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Created October 7, 2017 12:05
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// Let's add a canvas to see the graphs, a textarea to write the equation
// and a button to start playing
const context = document.querySelector('#canvas').getContext('2d')
const textArea = document.querySelector('#function-area')
const button = document.querySelector('#play-button')
const audioContext = new AudioContext()
const SAMPLE_RATE = 3000
// Setting the duration interval in seconds which the sound will be played
const duration = 1
// Time increment is the interval between each sample
// so we are determining that each second will have 3000 values
const increment = 1 / SAMPLE_RATE
// on every button click
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
let signal = []
let axis = []
// t will have the time in seconds
for (let t = 0; t < duration - increment; t += increment) {
// maybe the JS 👮 will arrest me for this, but let's get the string on the textArea
// and use eval to calculate the amplitude
const value = eval(textArea.value.trim())
// then we store it to the signal array
// and let's call the playSignal function that was explained earlier
playSignal(signal, audioContext, SAMPLE_RATE)
// then we plot to the canvas
axis: axis.slice(0, 100),
signals: [signal],
colors: ['orange'],
suggestedMin: -1,
suggestedMax: 1
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