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Forked from brandonjank/LuaUnlocker.cs
Created June 23, 2019 04:00
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lua unlocker for 1.12 to 3.3.5a using hwbp method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace ConsoleApplication1 {
public enum Expansion {
public static class Extensions {
public static string GetProductVersionString(this Expansion expansion) {
switch (expansion) {
case Expansion.Vanilla:
return "Version 1.12";
case Expansion.BurningCrusade:
return "Version 2.4";
case Expansion.WrathOfTheLichKing:
return "Version 3.3";
return string.Empty;
public class Program {
private uint _Padding;
private Expansion GetExpansionForProcess(Process plausibleProcess) {
foreach(Expansion expansion in Enum.GetValues(typeof (Expansion))) {
if (plausibleProcess.MainModule.FileVersionInfo.ProductVersion.Equals(expansion.GetProductVersionString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return expansion;
return Expansion.Unsupported;
static void Main(string[] args) {
var procs = Process.GetProcessesByName("WoW");
var list = new List < ExternalProcessHook > ();
int cnt = 1;
foreach(var p in procs) {
var name = "";
//Comment this IF out if your not using 3.3.5 or dont want to build with greymagic as a dep
if (args.Count() > 0) {
name = new GreyMagic.ExternalProcessReader(p).ReadString(new IntPtr(0xC79D18), Encoding.UTF8);
if (args.Where(n => n.ToLowerInvariant().Equals(name.ToLowerInvariant())).Count() > 0) {
Console.WriteLine("Skipping: " + name);
Program proc = new Program();
var res = proc.Hook(p, cnt, name);
cnt *= 2;
// only 4 bp's
if (cnt > 8)
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
private ExternalProcessHook Hook(Process p, int reg, string name) {
var baseAddress = (long) p.MainModule.BaseAddress;
switch (GetExpansionForProcess(p)) {
case Expansion.Vanilla:
baseAddress += 608848 U;
_Padding = 246 U;
case Expansion.BurningCrusade:
baseAddress += 646048 U;
_Padding = 141 U;
case Expansion.WrathOfTheLichKing:
baseAddress += 1151424 U;
_Padding = 141 U;
var hook = new ExternalProcessHook(p, (HookRegister)(reg), new IntPtr(baseAddress), new ExternalProcessHook.HandleHookCallback(LuaProtectionCallback));
Console.WriteLine("Patched: " + name + p.Id + " Used HookRegister # " + reg);
return hook;
private void LuaProtectionCallback(ref ExternalProcessHook.ThreadContext threadContext) {
threadContext.Eip += _Padding;
threadContext.Eax = 1 U;
public enum HookRegister {
None = 0,
DR0 = 1,
DR1 = 2,
DR2 = 4,
DR3 = 8
public class ExternalProcessHook: IDisposable {
public delegate void HandleHookCallback(ref ThreadContext threadContext);
private int _hookCount;
private readonly List < HookItem > Hooks = new List < HookItem > ();
private Thread _workerThread;
private bool _removeHook;
private bool _debugActiveAlready;
private readonly HookItem _hook;
private bool _disposed;
public ExternalProcessHook(Process memory, HookRegister register, IntPtr hookLocation,
HandleHookCallback callback) {
var i = new HookItem {
Callback = callback, Location = hookLocation, Register = register, Proc = memory
_hook = i;
// So basically, DR hooks work off "waiting for a debug event" basically.
// In actuality we're waiting on an exception, but for the sake of wrapping a hook,
// we'll do it in a separate thread. This means we need to ensure we close the thread (IsBackground) when the app closes
// and ensure we only ever create *one* polling thread.
if (_hookCount == 0 || _workerThread == null) {
_workerThread =
new Thread(() => InstallHardwareHook(memory));
_workerThread.IsBackground = true;
SetThreadHook(i, false);
public void Dispose() {
if (_disposed)
SetThreadHook(_hook, true);
if (_hookCount == 0) {
_removeHook = true;
// Remove ourselves from the hook list... we're done. :)
_disposed = true;
private static void OpenAllThreads(Process proc) {
// This isn't super needed, it's just to OpenThread a ton of things and get handles for later.
