""" |
pygameprocessing.py: Loop pygame in separate thread to play REPL style. |
@gfun: gdraw, kd_ (key down), ku_ (up), md_ (mouse down), mu_ (up), mw_ (wheel) |
keys: K_ |
help(circle) |
circle(surface, color, center, radius, width=0, draw_top_right=None, draw_top_left=None, draw_bottom_left=None, draw_bottom_right=None) -> Rect |
help(arc) |
arc(surface, color, rect, start_angle, stop_angle, width=1) -> Rect |
help(ellipse) |
ellipse(surface, color, rect, width=0) -> Rect |
help(rect) |
rect(surface, color, rect, width=0, border_radius=0, border_top_left_radius=-1, border_top_right_radius=-1, border_bottom_left_radius=-1, border_bottom_right_radius=-1) -> Rect |
help(polygon) |
polygon(surface, color, points) -> Rect |
help(Color) |
Color('#FF0EEE'); Color(0xFF0EEE); Color((92,92,200)) |
help(Surface) |
pygame object for representing images |
Surface((width, height), flags=0, depth=0, masks=None) -> Surface |
help(transform.rotate) |
rotate(Surface, angle) -> Surface |
help(gscreen.blit) |
blit(source, dest, area=None, special_flags=0) -> Rect |
help(gscreen.set_clip) |
set_clip(rect) -> None |
help(image.load) |
img = image.load(filename) |
gscreen.blit(img,(0,0)) |
help(font.render) |
render(text, antialias, color, background=None) -> Surface |
help(mixer.Sound) |
sound = mixer.Sound("data/whiff.wav") |
sound.play(-1) #-1 loop |
sound.stop() |
Example1: |
.. code:: |
from pygameprocessing import * |
ginit((600,600)) |
gscreen.fill([30]*3) |
U = gwidth//9 |
p=(300,233) |
circle(gscreen,"RED",p,radius=U) |
circle(gscreen,"VIOLET",p,radius=U,width=U//2) |
p=(433,233) |
circle(gscreen,"RED",p,radius=U) |
circle(gscreen,"VIOLET",p,radius=U,width=U//2) |
gquit() |
Example2: |
.. code:: |
from pygameprocessing import * |
import os |
#ginit((720,720)) |
img = image.load(os.path.expanduser('~/Downloads/green.jpg')) |
run = ginit(img.get_size()) |
#These two lines work on Linux, but not on Windows (see below) |
from threading import Thread |
Thread(target=run).start() |
class Chimp(sprite.Sprite): |
def __init__(self): |
super().__init__() |
self.image = image.load("data/chimp.bmp") |
self.image.set_colorkey(self.image.get_at((0, 0)), RLEACCEL) |
self.rect = self.image.get_rect() |
def update(self): |
pos = mouse.get_pos() |
self.rect.midtop = pos |
class Eye(Surface): |
def __init__(self): |
self.R = 100 |
super().__init__([2*self.R]*2, SRCALPHA, 32) |
self.Vx,self.Vy = (0,0) |
self.X,self.Y = gcenter |
def __call__(self): |
circle(self,"BLUE",[self.R]*2,radius=self.R) |
circle(self,"WHITE",[self.R]*2,radius=self.R,width=self.R//3) |
self.X,self.Y = self.X + self.Vx*gsec, self.Y+self.Vy*gsec |
gscreen.blit(self,(self.X-self.R,self.Y-self.R)) |
def accelerate(self,dvx,dvy): |
self.Vx,self.Vy = self.Vx + dvx, self.Vy + dvy |
class KeyText: |
def __init__(self): |
self.keytext = font.Font(None, 36).render("hjkl move, q quit", 1, 'red') |
def __call__(self): |
textpos = self.keytext.get_rect(centerx=gwidth/2) |
gscreen.blit(self.keytext, textpos) |
eye = Eye() |
keytext = KeyText() |
chimp = sprite.Group((Chimp(),)) |
@gfun |
def gdraw(): # about gFPS=60 times/s |
#Global.gdraw = None # to undo and call function individually |
gscreen.blit(img,(0,0)) |
eye() |
keytext() |
chimp.draw(gscreen) |
@gfun |
def md_BUTTON_LEFT(e): |
chimp.update() |
dV = 10 |
@gfun |
def kd_K_h(e): eye.accelerate(-dV,0) |
@gfun |
def kd_K_l(e): eye.accelerate(dV,0) |
@gfun |
def kd_K_j(e): eye.accelerate(0,dV) |
@gfun |
def kd_K_k(e): eye.accelerate(0,-dV) |
sound = mixer.Sound("data/whiff.wav") |
sound.play(-1) #-1 loop |
@gfun |
def kd_K_q(e): |
gquit() |
sound.stop() |
#In Windows CLI and GUI loop in parallel not possible |
#So instead of the separate thread above do |
#run() # in main thread |
''' |
sound.stop() |
gquit() |
gfunsdel() |
''' |
""" |
import pygame |
from pygame import * |
from pygame.display import * |
from pygame.draw import * |
import sys |
import time |
_pygame = dir(pygame) |
_keys = {eval(x):x for x in _pygame if x.startswith('K_')} |
_mouse = {eval(x):x for x in _pygame if x.startswith('BUTTON_')} |
class _global_injector: |
def __setattr__(self,name,value): |
sys.modules['builtins'].__dict__[name] = value |
def __getattr__(self,name): |
return sys.modules['builtins'].__dict__[name] if name in sys.modules['builtins'].__dict__ else None |
def update(self,d): |
sys.modules['builtins'].__dict__.update(d) |
Global = _global_injector() |
gfuns=set() |
def gfun(f): |
gfuns.add(f.__name__) |
setattr(Global,f.__name__,f) |
def gfunsdel(): |
for f in gfuns: |
setattr(Global,f,None) |
def ginit(size): |
init() |
font.init() |
mixer.init() |
Global.gscreen = set_mode(size) |
Global.gcenter = (size[0]/2,size[1]/2) |
Global.gwidth = size[0] |
Global.gheight = size[1] |
_quit = False |
def gquit(): |
nonlocal _quit |
_quit = True |
Global.gquit = gquit |
Global.gabssec = time.perf_counter() |
Global.gFPS = 60 |
def _safecall(funname,*a): |
if fun := getattr(Global,funname): |
try: |
fun(*a) |
except Exception as exc: |
setattr(Global,funname,None) |
print('removed %s because %s'%(funname,exc)) |
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() |
def _run(): |
while not _quit: |
try: |
for e in event.get(): |
if e.type == QUIT: |
quit() |
sys.exit() |
if e.type == KEYDOWN: |
_safecall('kd_%s'%_keys[e.key],e) |
elif e.type == KEYUP: |
_safecall('ku_%s'%_keys[e.key],e) |
elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: |
_safecall('md_%s'%_mouse[e.button],e) |
elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: |
_safecall('mu_%s'%_mouse[e.button],e) |
elif e.type == MOUSEWHEEL: |
_safecall('mw_%s'%_mouse[e.button],e) |
fpsClock.tick(gFPS) |
tgsec = time.perf_counter() |
if tgsec > gabssec: |
Global.gsec = tgsec - gabssec |
Global.gabssec = tgsec |
_safecall('gdraw') |
flip() |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
break |
quit() |
return _run |