHash '$key' '$value'" # Create them as commands that will re-create in a new session | |
# Could also use: (Get-Content -Path $myFile).Contains($myText)) | |
# Select-String -Quiet: the output is a Boolean value indicating whether the pattern was found. | |
$b = Select-String -Quiet -Pattern $keynew -Path $gonew | |
if (-not $b) { Add-Content -Path $gonew -Value $keynew } | |
} | |
$gohash | Export-Clixml $goxml # Export the updated Hashtable back to the xml file as serialized data | |
} | |
# -List : just show the paths, comma separated | |
# if there is a clash, should mention that!! i.e. cd temp | |
$ProfileExtensionsGoTogglePathTesting = $true | |
function go ($JumpTo, [switch]$DisableCDAlias, [switch]$ResetGoHash, [switch]$ResetCDHistory, [switch]$TogglePathTesting, [switch]$ForceJumpTo, [switch]$List) { | |
# function is not stand-alone. Depends on Import-GoHash | |
# Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)][string]$JumpTo ) # Mandatory=$true | |
# ToDo: If the folder does not exist, is it useful to create it? Should definitely be optional | |
# ToDo: Possibly these values should be pushed into the registry, then can be updated by user easily? | |
# | |
# Populate the path_history file, do this before the Bypass so capture normal cd access in there | |
$goxml = "$env:TEMP\ps_go_hash.xml" ; if (!(Test-Path $goxml)) { Import-GoHash } | |
$path_history = "$($env:TEMP)\ps_go_path_history.txt" ; if (!(Test-Path $path_history)) { New-Item -ItemType File $path_history | Out-Null } | |
$path_source = Get-Location # if no move is made, do NOT add this to the history! Have to be careful on when this is added | |
$cd_date = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" | |
if ($ResetGoHash -eq $true) { rm $goxml -EA Silent ; Import-GoHash ; break } # If reset GoHash switch: delete hash table and rebuild | |
if ($ResetCDHistory -eq $true) { if (Test-Path $path_history) { Clear-Content $path_history ; break } } # If reset CD history switch: clear path history | |
# Case to disable the 'cd' alias with the -DisableCD switch | |
if ($DisableCDAlias -eq $true) { | |
# See "get-help about_Command_Precedence" for more details on the precedence rules. | |
Remove-Item -Path Alias:cd | |
Set-Alias cd Set-Location -Option AllScope | |
# Check the value of $MyInvocation.InvocationName, if '.' then it was dotsourced, if 'cd' then not dotsourced | |
# | |
"`nCommands run:`n`nRemove-Item -Path Alias:cd`nSet-Alias cd Set-Location" | |
Get-Alias cd | |
"" | |
"To re-assign 'cd' to the 'go' function, run 'EnableCDAlias'" | |
break | |
} | |
if ($null -eq $gohash -or $gohash.Count -eq 0) { if (!(Test-Path $goxml)) { Import-GoHash } else { $gohash = Import-Clixml $goxml }} | |
if ($TogglePathTesting -eq $true) { | |
if ($ProfileExtensionsGoTogglePathTesting -eq $true) { $ProfileExtensionsGoTogglePathTesting = $false } else { $ProfileExtensionsGoTogglePathTesting = $true } | |
"Path testing (check all paths when running 'cd.' / 'cd:' / 'go :' is now: $ProfileExtensionsGoTogglePathTesting" | |
break | |
} | |
if ($List -eq $true) { | |
if (!(Test-Path $goxml)) { Import-GoHash } else { $gohash = Import-Clixml $goxml } | |
$longest = 0 ; $gohash.GetEnumerator() | % { $keylength = ($_.Key).length ; if ($longest -lt $keylength) { $longest = $keylength } } | |
# $gohash.GetEnumerator() | Sort -Property Name # Note: This is the only correct way to sort hash tables! | |
$output = "`n " + ($gohash.GetEnumerator() | % { | |
$keypadding = $longest - ($_.Key).length | |
"$($_.Key)$(" " * $keypadding) = $($_.Value)`n" | |
}) -replace "^ ", "" | sort | |
Write-Host $output ; break | |
break | |
# ($gohash.GetEnumerator() | % { go through and work out longest length, set the = sign to 1 character after that | |
# $output += ($gohash.GetEnumerator() | % { "$($_.Key)`t=`t$($_.Value)`r`n" }) ; Write-Host $output ; break | |
# $output = ($gohash.GetEnumerator() | % { "$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)" }) -join ' ### ' ; Write-Wrap $output ; break } | |
} | |
# Above switches all 'break' after applying so no need to test on them after here | |
if ($null -eq $JumpTo) { | |
Import-GoHash # Need to populate $gohash | |
$gohash.GetEnumerator() | Sort -Property Name # Note: This is the correct way to sort hash tables! | |
"" | |
"Total number of defined jump locations: $($gohash.Count)" | |
"" | |
"The 'go' function is aliased by 'cc' and 'cd' (and globally replaces the built-in cd alias" | |
