#WDI Installfest
We are going to install the tools necessarily to program with Ruby and Rails on your computer.
If you are on a Mac which is not running the latest version of OSX, please upgrade through the Mac App Store. Apple has made it easier to set up a computer for software development in OSX Mavericks, and keeping the differences between computers to a minimum will help us get everything installed quickly and correctly.
If you are unsure or run into problems during installation, stop and don't worry; We will finish up any of the loose ends on Installfest. Do not try to troubleshoot on your own, you might break your environment further.
##Verify your install If you have already experimented with ruby or rails before, verify your versions are correct for this upcoming class.
If you can see the correct version numbers when you run the commands in Terminal below, you are good to go.
Verify you are running 2.0 of Ruby
ruby -v
Verify you are running version 4 of Rails
rails -v
If not, continue with the instructions to get your envionment going. Run these again after you're done to ensure everything is working properly.
#Mac Instructions
- Install Xcode or Command Line Tools
- Install Homebrew (Software Package Manager for Mac)
- Install GIT
- Install RVM and Rails
##Install Command Line Tools If you are running Mavericks, you don't have to install Xcode in order to get command line tools.
In your terminal type xcode-select --install
and a new window and installer will appear.
##Xcode If you are not running Mavericks, you will need to install Command Line tools that come from Xcode.
- Create an account on Mac App Store if you haven't already.
- Upgrade your OS to the latest version possible using the Mac App Store (Maverick is the latest version) - The cost of Mountain Lion is around $20, most people will already have it, but if you can upgrade, you should!
- Open the Mac App Store and install Xcode
- Open Xcode, Choose Preferences, Downloads and then Install The Command Line Tools
##Install Homebrew
###Homebrew http://brew.sh/
Homebrew is a package manager, a program which will install other programs that we need. Open up the application Terminal and run the command below to install Homebrew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"
###Brew Doctor Run brew doctor in your Terminal to let you know if the install was successful. It will give you tips on what you can do to corrrect any system wide issues. If you do have any problems,
brew doctor
- See what the Doctor says. You may need to edit your ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
That means "Append the string 'export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin:$PATH' to the file ~/.bash_profile."
Sign up for an account on http://www.github.com. We will be using github.com for storing and sharing code.
###Install git
brew install git
###Update git config information You'll want to configure your git settings to make your commit show up nicely on Github.com. The email address you put in should be the same one that you used for your Github account.
�git config --global user.name "YOUR-USERNAME"
git config --global user.email YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS
##RVM and Ruby RVM stands for Ruby Version Manager. It lets you easily switch between Ruby versions.
###Install RVM with Ruby
http://www.rvm.io for full instructions
Running the following command will install the latest version of Ruby as well as the RVM envionment into your session.
\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby --rails
After installing rvm
, restart your terminal. Try typing rvm
into terminal. You should see a help message. If you don't, stop and get an instructor.
###Install Rails 4 After you have installed ruby, we will make sure that Rails 4 is installed.
Type rails -v
. You should see something like: Rails 4.0.2
If not, be sure you restarted your terminal, make sure that rvm is working, and make sure that rvm list
shows that a version of ruby is installed.
If all that looks good, install rails with the following command:
gem install rails
Do NOT run sudo gem
anything, even if an error message tells you to do so.
Our main text editor will be Sublime Text 2, which can be downloaded from the Sublime Text website:
sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" /usr/bin/subl
#Ubuntu Instructions
###Install apt-get
sudo apt-get install curl
##rvm & ruby
###Install RVM
\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby --rails
###Login Shell preference
- In terminal go to
Edit -> Profile Preferences
- Under
Title and Command
checkRun command as a login shell
- Close preferences and restart terminal
###Install Rails
Type rails -v
. If you don't see something like Rails 4.x.y
, where x and y are numbers, then type gem install rails
###Install git
sudo apt-get install git-core
###Update git config information
�git config --global user.name "YOUR-USERNAME"
git config --global user.email YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS
Our main text editor will be Sublime Text 2, which can be downloaded from the Sublime Text website:
sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" /bin/subl
#Windows Users
We recommend that you install a Linux distribution like Ubuntu on your computer and boot into Linux.