I hereby claim:
- I am rsertelon on github.
- I am rsertelon (https://keybase.io/rsertelon) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is F9FA 1F40 2CD6 815A 7196 3B13 6FC8 6E0A C005 79A5
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
[user] | |
name = Romain Sertelon | |
email = XXX | |
[color] | |
ui = auto | |
[color "branch"] | |
current = yellow reverse | |
local = yellow | |
remote = green | |
[color "diff"] |
alias gs='git status' | |
alias gst='git stash' | |
alias glola='git lola' | |
alias gpush='git push' | |
alias gpull='git pull' | |
alias grebase='git rebase' | |
alias gbranch='git branch' | |
alias grm='git rm' | |
alias gadd='git add' | |
alias gco='git checkout' |