"for the Set-Location Cmdlet (but 'Set-Location' and 'sl' themselves remains unchanged)." | |
"Just use 'cd' as normal, but with the below extensions (and remember that 'go' and 'cc' will also work)." | |
"" | |
" cd # On its own, show all pre-defined jump locations" | |
" cd pf # Jump to 'C:\Program Files', one of the locations shown in 'cd'" | |
" cd etc|temps|tempu # Jump to 'etc' (for hosts file), or System Temp, or User Temp" | |
" cd regstartupsys # Jump to the System startup key in the Registry (using the Registry PSProvider)" | |
" cd./cd: (or 'go :') # Show history of locations cd'd to" | |
" cd <history_index> # Jump to the location tied to the index shown in the history" | |
"" | |
" go -ResetHashTable # Reset the jump location hash table" | |
" go -ResetCDHistory # Reset/delete current history locations" | |
" go -TestCDHistory # Check validity of location in cd history" | |
" go -DisableCDAlias # Revert the 'cd' alias back to 'Set-Location'" | |
"" | |
' Import-GoHash "jump-name" "C:\my\path" # Define and add a jump location into the hash table' | |
"If '::' separators are used, will try each folder in order until success." | |
'e.g. Import-GoHash "films" "C:\Downloads\Films::D:\Downloads\Films::E:\Media\Films"' | |
" 'cd films' will then try each location till it finds a hit." | |
"" | |
break | |
} | |
# Bypass: if the path exists as a relative path or as an absolute, then just do a normal 'cd' and exit. | |
# [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($JumpTo) # IsPathRooted checks for C:\, need in case C:\new\path as non-relative | |
# We don't technically need to differentiate "rooted" (i.e. absolute) and non-rooted, but note here in case need in future. | |
# Note: this won’t check whether the path provided exists or not. | |
$HasDirMoved = $false | |
if ($ForceJumpTo -ne $true -and $JumpTo -ne "..." -and $JumpTo -ne "...." -and $JumpTo -ne ".....") { # Block a normal 'cd' if the folder exists if the $ForceJumpTo switch used | |
if (Test-Path $JumpTo) { Set-Location $JumpTo ; $HasDirMoved = $true } # try going to the exact location | |
elseif (Test-Path "$(pwd)\$JumpTo") { Set-Location "$(pwd)\$JumpTo" ; $HasDirMoved = $true } # otherwise, try relative path case (only used for other PSProviders) | |
} | |
if ($HasDirMoved -ne $true) { | |
# Note the use of "cd .." in first instance to add the location to the CD history, then "Set-Location .." after that. | |
if ($JumpTo -eq "...") { cd .. ; Set-Location .. ; break } | |
if ($JumpTo -eq "....") { cd .. ; Set-Location .. ; Set-Location .. ; break } | |
if ($JumpTo -eq ".....") { cd .. ; Set-Location .. ; Set-Location .. ; Set-Location .. ; break } | |
# Display the cd index history on "cd :" (also 'cd:' and 'cd.' functions are created separately) | |
if ($JumpTo -eq ":") { | |
"" | |
if ($null -eq (Get-Content $path_history -EA silent)) { | |
"Path history is empty`n" | |
} | |
else { | |
$paths_array = Get-Content $path_history | |
$path_history_count = ($paths_array).Count | |
For ( $i = 0; $i -lt $path_history_count ; $i++ ) { | |
$line = $paths_array[$i] | |
$x = $path_history_count - $i # Must update the count before outputting the line | |
if ($ProfileExtensionsGoTogglePathTesting -eq $true) { | |
if (!(Test-Path $line)) { | |
$line += " :: [BROKEN PATH]" | |
Write-Host "$x :: $line" -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Red | |
} | |
else { | |
"$x :: $line" | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
"$x :: $line" | |
} | |
} | |
"`nTo go to a previous folder, use 'cd <history_index>' (index numbers listed on left)" | |
"Note that to minimise repetition in the entries, if a location earlier in the history is" | |
"cd'd into, the old history entry will be removed and replaced by an entry at position 1.`n" | |
} | |
break | |
} | |
if ($JumpTo -is [int]) { # Jump to a location in path history if $JumpTo is an integer | |
$oldpath = (Get-Content $path_history)[-$JumpTo] # get n'th last line(!) counting backwards | |
"JumpTo -> index $JumpTo in cd history: $oldpath`n" | |
if (Test-Path $oldpath) { Set-Location $oldpath ; $HasDirMoved = $true } | |
else { "The path stored in cd history index $JumpTo is missing: $oldpath`n"} | |
break | |
} | |
if ($gohash.ContainsKey($JumpTo)) { # Finally, parse the $JumpTo value from hashtable and jump to that folder | |
$arrPaths = $gohash[$JumpTo] -split "::" | |
foreach ($i in $arrPaths) { | |
if (Test-Path $i) { | |
if ($HasDirMoved -ne $true) { # This test is to only jump to the *first* match in the hashtable value then stop | |
