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Created April 28, 2012 05:02
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Save rpattabi/2516189 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Stuff On Top of Ubuntu

Stuff to install or setup on top of default ubuntu installation


Remove libre office. Add ..

  • Update Manager
  • System Monitor
  • Terminal

unnecessary applications

  • thunderbird


gimp scribus inkscape vim-gnome git-core curl build-essential keepassx storebackup smplayer wine aptitude terminator


  • gnotravex hex-a-hop gnotski supertuxkart gtans gnect
  • puzzle-moppet
  • babaschess
  • scid stockfish
  • ICOfy chess games collection


Favorite addons collection


scantailor gmusicbrowser anki artha kalvaro krita mono-complete monodevelop

unity-lens-wikipedia unity-lens-askubuntu

coffeescript --> nodejs npm & npm install -g coffee-script

java? tomighty


ubuntu-restricted-extras <-- not sure now if the option is selected during ubuntu os installation.


  • print edit


  • pychess numptyphysics lightsoff bovo pioneers smc palapeli pathological
  • circular-chaos


  • grub theme burg -- how to
  • firefox preferences -- content --> don't allow sites to use their own fonts. Looks better.
  • firefox setup sync
  • nautilus - Favourites (/tmp, /mnt/backup2tb)
  • ubuntu one setup
  • keepassx : security - lock database after __ seconds of inactivity (300 seconds?)
  • transmission blocklist level1
  • flash player fix -- <-- didn't require it after ubuntu reinstallation
  • storebackup ??
  • vi/vim style for terminal -- update ~/.bashrc with set -o vi

drive access for all users



  1. edit /etc/fstab. Ensure all the drive/partition has /dev/sda1 /mnt/music ext4 defaults,errors=remount-ro,acl 1 2
  2. unmount to activate acl. mount -o remount,acl /mnt/music
  3. create a new user group. addgroup kutties
  4. add users to the group. gpasswd -a ragu kutties and gpasswd -a ananth kutties
  5. add permissions to the group for the existing stuff. setfacl -Rm g:kutties:rwX /mnt/music
  6. add permissions to the group for the new files in future. setfacl -d -Rm g:kutties:rwX /mnt/music

Tamil typing support

sudo apt-get install m17n-db m17n-contrib ibus-m17n
choose ibus as the input method in 'System > Language Support'
in order to have this automatically started on start up im-switch -s ibus
Details here


vim bundles

  • mattn/gist-vim -- helps to use vim for working with github gists
  • unimpaired -- adds easy way to add blank line without going into insert mode
  • fugitive -- do git within vim


Update gvim startup settings with

# ~/.vimrc

colorscheme kellys or colorscheme desert
set guifont=Ubuntu\ Mono\ 12

Following was required to be added for ~/.bashrc since gvim took time to start

function gvim() { (/usr/bin/gvim -f "$@" &) }


rvm installation --
install -- rvm requirements
vim for ruby --

sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev ncurses-dev automake libtool bison subversion pkg-config exuberant-ctags ack

curl -L | bash -s stable --auto #there is --ruby option to install it along with a given ruby
echo '[[ -s "/home/rpattabi/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/home/rpattabi/.rvm/scripts/rvm"' >> ~/.bashrc  # not sure if this is required
source ~/.bashrc  
type rvm | head -1  # this should say rvm is a function  

rvm pkg install openssl  
rvm install 1.9.3 --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr  
rvm use 1.9.3 --default  
rmdir $rvm_path/usr/ssl/certs
ln -s /etc/ssl/certs $rvm_path/usr/ssl

curl -Lo- | bash

gem install newgem


reference -

rvm requirements # and install the prerequisites for jruby
rvm install jruby --1.9

music visualization

projectm -- sudo apt-get install projectm-pulseaudio
recording visualizations -- and
glc --
Installing from debian -- add wheezy main (don't forget to remove after installating)

slideshow video

  • imagination -- good easy to use software, but lacking good defaults (e.g. ken burns feature is available but should be manually added)
  • photofilmstrip -- good defaults. Can render video right away. But lacking many features. But this is good enough for most purposes.

Steps to use photo film strip

  1. sudo aptitude install photofilmstrip
  2. create a new project. Use 16:9 ratio. Don't bother with total time or audio. (Audio file length becomes total time of the video). This gives approx 7 seconds for a picture with ken burn. This is good enough.
  3. Add images to the project
  4. Selecting an image shows it in right and left panes. With boxes we can customize the ken burn size and direction. Ensure that the left side image is covered fully by the box. Right side image could have the box with the focussed zone of the image or based on the direction of the image. (e.g. mountain images could go from bottom to top i.e. to the sky, macro mode images could ken burned to the focussed point, birds flying images could go to flying direction)
  5. It is also possible to change the transition effect and the duration per image.
  6. It is also possible to rearrange the images.
  7. To get an idea, render (tick icon) in 'draft' mode. The rendering goes on in the job queue tab.
  8. Once images, order, ken burn, duration, video quality and format are finalized, give the final render. Preferably HD, PAL, AVI, XVid. This seems to take a lot of time.
  9. Since there is no good way to add caption (there is one but it is through srt file), and music (there is an obscure way with very little control), use the output in softwares like kdenlive to get these stuff done.
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ananthp commented Aug 11, 2012

glc-play fails with "Invalid Argument" error on Desktop, Ubuntu 12.04.

aptitude install alsa-oss
aoss glc-play

todo: move this somewhere appropriate

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ananthp commented Aug 11, 2012

openshot movie editor

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ananthp commented Aug 19, 2012

Experimental: Latex?

$ sudo aptitude install lyx
The following NEW packages will be installed:
dvipng{a} elyxer{a} lacheck{a} latex-beamer{a} latex-xcolor{a}
libboost-regex1.46.1{a} libboost-signals1.46.1{a} lyx lyx-common{a}
pgf{a} preview-latex-style{a} prosper{a} ps2eps{a} psutils{a}
texlive-extra-utils{a} texlive-font-utils{a} texlive-fonts-recommended{a}
texlive-fonts-recommended-doc{a} texlive-generic-extra{a}
texlive-generic-recommended{a} texlive-latex-extra{a}
texlive-latex-extra-doc{a} texlive-latex-recommended{a}
texlive-latex-recommended-doc{a} texlive-pictures{a}
texlive-pictures-doc{a} texlive-pstricks{a} texlive-pstricks-doc{a}
texlive-science{a} texlive-science-doc{a} tipa{a}
0 packages upgraded, 31 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 362 MB of archives. After unpacking 578 MB will be used.
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anu, you can fork and update this gist.

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ananthp commented Sep 29, 2012

Done. how do we merge?

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rpattabi commented Oct 1, 2012

I am starting to think that gist is not exactly what we wanted to collaborate on a document.
One alternative is to mode these files as github repository. The collaboration features are better there.
What do you say?

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