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Created November 3, 2023 20:28
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Data for pandaPIparser issue #24
;; openstacks, strips version
(define (domain openstacks-sequencedstrips-ADL-nocosts)
(:requirements :typing :adl)
(:types order product count)
(:predicates (includes ?o - order ?p - product)
(waiting ?o - order)
(started ?o - order)
(shipped ?o - order)
(goal-shipped ?o - order)
(made ?p - product)
(stacks-avail ?s - count)
(next-count ?s ?ns - count))
(:task make-product-complex :parameters (?p - product))
(:task start-an-order-for :parameters (?p - product ?o - order))
(:task start-an-order :parameters (?o - order))
(:task ship-an-order :parameters (?o - order))
(:task start-orders :parameters (?p - product))
(:task ship-products :parameters (?o - order))
(:task plan :parameters ())
(:task plan-for-goals :parameters ())
(:task open-all-stacks :parameters ())
; (:task reset-order-status :parameters ())
(:task one-step :parameters ())
(:task make-a-product :parameters ())
(:task open-new-stack-complex :parameters (?n ?n1 - count))
;; modified so that the precondition is that none of the orders may
;; be waiting, which means it could be "shipped", which makes plan
;; repair (and the construction of plan repair problems), easier.
(:action make-product
:parameters (?p - product)
:precondition (and (not (made ?p))
(forall (?o - order)
(imply (includes ?o ?p)
(not (waiting ?o)))))
:effect (made ?p))
(:action start-order
:parameters (?o - order ?avail ?new-avail - count)
:precondition (and (waiting ?o)
(stacks-avail ?avail)
(next-count ?new-avail ?avail))
:effect (and (not (waiting ?o))
(started ?o)
(not (stacks-avail ?avail))
(stacks-avail ?new-avail))
(:action ship-order
:parameters (?o - order ?avail ?new-avail - count)
:precondition (and (started ?o)
(forall (?p - product)
(imply (includes ?o ?p) (made ?p)))
(stacks-avail ?avail)
(next-count ?avail ?new-avail))
:effect (and (not (started ?o))
(shipped ?o)
(not (stacks-avail ?avail))
(stacks-avail ?new-avail))
(:action open-new-stack
:parameters (?open ?new-open - count)
:precondition (and (stacks-avail ?open)
(next-count ?open ?new-open))
:effect (and (not (stacks-avail ?open))
(stacks-avail ?new-open))
;;This action should only be used during replanning to reset order status
;; (otherwise, the stack system will be offset and break the state)
; (:action reset
; :parameters (?o - order)
; :precondition (and (started ?o) (not (shipped ?o)) (not (waiting ?o)))
; :effect (and (waiting ?o) (not (started ?o)))
; )
(:method plan-method-1
:parameters ()
:task (plan)
(exists (?o - order)
(and (goal-shipped ?o) (not (shipped ?o))))
(and (open-all-stacks)
(:method open-a-stack-and-recurse
:parameters (?n ?n1 - count)
(exists (?n ?n1 - count) (and (stacks-avail ?n) (next-count ?n ?n1)))
:ordered-subtasks (and (open-new-stack-complex ?n ?n1) (open-all-stacks)))
(:method done-opening-stacks
:parameters (?n - count)
(open-all-stacks) :precondition
(and (stacks-avail ?n)
(forall (?n1 - count) (not (next-count ?n ?n1))))
:ordered-subtasks (and))
(:method open-new-stack-method-1 :parameters (?n ?n1 - count)
:task (open-new-stack-complex ?n ?n1) :precondition
(and (stacks-avail ?n) (next-count ?n ?n1)) :ordered-subtasks
(and (open-new-stack ?n ?n1)))
; (:method reset-an-order-and-recurse :parameters (?o - order)
; :task
; (reset-order-status) :precondition
; (and (started ?o) (not (shipped ?o)))
; :ordered-subtasks
; (and (reset ?o) (reset-order-status)))
; (:method done-resetting :parameters () :task (reset-order-status)
; :precondition (forall (?o - order) (not (started ?o)))
; :ordered-subtasks (and))
(:method ship-one-order :parameters () :task (plan-for-goals)
:precondition (exists (?o - order) (not (shipped ?o)))
:ordered-subtasks (and (one-step) (plan-for-goals)))
(:method done-shipping-orders :parameters () :task (plan-for-goals)
:precondition (forall (?order - order) (shipped ?order))
:ordered-subtasks (and))
;;; ONE-STEP methods
(:method one-step-make-product :parameters () :task (one-step)
(forall (?order - order)
(imply (not (shipped ?order))
(exists (?p - product)
(and (includes ?order ?p) (not (made ?p))))))
:ordered-subtasks (and (make-a-product)))
; (:method repair-an-order
; :parameters (?o - order ?avail-prime ?avail - count)
; :task (one-step)
; :precondition
; (and (goal-shipped ?o)
; (not (shipped ?o))
; (not (started ?o))
; ;; if we must, we could maintain this predicate
; ;; to avoid use of FORALL.