Set-Location $i | |
$HasDirMoved = $true | |
"JumpTo -> " + $gohash[$JumpTo] | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if ($HasDirMoved -eq $false) { | |
echo " Paths do not exist:`n $($arrPaths)" | |
} | |
} elseif (Test-Path "C:\Users\$JumpTo") { | |
cd "C:\Users\$JumpTo" | |
} else { | |
"'$JumpTo' was not found either as a subfolder of the current folder or as a defined jump location." | |
"Type 'cd' or 'go' on its own to see all currently defined jump locations." | |
} | |
} | |
if ($HasDirMoved -eq $true) { | |
# Remove any duplicates | |
$x = ""; foreach ($i in (Get-Content $path_history)) { if ($i -ne $path_source) { $x += "$i`n" } } | |
Set-Content -Path $path_history -Value "$x$path_source" -Force # add current value into list (unless it is the last value!) | |
break | |
} | |
} | |
# Below 'cd' manipulation is referencing the 'go' function in the Custom-Tools Module, so only do these if 'go' is available. | |
# Tried to put these into a function then call it. | |
# function EnableCDAlias { | |
if (Get-Command go -EA Silent) { | |
Set-Alias cc go | |
if (Test-Path Alias:cd) { Remove-Item -Path Alias:cd } # Remove the default: cd -> Set-Location | |
# See "get-help about_Command_Precedence" for more details on the precedence rules. | |
# Due to precedence rules, alias is above function so have to remove cd as an alias before reassinging | |
# Remove-Alias was not added until PS v6 so have to use Remove-Item with the Alias PSProvider | |
Set-Alias cd go -Option AllScope | |
# Without -Option AllScope, the above generates the following error: | |
# Set-alias : The AllScope option cannot be removed from the alias 'cd'. | |
# At line:1 char:1 | |
# + Set-alias cd go | |
# + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
# + CategoryInfo : WriteError: (cd:String) [Set-Alias], SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException | |
# + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AliasAllScopeOptionCannotBeRemoved,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetAliasCommand | |
} | |
# } | |
# EnableCDAlias | |
function cd. { go : } | |
function cd: { go : } | |
# "cd\" is a built-in PowerShell function which maps to "Set-Location \", so bypasses the go/cd function | |
# meaning that cd/go history location will not be stored (.e.g. "cd C:\Windows\System32" then "cd\"). | |
# Re-aliasing "cd\" as AllScope to use the cd/go function fixes this. | |
function go_root { go \ } | |
Set-Alias cd\ go_root -Option AllScope | |
# For the following, the first move has to use the cd/go function (so that the previous location is recorded!) | |
# but then use Set-Location afterwards so that those locations are not recorded in history. | |
function cd... { Push-Location ; cd .. ; Set-Location .. } # Go up 2 folder levels. | |
function cd.... { Push-Location ; cd .. ; Set-Location .. ; Set-Location .. } # Go up 3 folder levels. | |
function cd..... { Push-Location ; cd .. ; Set-Location .. ; Set-Location .. ; Set-Location .. } # Go up 4 folder levels. | |
function .. { Push-Location ; cd .. } # Go up 1 folder levels. | |
function ... { Push-Location ; cd .. ; Set-Location .. } # Go up 2 folder levels. | |
function .... { Push-Location ; cd .. ; Set-Location .. ; Set-Location .. } # Go up 3 folder levels. | |
function ..... { Push-Location ; cd .. ; Set-Location .. ; Set-Location .. ; Set-Location .. } # Go up 4 folder levels. | |
Set-Alias dc cd # Define this as it is a common typo. | |
function mc ($dir) { # mc "Make Directory and CD into Directory" = md + cd | |
if(!([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($dir))) { | |
try { md $dir } catch { "Could not create $dir, may not have permissions" } | |
try { cd $dir } catch { "Could not cd into $dir." } | |
} else { "Make Dir + CD into Dir : No directory specified" } | |
} | |
# Must use $intput instead of $args to allow use of any additional Get-ChildItem switches ($args results in an error if trying that) | |
function l { Get-ChildItem $input | Format-Wide Name -AutoSize } # wide autosized, could use -Exclude .* to remove . / .. listings | |
function ll { Get-ChildItem $input -Force | sort Directory,Name } # -Force causes all Hidden items to be shown! | |
Set-Alias d Get-ChildItem | |
Set-Alias dur Get-ChildItem # dir typo | |
Set-Alias dor Get-ChildItem # dir typo | |
#region Fix important *nix commands. | |
