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Forked from vlad-ivanov-name/Kicad circular layout
Created September 4, 2018 09:33
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Kicad circular layout
Usage: open pcbnew and select Tools — Scripting console
Enter the following and press enter:
Script settings can be adjusted below
import pcbnew
import sys
import re
import math
from pcbnew import wxPoint
from math import *
# Units: mm, degrees
centerX = 100
centerY = 100
sizeX = 100
sizeY = 100
angleShift = 0
refFilter = 'D[0-9]+'
# ----------
regex = re.compile(refFilter)
pcb = pcbnew.GetBoard()
modules = pcb.GetModules()
moduleCount = 0
for module in modules:
reference = module.GetReference()
if regex.match(reference):
moduleCount += 1
index = 0
scaleFactor = 1000000
moduleAngle = - (360 * 10 / moduleCount)
for module in modules:
reference = module.GetReference()
if not regex.match(reference):
angle = (pi * 2 / moduleCount) * index
pointX = centerX + (sizeX / 2) * cos(angle)
pointY = centerY + (sizeY / 2) * sin(angle)
point = wxPoint(pointX * scaleFactor, pointY * scaleFactor)
module.SetOrientation(moduleAngle * index + angleShift * 10)
index += 1
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