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Last active May 26, 2017 12:01
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  • Save rrodrigueznt/5586456 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rrodrigueznt/5586456 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generates adjacency matrices and graphs
### Reshaping data from IDIS Excel files ###
# This Gist arranges Excel format in a suitable way for creating matrices, adjacency matrices, etc
# Based on a Gist recently created by Aurora Baluja
# The example uses an excerpt from a real database belonging to the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela
# First, let's access the datasheet data stored in a remote repository:
IDIS.publications <- ""
IDISpublications <- read.xls(IDIS.publications, sheet='publications')
# Trim extra-blanks from all cells and subset data concerning research areas' contribution to scientific papers
IDISpublicationsTrimmed <- trim(IDISpublications[,c(1,14:16)])
# Let's transform the data to long format:
IDISpublicationsTrimmedMelted <- melt(IDISpublicationsTrimmed, id="pubId")
# Now we remove the "variable" column:
IDISpublicationsTrimmedMelted$variable <- NULL
# We remove nulls:
IDISpublicationsTrimmedMelted <- IDISpublicationsTrimmedMelted[!(IDISpublicationsTrimmedMelted$value == ""), ]
# And, finally, cast data to the desired format...
PubAreaMat <- cast(IDISpublicationsTrimmedMelted, pubId ~ value, length)
# ... and generate a matrix depicting interactions; a seventh column and row shows sums
PubAreaMat <- as.matrix(PubAreaMat)
adj_PubAreaMat = t(PubAreaMat) %*% (PubAreaMat)
# ... and a graph, simple, extremely simple, using just one color, not modifying positions or anything else!
G <- graph.incidence(as.matrix(PubAreaMat),weighted=TRUE,directed=FALSE)
V(G)[1:5]$color <- "#D6E1E7"
V(G)[69]$color <- "red"
V(G)[c(34,78:80)]$color <- "green"
# The coincidence is 100% with a handmade matrix.
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