// Unfortunately, the .NET ProcessThread stuff isn't always accurate, so we'll just skip it
// entirely and do it the native win32 way.
var te = new THREADENTRY32();
te.dwSize = 28; // sizeof(THREADENTRY32)
IntPtr hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(4, 0);
if (!OpenThreadHandles.ContainsKey(proc))
OpenThreadHandles.Add(proc, new List < IntPtr > ());
if (Thread32First(hSnapshot, ref te) && Thread32Next(hSnapshot, out te)) {
do {
if (te.th32OwnerProcessID == proc.Id) {
OpenThreadHandles[proc].Add(OpenThread(0x1FFFFF, false, te.th32ThreadID));
//OpenThreadHandles.Add(OpenThread(0x1FFFFF, false, te.th32ThreadID));
while (Thread32Next(hSnapshot, out te));
private static void SetDebugRegisters(HookRegister register, IntPtr hookLocation, ref ThreadContext ct, bool remove) {
if (remove) {
uint flagBit = 0;
switch (register) {
case HookRegister.DR0:
flagBit = 1 << 0;
ct.Dr0 = 0;
case HookRegister.DR1:
flagBit = 1 << 2;
ct.Dr1 = 0;
case HookRegister.DR2:
flagBit = 1 << 4;
ct.Dr2 = 0;
case HookRegister.DR3:
flagBit = 1 << 6;
ct.Dr3 = 0;
ct.Dr7 &= ~flagBit;
} else {
switch (register) {
case HookRegister.DR0:
ct.Dr0 = (uint) hookLocation;
ct.Dr7 |= 1 << 0;
case HookRegister.DR1:
ct.Dr1 = (uint) hookLocation;
ct.Dr7 |= 1 << 2;
case HookRegister.DR2:
ct.Dr2 = (uint) hookLocation;
ct.Dr7 |= 1 << 4;
case HookRegister.DR3:
ct.Dr3 = (uint) hookLocation;
ct.Dr7 |= 1 << 6;
ct.Dr6 = 0;
private static void SetThreadHook(HookItem item, bool remove) {
var ctx = new ThreadContext();
ctx.ContextFlags = 65559;
if (OpenThreadHandles.ContainsKey(item.Proc))
foreach(IntPtr openThreadHandle in OpenThreadHandles[item.Proc].ToArray()) {
GetThreadContext(openThreadHandle, ref ctx);
SetDebugRegisters(item.Register, item.Location, ref ctx, remove);
item.Hooked = !remove;
SetThreadContext(openThreadHandle, ref ctx);
public void InstallHardwareHook(Process proc) {
// Open the proc with full privs so we can attach the debugger later.
OpenProcess(0x1FFFFF u, false, (uint) proc.Id);
// Open all the threads for use with installing/removing the DR hooks
// Ideally should never be hit, but we just need to ensure we check it anyway.
if (!_debugActiveAlready && !DebugActiveProcess((uint) proc.Id))
throw new Exception("Failed to attach debugger!");
_debugActiveAlready = true;
try {
while (!_removeHook) {
// Useless double-checking of hook states. Sanity really...
if (Hooks.Any(i => !i.Hooked)) {
foreach(HookItem hookItem in Hooks) {
if (!hookItem.Hooked) {
SetThreadHook(hookItem, false);
// And begin waiting for debug events...
var ctx = new ThreadContext();
ctx.ContextFlags = 0x10017;
if (!WaitForDebugEvent(out evt, 0xFFFFFFFF)) {
if (evt.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode != 0x80000004) // EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP
ContinueDebugEvent((uint) evt.dwProcessId, (uint) evt.dwThreadId, 0x80010001); // EXCEPTION_CONTINUE
} else {
// Re-open the thread so we can get the context info we need.
