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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save rsgoheen/11170255 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rsgoheen/11170255 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set-location -Path C:\
$Shell = $Host.UI.RawUI
$size = $Shell.WindowSize
$Shell.WindowSize = $size
$Shell.BufferSize = $size
$shell.BackgroundColor = "DarkBlue"
$shell.ForegroundColor = "Yellow"
function Add-Path {
Adds a Directory to the Current Path
Add a directory to the current path. This is useful for
temporary changes to the path or, when run from your
profile, for adjusting the path within your powershell
Add-Path -Directory "C:\Program Files\Notepad++"
.PARAMETER Directory
The name of the directory to add to the current path.
param (
HelpMessage='What directory would you like to add?')]
$Path = $env:PATH.Split(';')
foreach ($dir in $Directory) {
if ($Path -contains $dir) {
Write-Verbose "$dir is already present in PATH"
} else {
if (-not (Test-Path $dir)) {
Write-Verbose "$dir does not exist in the filesystem"
} else {
$Path += $dir
$env:PATH = [String]::Join(';', $Path)
Add-Path -Directory “C:\Program Files (x86)\git\bin”
Set-Alias np c:\windows\notepad.exe
Set-Alias octave C:\Software\Octave-3.6.4\bin\octave-3.6.4.exe
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