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Last active January 18, 2025 11:59
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ink std to import
helper := (a, b, n) => n :: {
0 -> a,
_ -> helper(b, a+b, n-1)
n => helper(0, 1, n)
` minimal quicksort implementation
using hoare partition `
{map, clone} := import('')
sortBy := (v, pred) => (
vPred := map(v, pred)
partition := (v, lo, hi) => (
pivot := vPred.(lo)
lsub := i => (vPred.(i) < pivot) :: {
true -> lsub(i + 1)
false -> i
rsub := j => (vPred.(j) > pivot) :: {
true -> rsub(j - 1)
false -> j
(sub := (i, j) => (
i := lsub(i)
j := rsub(j)
(i < j) :: {
false -> j
true -> (
` inlined swap! `
tmp := v.(i)
tmpPred := vPred.(i)
v.(i) := v.(j)
v.(j) := tmp
vPred.(i) := vPred.(j)
vPred.(j) := tmpPred
sub(i + 1, j - 1)
))(lo, hi)
(quicksort := (v, lo, hi) => len(v) :: {
0 -> v
_ -> (lo < hi) :: {
false -> v
true -> (
p := partition(v, lo, hi)
quicksort(v, lo, p)
quicksort(v, p + 1, hi)
})(v, 0, len(v) - 1)
sort! := v => sortBy(v, x => x)
sortBy: sortBy
sort!: sort!
sort: v => sort!(clone(v))
# the ink standard library
log := val => out(string(val) + '
scan := cb => (
acc := ['']
in(evt => evt.type :: {
'end' -> cb(acc.0)
'data' -> (
acc.0 := acc.0 + slice(, 0, len( - 1)
# hexadecimal conversion utility functions
hToN := {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, 'a': 10, 'b': 11, 'c': 12, 'd': 13, 'e': 14, 'f': 15}
nToH := '0123456789abcdef'
# take number, return hex string
hex := n => (sub := (p, acc) => p < 16 :: {
true -> nToH.(p) + acc
false -> sub(floor(p / 16), nToH.(p % 16) + acc)
})(floor(n), '')
# take hex string, return number
xeh := s => (
# i is the num of places from the left, 0-indexed
max := len(s)
(sub := (i, acc) => i :: {
max -> acc
_ -> sub(i + 1, acc * 16 + hToN.(s.(i)))
})(0, 0)
# find minimum in list
min := numbers => reduce(numbers, (acc, n) => n < acc :: {
true -> n
false -> acc
}, numbers.0)
# find maximum in list
max := numbers => reduce(numbers, (acc, n) => n > acc :: {
true -> n
false -> acc
}, numbers.0)
# like Python's range(), but no optional arguments
range := (start, end, step) => (
span := end - start
sub := (i, v, acc) => (v - start) / span < 1 :: {
true -> (
acc.(i) := v
sub(i + 1, v + step, acc)
false -> acc
# preempt potential infinite loops
(end - start) / step > 0 :: {
true -> sub(0, start, [])
false -> []
# clamp start and end numbers to ranges, such that start < end. Utility used in slice
clamp := (start, end, min, max) => (
start := (start < min :: {
true -> min
false -> start
end := (end < min :: {
true -> min
false -> end
end := (end > max :: {
true -> max
false -> end
start := (start > end :: {
true -> end
false -> start
start: start
end: end
# get a substring of a given string, or sublist of a given list
slice := (s, start, end) => (
# bounds checks
x := clamp(start, end, 0, len(s))
start := x.start
max := x.end - start
(sub := (i, acc) => i :: {
max -> acc
_ -> sub(i + 1, acc.(i) := s.(start + i))
})(0, type(s) :: {
'string' -> ''
'composite' -> []
# join one list to the end of another, return the original first list
append := (base, child) => (
baseLength := len(base)
childLength := len(child)
(sub := i => i :: {
childLength -> base
_ -> (
base.(baseLength + i) := child.(i)
sub(i + 1)
