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Last active November 1, 2015 11:43
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React testing ideas

Stateles components

// mark relevant parts of result tree with __tetsId & __testClass
const TestTarget = props => 
    <Foo foo={} __tetsId="foo" />
      <li num={1} __testClass="baz" />
      <li num={2} __testClass="baz" />

// (tree, testId) -> null | element
const getByTestID = ...
getByID(tree, 'foo') = <Foo foo="bar" __tetsId="foo" />

// (tree, testClass) -> [element]
const getByTestClass = ...
getByTestClass(tree, 'baz') = [<li num={1} __testClass="baz" />, <li num={2} __testClass="baz" />]

// (tree, ids, classes) -> {[id|class]: null | element | [element]}
const getRelevant = ...
getRelevant(tree, ['foo'], ['baz']) = {
  foo: <Foo foo="bar" __tetsId="foo" />, 
  baz: [<li num={1} __testClass="baz" />, <li num={2} __testClass="baz" />]

// ({[id|class]: null | element | [element]}) -> {[id|class]: null | props | [props]}
const getProps = ...
getProps(relevantElements) = {foo: {foo: 'bar'}, baz: [{num: 1}, {num: 2}]}

const render = element =>

const renderToRelevant = (Comp, ids, classes) => props =>
  getRelevant(render(<Comp {...props} />), ids, classes)

const renderToRelevantProps = (Comp, ids, classes) => props =>
  getProps(renderToRelevant(Comp, ids, classes)(props))

// Example

render = renderToRelevantProps(TestTarget, ['foo'], ['baz'])

expect(render({foo: 'bar'})'bar')
expect(render({foo: 'lol'})'lol')


const treeToRelevantProps = (ids, classes) => tree => getProps(getRelevant(tree, ids, classes))

run(TestTarget, treeToRelevantProps(ids, classes), addToLog => {
  const events

// We get log, which contains all versions of the tree & any items we add manualy using addTolog()
[tree1, 'click'] = run(Button, treeToRelevantProps(ids, classes), addTolog => {

  // We return list of input events
  return [
    // An {} is "update props" event, we should always start with initial props
    {onClick: () => {addTolog('click')}},

    // A function is "arbitrary action" event, we get 
    (relevantProps, latestTree, logSoFar) => {relevantProps.innerButton.onClick()}

// Now we can run some assertions agains the log
# Stateles
`props -> tree` or better `rootProps -> childProps`
# Stateful
[InputEvents] -> [OutputEvents]
1. InputEvents
1.1 initial props & props updates
1.2 calls of callbacks passed as props to child components
1.3 calls of callbacks passed to some external API (which may be passed as a prop/context or be global)
2. OutputEvents
2.1 result Tree updates
2.2 calls of callbacks passed as props
2.3 calls of some external API methods
In 2.2 we want to check calls of callbacks that provided in 1.1
In 1.2 we want to make calls of callbacks that provided in 2.1
InputEvent type 1.1: NextProps
InputEvent type 1.2: (LatestTree) -> void
InputEvent type 1.3: (logSoFar) -> void? but we dont want to have callbacks (not serializable/comparable data) inside OutputEvents log, do we?
* LatestTree is part of logSoFar
OutputEvent type 2.1: NextTree
OutputEvent type 2.2: in 1.1 we may pass framework.namedCallbak(name), then here we will have {name, args} struct
OutputEvent type 2.3: create a Mock; make sure component uses the Mock; merge Mock's method calls to [OutputEvents] stream/array
arrayOfOutputEvents = run(Comp, addToLog => {
// create mock for 2.3 here
return [{props...} | (logSoFar) -> void]
['click'] = run(Button, treeToState, log => {
return [
{onClick: () => {log('click')}},
(state) => {state.button.onClick()}
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run() should also be partially applicable — run = (Comp, getRelevantProps) => runner => log
Maybe run = (Comp, ids, classes) => (addToLog => events) => log

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