# | |
# Optional region for cross-compatible Windows / Linux scripts | |
# PowerShell comes with some predefined aliases built-in that are designed to | |
# ease the transition from *nx to PowerShell. While this is well-intentioned, | |
# it causes problems in cross-platform PowerShell scripting. This code removes | |
# the predefined aliases that would otherwise hide important *nix commands. | |
# | |
# foreach ($nxCommand in @('cat','cp','curl','diff','echo','kill','ls','man','mount','mv','ps','pwd','rm','sleep','tee','type','wget')) { | |
# if (Test-Path -LiteralPath alias:${nxCommand}) { | |
# Remove-Item -LiteralPath alias:${nxCommand} -Force | |
# } | |
# } | |
# New-Alias -Name type -Value cat | |
# function ls { | |
# param() | |
# if ($args -notcontains '--color') { | |
# $args += '--color' | |
# } | |
# & ls.exe @args | |
# } | |
# | |
#endregion | |
#################### | |
# | |
# Altering the position and size of the PowerShell console is the only actual visible | |
# change made to the environment (all the rest are just functions that can be used). | |
# | |
# The reason for this is that PowerShell too often opens a new console with the bottom of | |
# the console off the bottom of the screen. This fixes that once and for all. | |
# | |
# ToDo: Only move and resize if script is opened from $Profile... not sure possible | |
# | |
# | |
# | |
# This might be a better way to research, as can change the state between Normal and Maximised | |
# | |
# | |
# Removed this from the Set-MaxWindowSize function: | |
# $CurrentUser = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() | |
# $CurrentUserPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $CurrentUser | |
# $Adminrole = [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator | |
# If (($CurrentUserPrincipal).IsInRole($AdminRole)){$Elevated = "Administrator"} | |
# | |
# $Title = $Elevated + " $ENV:USERNAME".ToUpper() + ": $($Host.Name) " + $($Host.Version) + " - " + (Get-Date).toshortdatestring() | |
# $Host.UI.RawUI.set_WindowTitle($Title) | |
# | |
#################### | |
# Add-Type -Name Window -Namespace Console -MemberDefinition ' | |
# [DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] | |
# public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow(); | |
# [DllImport("user32.dll")] | |
# public static extern bool MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int X, int Y, int W, int H); ' | |
function Global:Set-ConsolePosition ($x, $y, $w, $h) { | |
# Keep this function in ProfileExtensions as used during updates | |
# Note: the DLL code below must not be indented from the left-side or will break | |
Add-Type -Name Window -Namespace Console -MemberDefinition ' | |
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] | |
public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow(); | |
[DllImport("user32.dll")] | |
public static extern bool MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int X, int Y, int W, int H); ' | |
# Do the Add-Type outside of the function as repeating it in a session can cause errors | |
$consoleHWND = [Console.Window]::GetConsoleWindow(); | |
$consoleHWND = [Console.Window]::MoveWindow($consoleHWND, $x, $y, $w, $h); | |
# $consoleHWND = [Console.Window]::MoveWindow($consoleHWND,75,0,600,600); | |
# $consoleHWND = [Console.Window]::MoveWindow($consoleHWND,-6,0,600,600); | |
} | |
function Global:Set-MaxWindowSize { | |
# Keep this function in ProfileExtensions as used during updates | |
# | |
# | |
# "Also note 'Mode 300' and 'Alt-Enter' to fullscreen the console`n" | |
if ($Host.Name -match "console") { | |
$MaxHeight = $host.UI.RawUI.MaxPhysicalWindowSize.Height - 5 # 1 | |
$MaxWidth = $host.UI.RawUI.MaxPhysicalWindowSize.Width - 15 # 15 | |
$MyBuffer = $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize | |
$MyWindow = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize | |
$MyWindow.Height = ($MaxHeight) | |
$MyWindow.Width = ($Maxwidth-2) | |
$MyBuffer.Height = (9999) | |
$MyBuffer.Width = ($Maxwidth-2) | |
# $host.UI.RawUI.set_bufferSize($MyBuffer) | |
# $host.UI.RawUI.set_windowSize($MyWindow) | |
$host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize = $MyBuffer | |
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize = $MyWindow | |
} | |
} | |
# Only run this the first time that Profile Extensions are run in this session (k.e. ". pect" will not reactivate) | |
if ($null -eq $ProfileExtensionsFirstRun) { | |
Set-ConsolePosition 75 0 600 600 | |
Set-MaxWindowSize | |
} | |
$ProfileExtensionsFirstRun = $false |
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