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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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  • Save rsdiaz/73e44ad2dbe4ccebcb40 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rsdiaz/73e44ad2dbe4ccebcb40 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Desktop Entry File (Template)
[Desktop Entry]
Version=Specifies the version of the Desktop Entry Specification to which the .desktop file conforms (currently 1.0).
Encoding=The encoding for the .desktop file. The standard calls for UTF-8.
Type=Specifies the type of desktop entry. Currently, there are three valid types: Application, Link and Directory.
Terminal=Boolean entry which specifies whether or not the application requires a terminal to run.
Exec=provides the actual command to execute, with associated arguments (if necessary.)
Name=The name of the specific application or directory.
Categories=Categories in which this application should appear in menus. Supported categories vary from system to system.
Icon=specifies the icon to be used. This entry supports both icons supported under the FreeDesktop Icon Theme.
MimeType=Specifies any associated MIME types with this application.
Path=Specifies the working directory for an application to run in.
Comment=Specifies tooltip entries for the file
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