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Created September 13, 2012 16:50
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How much time have you spent listening to...
#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
Use: Count the amount of time spent listening to a particular artist
Example usage:
./ \
--libxml=$HOME/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Music\ Library.xml \
--artist="Carbon Leaf"
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp::Heavy;
use Mac::iTunes::Library::XML;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
my $libxml;
my $artist = 'Carbon Leaf';
my $opts = GetOptions(
"libxml=s" => \$libxml,
"artist=s" => \$artist
my $library = Mac::iTunes::Library::XML->parse(
my $milliseconds = 0;
my %its = $library->items();
my $leaf_albums = $its{$artist};
foreach my $album (values %$leaf_albums) {
foreach my $song (@$album) {
# print Dumper($song);
my $time = $song->totalTime();
my $plays = $song->playCount();
my $total = $plays ? $time * $plays : 0;
# print Dumper({plays=>$plays, time=>$time, total=>$total});
$milliseconds += $total;
my $seconds = $milliseconds / 1000;
my $minutes = $seconds / 60;
my $hours = $minutes / 60;
my $days = $hours / 24;
print Dumper {
seconds => $seconds,
minutes => $minutes,
hours => $hours,
days => $days
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