; ;; (ready-to-ship ?o)
; (forall (?p - product) (imply (includes ?o ?p) (made ?p)))
; (next-count ?avail-prime ?avail))
; :ordered-subtasks
; (start-order ?o ?avail ?avail-prime))
(:method one-step-ship-order
:parameters (?o - order ?p - product)
:task (one-step)
;; prefer to ship an order, if possible...
(and (goal-shipped ?o)
(not (shipped ?o))
;; if we must, we could maintain this predicate
;; to avoid use of FORALL.
;; (ready-to-ship ?o)
(forall (?p - product) (imply (includes ?o ?p) (made ?p)))
(started ?o))
(ship-an-order ?o))
(:method start-an-order-and-recurse
:parameters (?p - product ?order - order)
:task (start-orders ?p)
(exists (?o - order) (and (includes ?o ?p) (not (started ?o))))
(and (start-an-order-for ?p ?order) (start-orders ?p)))
(:method done-starting-orders :parameters (?p - product) :task (start-orders ?p)
(forall (?o - order) (imply (includes ?o ?p) (started ?o)))
:ordered-subtasks (and))
;; here's a problem -- we want the product to be made only if
;; there are no products we can ship. But we can't make that a
;; precondition for this method.
(:method make-a-product-1
:parameters (?o - order ?p - product)
:task (make-a-product)
; (:sort-by ?h
(includes ?o ?p)
(not (shipped ?o))
(not (made ?p))
;; (ship-cost-heuristic ?p ?h)
); )
(make-product-complex ?p))
(:method ship-an-order-1
:parameters (?order - order ?avail ?new - count)
:task (ship-an-order ?order)
(and (goal-shipped ?order)
(not (shipped ?order))
(forall (?p - product) (imply (includes ?order ?p) (made ?p)))
(stacks-avail ?avail)
(next-count ?avail ?new))
(ship-order ?order ?avail ?new))
(:method make-product-complex-1
:parameters (?p - product)
:task (make-product-complex ?p)
:ordered-subtasks (and
(start-orders ?p)
(make-product ?p)))
(:method start-an-order-for-1
:parameters (?p - product ?o - order ?avail ?avail-prime - count)
:task (start-an-order-for ?p ?o)
(and (includes ?o ?p)
(not (started ?o))
(stacks-avail ?avail)
(next-count ?avail-prime ?avail))
(start-order ?o ?avail ?avail-prime))
(:method start-an-order-1
:parameters (?order - order ?count ?next - count)
:task (start-an-order ?order)
(and (stacks-avail ?next)
(next-count ?count ?next))
:ordered-subtasks (start-order ?order ?next ?count))
(:method ship-products-1
:parameters (?order - order ?count ?next - count)
:task (ship-products ?order)
(and (stacks-avail ?count)
(next-count ?count ?next))
(ship-order ?order ?count ?next))
(define (problem os-sequencedstrips-p5_1)
(:domain openstacks-sequencedstrips-adl-nocosts)
(:requirements :hierarchy :typing :adl)
n0 - count
n1 - count
n2 - count
n3 - count
n4 - count
n5 - count
p1 - product
p2 - product
p3 - product
p4 - product
p5 - product
o1 - order
o2 - order
o3 - order
o4 - order
o5 - order)
(goal-shipped o1)
(goal-shipped o2)
(goal-shipped o3)
(goal-shipped o4)
(goal-shipped o5)
(next-count n0 n1)
(next-count n1 n2)
(next-count n2 n3)
(next-count n3 n4)
(next-count n4 n5)
(stacks-avail n0)
(waiting o1)
(includes o1 p2)
(waiting o2)
(includes o2 p1)
(includes o2 p2)
(waiting o3)
(includes o3 p3)
(waiting o4)
(includes o4 p3)
(includes o4 p4)
(waiting o5)
(includes o5 p5))
(:htn :ordered-subtasks (plan))
(:goal ()))
1 (open-new-stack n0 n1)
2 (open-new-stack n1 n2)
3 (open-new-stack n2 n3)
4 (open-new-stack n3 n4)
5 (open-new-stack n4 n5)
6 (start-order o5 n5 n4)
7 (make-product p5)
8 (ship-order o5 n4 n5)
9 (start-order o4 n5 n4)
