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Last active August 17, 2024 20:25
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use clap::Parser;
// NOTE: we want to model reporting args as an enum (of which we have multiple
// copies) instead of a struct of vecs (one per option) because we wish to
// preserve the order of these args.
// The clap cookbook entry for `find` provides a reference for how to model
// these kinds of "order matters" flags:
// We take inspiration from ^ but don't want to drop down to using the
// procedural APIs (instead of the declarative stuff) for our entire arg parser;
// instead we describe the reporting args "declaratively" as an enum and
// then have this macro massages our description into a struct that can derive
// `Arg` + an adapter that maps back to the enum, ultimately producing an
// ordered `Vec<{enum}>`.
macro_rules! enum_to_args_struct {
$(#[doc = $doc:tt])*
pub enum $name:ident {
$(#[doc = $variant_doc:tt])*
$variant_name:ident $(($variant_payload:ty))?
),* $(,)?
} as $args_type_name:ident via $arg_struct_name:ident
) => {
$(#[doc = $doc])*
pub enum $name {
$(#[doc = $variant_doc])*
#[doc = "Arg struct (deriving [`clap::Args`]) for [`"]
#[doc = core::stringify!($name)]
#[doc = "`]."]
#[derive(clap::Args, $($derives)*)]
pub(crate) struct $arg_struct_name {
$(#[doc = $variant_doc])*
all($($variant_payload, feature = "_null")?),
num_args = 0,
value_parser = clap::value_parser!(bool),
default_missing_value = "true",
// NOTE: we specify `Vec` here to satisify clap's derive proc
// macros; they "detect" `Vec<_>` args "textually" (i.e. by
// looking for "Vec" in the field's `syn::Ty`'s last segment)
$variant_name: Vec<enum_to_args_struct!(
@VARIANT_TY: $(($variant_payload))?
// Define the "adapter" that maps args back to the enum type, preserving
// order:
#[doc = "Args type for [`"]
#[doc = core::stringify!($name)]
#[doc = "`]; preserves command-line order."]
pub struct $args_type_name(pub Vec<$name>);
// Arg declaration (as derived for the struct type) is fine; we don't
// need to make any changes:
impl clap::Args for $args_type_name {
fn group_id() -> Option<clap::Id> { $arg_struct_name::group_id() }
fn augment_args(app: clap::Command) -> clap::Command {
fn augment_args_for_update(app: clap::Command) -> clap::Command {
// Parsing is different however:
impl clap::FromArgMatches for $args_type_name {
fn from_arg_matches(m: &clap::ArgMatches) -> Result<Self, clap::Error> {
Self::from_arg_matches_mut(&mut m.clone())
fn from_arg_matches_mut(m: &mut clap::ArgMatches) -> Result<Self, clap::Error> {
let mut this = $args_type_name(Vec::new());
fn update_from_arg_matches(&mut self, m: &clap::ArgMatches) -> Result<(), clap::Error> {
self.update_from_arg_matches_mut(&mut m.clone())
fn update_from_arg_matches_mut(&mut self, m: &mut clap::ArgMatches) -> Result<(), clap::Error> {
// get counts for each arg:
let $variant_name = m
.map(|it| it.collect::<Vec<usize>>())
// parse args into the `Vec<{payload}>` struct:
let mut struct_args = $arg_struct_name::from_arg_matches_mut(m)?;
// for each arg, assert that the number of payloads we got
// matches the count from `indices_of`; then insert in order:
let mut ordered = std::collections::BTreeMap::new();
$variant_name.len(), struct_args.$variant_name.len(),
// map to enum variant:
let it = struct_args.$variant_name.drain(..)
for (payload, idx) in it {
// if there's an actual payload, this is easy:
let payload: $variant_payload = payload;
let res = $name::$variant_name(payload);
#[cfg(any())] // inhibit the no-payload codepath
// otherwise, `payload` should be a bool that's `true`;
// we should check this and then discard the value
let res = {
let payload: bool = payload;
ordered.insert(idx, res);
// finally, return:
self.0 = ordered.into_values().collect();
// Translate each variant to a struct field; if there is a payload this is
// straight-forward:
(@VARIANT_TY: ($ty:ty)) => { $ty };
// If not, translate as a 0 arg option of type `bool`:
(@VARIANT_TY: ) => { bool };
// Example:
enum_to_args_struct! {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[group(multiple = true, required = false)]
pub enum ReportingOption {
/// Print packages that contain the given executable.
#[arg(long = "pkgs")]
/// Print available versions of the given package.
#[arg(long = "vers")]
/// Print environment variable value.
#[arg(short = 'g', value_name = "VAR")]
/// Print executable's full environment.
#[arg(long = "env")]
/// Print executable's full path.
#[arg(long = "path")]
/// Print executable's version.
#[arg(long = "ver")]
} as ReportingArgs via ReportingArg
#[derive(clap::Parser, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Args {
report_opts: ReportingArgs,
fn main() {
"argv0", "--pkgs", "-g", "hello", "--pkgs", "--env", "--ver",
"--vers", "--vers", "--pkgs", "-g", "yo",
Args { report_opts: ReportingArgs(vec![
]) },
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