# join one list to the end of another, return the third list
join := (base, child) => append(clone(base), child)
# clone a composite value
clone := x => type(x) :: {
'string' -> '' + x
'composite' -> reduce(keys(x), (acc, k) => acc.(k) := x.(k), {})
_ -> x
# tail recursive numeric list -> string converter
stringList := list => '[' + cat(map(list, string), ', ') + ']'
# tail recursive reversing a list
reverse := list => (sub := (acc, i, j) => j :: {
0 -> acc.(i) := list.0
_ -> sub(acc.(i) := list.(j), i + 1, j - 1)
})([], 0, len(list) - 1)
# tail recursive map
map := (list, f) => reduce(list, (l, item, i) => l.(i) := f(item, i), {})
# tail recursive filter
filter := (list, f) => reduce(list, (l, item, i) => f(item, i) :: {
true -> l.len(l) := item
_ -> l
}, [])
# tail recursive reduce
reduce := (list, f, acc) => (
max := len(list)
(sub := (i, acc) => i :: {
max -> acc
_ -> sub(i + 1, f(acc, list.(i), i))
})(0, acc)
# tail recursive reduce from list end
reduceBack := (list, f, acc) => (sub := (i, acc) => i :: {
~1 -> acc
_ -> sub(i - 1, f(acc, list.(i), i))
})(len(list) - 1, acc)
# flatten by depth 1
flatten := list => reduce(list, append, [])
# true iff some items in list are true
some := list => reduce(list, (acc, x) => acc | x, false)
# true iff every item in list is true
every := list => reduce(list, (acc, x) => acc & x, true)
# concatenate (join) a list of strings into a string
cat := (list, joiner) => max := len(list) :: {
0 -> ''
_ -> (sub := (i, acc) => i :: {
max -> acc
_ -> sub(i + 1, acc.len(acc) := joiner + list.(i))
})(1, clone(list.0))
# for-each loop over a list
each := (list, f) => (
max := len(list)
(sub := i => i :: {
max -> ()
_ -> (
f(list.(i), i)
sub(i + 1)
# parallel for-each loop over a list
peach := (list, f) => (
par(map(list, (item, i) => () => f(item, i)))
# encode string buffer into a number list
encode := str => (
max := len(str)
(sub := (i, acc) => i :: {
max -> acc
_ -> sub(i + 1, acc.(i) := point(str.(i)))
})(0, [])
# decode number list into an ascii string
decode := data => reduce(data, (acc, cp) => acc.len(acc) := char(cp), '')
# utility for reading an entire file
readFile := (path, cb) => (
BufSize := 4096 # bytes
(sub := (offset, acc) => read(path, offset, BufSize, evt => evt.type :: {
'error' -> cb(())
'data' -> (
dataLen := len(
dataLen = BufSize :: {
true -> sub(offset + dataLen, acc.len(acc) :=
false -> cb(acc.len(acc) :=
}))(0, '')
# utility for writing an entire file
# it's not buffered, because it's simpler, but may cause jank later
# we'll address that if/when it becomes a performance issue
writeFile := (path, data, cb) => delete(path, evt => evt.type :: {
# write() by itself will not truncate files that are too long,
# so we delete the file and re-write. Not efficient, but writeFile
# is not meant for large files
'end' -> write(path, 0, data, evt => evt.type :: {
'error' -> cb(())
'end' -> cb(true)
_ -> cb(())
# template formatting with {{ key }} constructs
format := (raw, values) => (
# parser state
state := {
# current position in raw
idx: 0
# parser internal state:
# 0 -> normal
# 1 -> seen one {
# 2 -> seen two {
# 3 -> seen a valid }
which: 0
# buffer for currently reading key
key: ''
# result build-up buffer
buf: ''
# helper function for appending to state.buf
append := c => state.buf := state.buf + c
