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Last active December 27, 2015 12:19
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Save rpetti/7325408 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/etc/p4passwd contains plain text passwords (for administrator override). When a user changes their password, a shadow password entry is added to /etc/p4shadow, which is used for authentication from then-on. If the user isn't in the p4passwd or p4shadow file, it will use ldap authentication.
# p4 trigger: updateLocalPw auth-set auth "%serverroot%/triggers/ %user% %serverroot%/triggers/"
$login = shift(ARGV);
$authCmd = shift(ARGV);
open(LCL_PASSWD_FILE,"</etc/p4shadow") or die "Can't open local shadow password file.";
@PASSWD = grep(!/^$login\:\:/, @PASSWD);
chomp(my @passwd = <STDIN>);
s/\r$// for(@passwd);
open(AUTH, "| $authCmd $login") or die "Can't authenticate password.";
print AUTH "$passwd[0]\n";
die "Authentication failed." if $?;
my @salt = ( '.', '/', 0 .. 9, 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z' );
# this takes password as argument: good for simple example, bad for
# security (perldoc -q password)
my $encrypted;
# generate traditional (weak!) DES password, and more modern md5
$encrypted = crypt( $passwd[1], gensalt(2) );
foreach (@PASSWD) {
print LCL_PASSWD_FILE "$_\n";
# uses global @salt to construct salt string of requested length
sub gensalt {
my $count = shift;
my $salt;
for (1..$count) {
$salt .= (@salt)[rand @salt];
return $salt;
# Script called by the perforce via the auth-check trigger
# p4 trigger: 'ldap auth-check auth "%serverroot%/triggers/ %user%"'
use Net::LDAP;
# Read in login name and password
my $login = shift(ARGV);
my $ldapServer = "ldap-hostname";
my $ldapServerBackup = "ldap-hostname-2";
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup stdout";
## read the password from <stdin< and truncate the newline
chomp (my $passwd = <STDIN>);
$passwd =~ s/\r$//;
# Check /etc/p4shadow to see if the login account this there. If it is, do authentication there.
open(LCL_PASSWD_FILE,"</etc/p4shadow") or die "Can't open local shadow password file.";
while (<LCL_PASSWD_FILE>) {
# next if ( /^\#/ );
if ( /^$login\:\:/ ) {
($testpasswd = $_) =~ s/^$login\:\://;
if ( crypt($passwd, $testpasswd) ne $testpasswd ) {
open("DEBUGFILE", '>>/tmp/debugP4Login');
$mesg = "Local Authentication of $login failed with bad shadow password - " . `date` ."";
print DEBUGFILE $mesg;
sendError("relops", "LocalShadowAuth", $mesg);
exit 1;
# Was able to authenticate via local p4passwd file, exist success
exit 0;
# Check /etc/p4passwd to see if the login account this there. If it is, do authentication there.
open(LCL_PASSWD_FILE,"</etc/p4passwd") or die "Can't open local password file.";
while (<LCL_PASSWD_FILE>) {
# next if ( /^\#/ );
if ( /^$login\:\:/ ) {
($testpasswd = $_) =~ s/^$login\:\://;
if ( $testpasswd ne $passwd ) {
open("DEBUGFILE", '>>/tmp/debugP4Login');
$mesg = "Local Authentication of $login failed with bad password - " . `date` ."";
print DEBUGFILE $mesg;
sendError("relops", "LocalAuth", $mesg);
exit 1;
# Was able to authenticate via local p4passwd file, exist success
exit 0;
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new ( $ldapServer ) or sendError("relops", "Connection", "");
$mesg = $ldap->bind ( version => 3 ); # use for searches
$mesg = $ldap->bind ( "$login\",
password => "$passwd",
version => 3 );
# It applears that "52e" means bad password and 525 is invalid login
if ( $mesg->code ) {
open("DEBUGFILE", '>>/tmp/debugP4Login');
print DEBUGFILE $mesg->error;
print DEBUGFILE " - $login " . `date` . "";
#print DEBUGFILE "LDAP Authentication Error.\n";
if ( $mesg->error =~ /52e/ )
$ldapErrorMsg="LDAP returned data 52e which means bad password Full LDAP message\n";
elsif ( $mesg->error =~ /525/ )
$ldapErrorMsg="LDAP returned data 525 which means unknown login Full LDAP message\n";
$ldapErrorMsg = $ldapErrorMsg . $mesg->error;
$ldapErrorMsg=~s/[^0-9a-zA-Z ]//g;
sendError("relops", "LDAP", $ldapErrorMsg);
exit $mesg->code;
exit 0;
sub sendError
my ($emailUser, $error, $msg) = @_;
$msg = `date` . $msg;
if ($error=~/Connection/)
`echo "$login is having Connection Problem on $ldapServer" | mail -s "IMPORTANT: Respond immediately!! ldap connection problem on $ldapServer" $emailUser\`;
`echo "Perforce is having problem communicating with LDAP Server $ldapServer. Please let releng know ASAP." | mail -s "Perforce LDAP communication problem" -c relops\ $login\`;
die "LDAP failed";
exit 1;
if ($error=~/LDAP/)
`echo "$msg" | mail -s "LDAP authentication failed for $login on $ldapServer" $emailUser\`;
if ($error=~/LocalAuth/)
`echo "$msg" | mail -s "Local authentication failed for $login" $emailUser\`;
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