10 (make-product p4)
11 (start-order o3 n4 n3)
12 (make-product p3)
13 (ship-order o4 n3 n4)
14 (ship-order o3 n4 n5)
15 (start-order o2 n5 n4)
16 (make-product p1)
17 (start-order o1 n4 n3)
18 (make-product p2)
19 (ship-order o2 n3 n4)
20 (ship-order o1 n4 n5)
root 21
21 (plan) -> plan-method-1 22 23
22 (open-all-stacks) -> open-a-stack-and-recurse 24 25
23 (plan-for-goals) -> ship-one-order 26 27
24 (open-new-stack-complex n0 n1) -> open-new-stack-method-1 1
25 (open-all-stacks) -> open-a-stack-and-recurse 28 29
26 (one-step) -> one-step-make-product 30
27 (plan-for-goals) -> ship-one-order 31 32
28 (open-new-stack-complex n1 n2) -> open-new-stack-method-1 2
29 (open-all-stacks) -> open-a-stack-and-recurse 33 34
30 (make-a-product) -> make-a-product-1 35
31 (one-step) -> one-step-ship-order 36
32 (plan-for-goals) -> ship-one-order 37 38
33 (open-new-stack-complex n2 n3) -> open-new-stack-method-1 3
34 (open-all-stacks) -> open-a-stack-and-recurse 39 40
35 (make-product-complex p5) -> make-product-1 41 7
36 (ship-an-order o5) -> ship-an-order-1 8
37 (one-step) -> one-step-make-product 42
38 (plan-for-goals) -> ship-one-order 43 44
39 (open-new-stack-complex n3 n4) -> open-new-stack-method-1 4
40 (open-all-stacks) -> open-a-stack-and-recurse 45 46
41 (start-orders p5) -> start-an-order-and-recurse 47 48
42 (make-a-product) -> make-a-product-1 49
43 (one-step) -> one-step-make-product 50
44 (plan-for-goals) -> ship-one-order 51 52
45 (open-new-stack-complex n4 n5) -> open-new-stack-method-1 5
46 (open-all-stacks) -> done-opening-stacks
47 (start-an-order-for p5 o5) -> start-an-order-for-1 6
48 (start-orders p5) -> done-starting-orders
49 (make-product-complex p4) -> make-product-1 53 10
50 (make-a-product) -> make-a-product-1 54
51 (one-step) -> one-step-ship-order 55
52 (plan-for-goals) -> ship-one-order 56 57
53 (start-orders p4) -> start-an-order-and-recurse 58 59
54 (make-product-complex p3) -> make-product-1 60 12
55 (ship-an-order o4) -> ship-an-order-1 13
56 (one-step) -> one-step-ship-order 61
57 (plan-for-goals) -> ship-one-order 62 63
58 (start-an-order-for p4 o4) -> start-an-order-for-1 9
59 (start-orders p4) -> done-starting-orders
60 (start-orders p3) -> start-an-order-and-recurse 64 65
61 (ship-an-order o3) -> ship-an-order-1 14
62 (one-step) -> one-step-make-product 66
63 (plan-for-goals) -> ship-one-order 67 68
64 (start-an-order-for p3 o3) -> start-an-order-for-1 11
65 (start-orders p3) -> done-starting-orders
66 (make-a-product) -> make-a-product-1 69
67 (one-step) -> one-step-make-product 70
68 (plan-for-goals) -> ship-one-order 71 72
69 (make-product-complex p1) -> make-product-1 73 16
70 (make-a-product) -> make-a-product-1 74
71 (one-step) -> one-step-ship-order 75
72 (plan-for-goals) -> ship-one-order 76 77
73 (start-orders p1) -> start-an-order-and-recurse 78 79
74 (make-product-complex p2) -> make-product-1 80 18
75 (ship-an-order o2) -> ship-an-order-1 19
76 (one-step) -> one-step-ship-order 81
77 (plan-for-goals) -> done-shipping-orders
78 (start-an-order-for p1 o2) -> start-an-order-for-1 15
79 (start-orders p1) -> done-starting-orders
80 (start-orders p2) -> start-an-order-and-recurse 82 83
81 (ship-an-order o1) -> ship-an-order-1 20
82 (start-an-order-for p2 o1) -> start-an-order-for-1 17
83 (start-orders p2) -> done-starting-orders
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