# read next token, update state
readNext := () => (
c := raw.(state.idx)
state.which :: {
0 -> c :: {
'{' -> state.which := 1
_ -> append(c)
1 -> c :: {
'{' -> state.which := 2
# if it turns out that earlier brace was not
# a part of a format expansion, just backtrack
_ -> (
append('{' + c)
state.which := 0
2 -> c :: {
'}' -> (
# insert key value
state.buf := state.buf + string(values.(state.key))
state.key := ''
state.which := 3
# ignore spaces in keys -- not allowed
' ' -> ()
_ -> state.key := state.key + c
3 -> c :: {
'}' -> state.which := 0
# ignore invalid inputs -- treat them as nonexistent
_ -> ()
state.idx := state.idx + 1
# main recursive sub-loop
max := len(raw)
(sub := () => state.idx < max :: {
true -> (
false -> state.buf
pipe := (x, fs) => reduce(fs, (a, f, _) => f(a), x)
log: log
scan: scan
hToN: hToN
nToH: nToH
hex: hex
xeh: xeh
min: min
max: max
range: range
clamp: clamp
slice: slice
append: append
join: join
clone: clone
stringList: stringList
reverse: reverse
map: map
filter: filter
reduce: reduce
reduceBack: reduceBack
flatten: flatten
some: some
every: every
cat: cat
each: each
peach: peach
encode: encode
decode: decode
readFile: readFile
writeFile: writeFile
format: format
pipe: pipe
# standard string library
{map, slice, reduce, reduceBack} := import('')
# checking if a given character is of a type
checkRange := (lo, hi) => c => (
p := point(c)
lo < p & p < hi
upper? := checkRange(point('A') - 1, point('Z') + 1)
lower? := checkRange(point('a') - 1, point('z') + 1)
digit? := checkRange(point('0') - 1, point('9') + 1)
letter? := c => upper?(c) | lower?(c)
# is the char a whitespace?
ws? := c => point(c) :: {
32 -> true # space
10 -> true # newline
9 -> true # hard tab
13 -> true # carriage return
_ -> false
# hasPrefix? checks if a string begins with the given prefix substring
hasPrefix? := (s, prefix) => reduce(prefix, (acc, c, i) => acc & (s.(i) = c), true)
# hasSuffix? checks if a string ends with the given suffix substring
hasSuffix? := (s, suffix) => (
diff := len(s) - len(suffix)
reduce(suffix, (acc, c, i) => acc & (s.(i + diff) = c), true)
` mostly used for internal bookkeeping, matchesAt? reports if a string contains
the given substring at the given index idx. `
matchesAt? := (s, substring, idx) => (
max := len(substring)
(sub := i => i :: {
max -> true
_ -> s.(idx + i) :: {
(substring.(i)) -> sub(i + 1)
_ -> false
# index is indexOf() for ink strings
index := (s, substring) => (
max := len(s) - 1
(sub := i => matchesAt?(s, substring, i) :: {
true -> i
false -> i < max :: {
true -> sub(i + 1)
false -> ~1
# contains? checks if a string contains the given substring
contains? := (s, substring) => index(s, substring) > ~1
# transforms given string to lowercase
lower := s => reduce(s, (acc, c, i) => upper?(c) :: {
true -> acc.(i) := char(point(c) + 32)
false -> acc.(i) := c
}, '')
` transforms given string to uppercase`
upper := s => reduce(s, (acc, c, i) => lower?(c) :: {
true -> acc.(i) := char(point(c) - 32)
false -> acc.(i) := c
}, '')
` primitive "title-case" transformation, uppercases first letter
and lowercases the rest. `
title := s => (
lowered := lower(s)
lowered.0 := upper(lowered.0)
replaceNonEmpty := (s, old, new) => (
lold := len(old)
lnew := len(new)
(sub := (acc, i) => matchesAt?(acc, old, i) :: {
true -> sub(
