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Created August 24, 2012 18:58
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walkaround rasterizer. Supports raster directions to image and most image formats (L,P,RGB,RGBA) to raster directions
import Image,sys,struct,time,os
def rasterToImg(name,width,height,directions):
name,ext = os.path.splitext(name)
arr = [WHITE for j in range(0,width*height)]
x,y = 0,0
size = width,height
dic = {"N":(0,-1), "S" : (0,1) , "E" : (1,0), "W" : (-1,0)}
for char in directions:#brunt of the work
ans = dic.get(char)
if not ans:
arr[x+y*width] = BLACK
x += ans[0]
y += ans[1]
#image processing portion
data = struct.pack('B'*len(arr), *[pixel*255 for pixel in arr])#packs all values into binary string
img = Image.fromstring('P', size, data)
filename = name +" "+time.strftime("%a %b %y %X")+".png"
return filename
#true means the array will be stamped with a BLACK pixel.
def modeL(pixel):
if pixel < 128:
return True
return False
def modeRGBA(pixel):#converting to L just destroys transparency
#calculations on a white matte background, normalizing into RGB
r,g,b,a = pixel
aa = a/255.0
opa = 1-(a/255.0)
r = aa * r + opa * 255
g = aa * g + opa * 255
b = aa * b + opa * 255
total = sum((r,g,b))
if total < (765 / 2):
return True
return False
def nullify(pixel):
return False
def imgToRaster(img):
modeDict = {"L" : modeL, "RGBA" : modeRGBA}
incompatible = ["RGBA"]
directions = ""
im =
width,height = im.size
if im.mode not in incompatible:
im = im.convert('L')
mode = im.mode
pixels = im.load()
for y in range(0,height):
for x in range(0,width):
if modeDict.get(mode,nullify)(pixels[(x,y)]):#pass the pixel to the correctly moded b/w parser
directions += "P"
directions += "E"
directions = directions[:-1]#last E isnt needed
directions += "S"+"W"*(width-1)#rewind like a typewriter
return img,width,height,directions
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
for img in sys.argv[1:]:
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