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Created November 19, 2018 14:21
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Swift Tensor API Proposal
// CeedNumerics
// Created by Raphael Sebbe on 16/11/2018.
// Copyright © 2018 Creaceed. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
// Slicing
// Unresolved one (needs shape to resolve). In NumPy,
// <start:end:step> (end is excluded)
// <2:> -> means <2 to end>.
// <:> -> means <all>.
// <:3> -> means <start to 3>.
// <3:0:-1> -> means <3,2,1>.
// <3::-1> -> means <3,2,1,0>.
// <0:6:2> -> means <0,2,4>.
// start, end, step can all be negative.
// Serves as base type for subscript slicing.
public protocol NSliceExpression {
public var start: Int? { get }
public var end: Int? { get }
public var step: Int? { get }
public extension NSliceExpression {
public func resolve(size: Int) -> NResolvedSlice
public func resolve(within parent: NResolvedSlice) -> NResolvedSlice
public struct NSlice : NSliceExpression {
public let start: Int?
public let end: Int?
public let step: Int?
public static let all: NSlice
public init(start: Int?, end: Int?, step: Int?)
public struct NResolvedSlice : NSliceExpression {
public let rstart: Int
public let rcount: Int
public let rstep: Int
public var rlast: Int { get }
public var start: Int? { get }
public var end: Int? { get }
public var step: Int? { get }
public init(start: Int, count: Int, step: Int)
public static func `default`(count: Int) -> NResolvedSlice
public func position(at index: Int) -> Int
public func flatten(within parent: NResolvedSlice) -> NResolvedSlice
// Storage (Memory)
public class NStorage<Element> where Element : NValue {
public let count: Int
public struct Access {
public var base: UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>
public var count: Int
public init(allocatedCount: Int)
public init(externalReference: UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>, count c: Int)
public subscript(index: Int) -> Element { get set }
public func withUnsafeAccess<Result>(_ block: (Access) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
// Dimension Type base protocol (for vector, matrix, tensor)
public protocol NDimensionalType : CustomStringConvertible {
associatedtype Element : NValue
public var dimension: Int { get }
public var shape: [Int] { get }
public subscript(index: [Int]) -> Element { get set }
public func isCompact(dimension: Int) -> Bool
extension NDimensionalType {
public var description: String { get }
public class DimensionalIterator : IteratorProtocol {
public init(shape: [Int])
public func next() -> [Int]?
// 1-D Vector
public struct NVectorLayout {
public let offset: Int
public let stride: Int
public static let `default`: CeedNumerics.NVectorLayout
public func location(for position: Int) -> Int
public class NVector<Element> where Element : NValue {
public typealias Storage = NStorage<Element>
public var size: Int { get }
public init(storage mem: Storage, layout l: NVectorLayout = default, slice sl: NResolvedSlice)
public convenience init(size: Int)
public convenience init(storage mem: Storage, layout l: NVectorLayout = default, count: Int)
public subscript(slice s: NSliceExpression) -> NVector { get }
public subscript(index: Int) -> Element { get set }
extension NVector where Element : NValue {
public func set(from: NVector)
extension NVector : NDimensionalType where Element : NValue {
public var dimension: Int { get }
public var shape: [Int] { get }
public subscript(index: [Int]) -> Element { get set }
public func isCompact(dimension: Int) -> Bool
// 2-D Matrix
public struct NMatrixLayout {
public let offset: Int
public let stride: (row: Int, column: Int)
public static func `default`(rows: Int) -> NMatrixLayout
public func location(row rpos: Int, column cpos: Int) -> Int
public func layout(row: Int) -> NVectorLayout
public func layout(column: Int) -> NVectorLayout
public class NMatrix<Element> where Element : NValue {
public typealias Storage = NStorage<Element>
public typealias Vector = NVector<Element>
public typealias Matrix = NMatrix<Element>
public var rows: Int { get }
public var columns: Int { get }
public init(storage s: Storage, layout l: NMatrixLayout, slices sl: (NResolvedSlice, NResolvedSlice))
public convenience init(rows: Int, columns: Int)
public subscript(row row: Int) -> Vector { get set }
public subscript(column col: Int) -> Vector { get }
public subscript(rowSlice: NSliceExpression, colSlice: NSliceExpression) -> Matrix { get }
public subscript(row: Int, column: Int) -> Element { get set }
extension NMatrix : NDimensionalType where Element : NValue {
public var dimension: Int { get }
public var shape: [Int] { get }
public subscript(index: [Int]) -> Element { get set }
public func isCompact(dimension: Int) -> Bool
// N-D Tensor --- not yet done.
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