slice(acc, 0, i) + new + slice(acc, i + lold, len(acc))
i + lnew
false -> i < len(acc) :: {
true -> sub(acc, i + 1)
false -> acc
})(s, 0)
# replace all occurrences of old substring with new substring in a string
replace := (s, old, new) => old :: {
'' -> s
_ -> replaceNonEmpty(s, old, new)
splitNonEmpty := (s, delim) => (
coll := []
ldelim := len(delim)
(sub := (acc, i, last) => matchesAt?(acc, delim, i) :: {
true -> (
coll.len(coll) := slice(acc, last, i)
sub(acc, i + ldelim, i + ldelim)
false -> i < len(acc) :: {
true -> sub(acc, i + 1, last)
false -> coll.len(coll) := slice(acc, last, len(acc))
})(s, 0, 0)
# split given string into a list of substrings, splitting by the delimiter
split := (s, delim) => delim :: {
'' -> map(s, c => c)
_ -> splitNonEmpty(s, delim)
trimPrefixNonEmpty := (s, prefix) => (
max := len(s)
lpref := len(prefix)
idx := (sub := i => i < max :: {
true -> matchesAt?(s, prefix, i) :: {
true -> sub(i + lpref)
false -> i
false -> i
slice(s, idx, len(s))
` trim string from start until it does not begin with prefix.
trimPrefix is more efficient than repeated application of
hasPrefix? because it minimizes copying. `
trimPrefix := (s, prefix) => prefix :: {
'' -> s
_ -> trimPrefixNonEmpty(s, prefix)
trimSuffixNonEmpty := (s, suffix) => (
lsuf := len(suffix)
idx := (sub := i => i > ~1 :: {
true -> matchesAt?(s, suffix, i - lsuf) :: {
true -> sub(i - lsuf)
false -> i
false -> i
slice(s, 0, idx)
` trim string from end until it does not end with suffix.
trimSuffix is more efficient than repeated application of
hasSuffix? because it minimizes copying. `
trimSuffix := (s, suffix) => suffix :: {
'' -> s
_ -> trimSuffixNonEmpty(s, suffix)
# trim string from both start and end with substring ss
trim := (s, ss) => trimPrefix(trimSuffix(s, ss), ss)
upper?: upper?
lower?: lower?
digit?: digit?
letter?: letter?
ws?: ws?
hasPrefix?: hasPrefix?
hasSuffix?: hasSuffix?
matchesAt?: matchesAt?
index: index
contains?: contains?
lower: lower
upper: upper
title: title
replaceNonEmpty: replaceNonEmpty
replace: replace
splitNonEmpty: splitNonEmpty
split: split
trimPrefixNonEmpty: trimPrefixNonEmpty
trimPrefix: trimPrefix
trimSuffixNonEmpty: trimSuffixNonEmpty
trimSuffix: trimSuffix
trim: trim
# ink standard test suite tools
{log, each, format} := import('')
# suite constructor
label => (
# suite data store
s := {
all: 0
passed: 0
msgs: []
# mark sections of a test suite with human labels
mark := label => s.msgs.len(s.msgs) := '- ' + label
# signal end of test suite, print out results
end := () => (
log(f('suite: {{ label }}', {label: label}))
each(s.msgs, m => log(' ' + m))
s.passed :: {
s.all -> log(f('ALL {{ passed }} / {{ all }} PASSED', s))
_ -> (
log(f('PARTIAL: {{ passed }} / {{ all }} PASSED', s))
# log a passed test
onSuccess := () => (
s.all := s.all + 1
s.passed := s.passed + 1
# log a failed test
onFail := msg => (
s.all := s.all + 1
s.msgs.len(s.msgs) := msg
# perform a new test case
indent := ' '
test := (label, result, expected) => result :: {
expected -> onSuccess()
_ -> (
msg := f(' * {{ label }}
{{ indent }}got {{ result }}
{{ indent }}exp {{ expected }}', {
label: label
result: result
expected: expected
indent: indent
# expose API functions
mark: mark
test: test
end: end
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