IntPtr hThread = OpenThread(0x1FFFFF u, false, (uint) evt.dwThreadId);
GetThreadContext(hThread, ref ctx);
ctx.EFlags |= 0x10040; // CONTEXT_FULL
// NOTE: The callback "call" part is in a catch-all exception handler.
// This is to prevent people from crashing the application with the DR hook installed.
// This won't stop people from breaking the context though!
// Feel free to modify this to ensure people see the exception if need be.
try {
// Call our callback!
// Find it by the location we Hooked it to (eip is the current address FYI)
HookItem hook = Hooks.FirstOrDefault(h => (uint) h.Location == ctx.Eip);
if (hook != null)
hook.Callback(ref ctx);
} catch {}
// Set the new thread context (if it was changed)
SetThreadContext(hThread, ref ctx);
// And we're done with the thread.
// Move along...
ContinueDebugEvent((uint) evt.dwProcessId, (uint) evt.dwThreadId, 0x10002 u);
} finally {
// Thread is closing, or something else is making this function "leave"
// Make sure we drop all the DR hooks to make sure we don't start spewing exceptions at the client.
foreach(HookItem hookItem in Hooks) {
if (hookItem.Hooked) {
SetThreadHook(hookItem, true);
~ExternalProcessHook() {
// Finalizer Dispose() is to ensure this gets run every single time, regardless of Dispose() being called.
// Application closing doesn't *always* run Dispose. Hence this!
region Imports
private static readonly Dictionary < Process, List < IntPtr >> OpenThreadHandles = new Dictionary < Process, List < IntPtr >> ();
private static extern IntPtr OpenThread(uint dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle,
uint dwThreadId);
private static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(uint dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle,
uint dwThreadId);
private static extern bool Thread32First(IntPtr hSnapshot, ref THREADENTRY32 lpte);
private static extern bool Thread32Next(IntPtr hSnapshot, out THREADENTRY32 lpte);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(int dwFlags, uint th32ProcessID);
private static extern uint SuspendThread(IntPtr hThread);
private static extern bool GetThreadContext(IntPtr hThread, ref ThreadContext lpContext);
private static extern bool SetThreadContext(IntPtr hThread, [In] ref ThreadContext lpContext);
private static extern uint ResumeThread(IntPtr hThread);
private static extern bool DebugActiveProcess(uint dwProcessId);
private static extern bool DebugSetProcessKillOnExit(uint dwProcessId);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "WaitForDebugEvent")]
return :MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)
private static extern bool WaitForDebugEvent(out DEBUG_EVENT lpDebugEvent, uint dwMilliseconds);
private static extern bool ContinueDebugEvent(uint dwProcessId, uint dwThreadId,
uint dwContinueStatus);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
return :MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)
private static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject);
# region Structs
private unsafe struct DEBUG_EVENT {
public readonly uint dwDebugEventCode;
public readonly int dwProcessId;
public readonly int dwThreadId;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 86, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.U1)]
private readonly byte[] debugInfo;
public EXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO Exception {
get {
if (debugInfo == null)
fixed(byte * ptr = debugInfo) {
return *(EXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO * ) ptr;
public LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO LoadDll {
get {
if (debugInfo == null)
return new LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO();
fixed(byte * ptr = debugInfo) {
return *(LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO * ) ptr;
private struct EXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO {
public EXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord;
public readonly uint dwFirstChance;
private struct EXCEPTION_RECORD {
public readonly uint ExceptionCode;
public readonly uint ExceptionFlags;
public readonly IntPtr ExceptionRecord;
public readonly IntPtr ExceptionAddress;
public readonly uint NumberParameters;
//[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 15, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.U4)]
//public readonly uint[] ExceptionInformation;
public unsafe fixed uint ExceptionInformation[15];
public struct FLOATING_SAVE_AREA {
public uint ControlWord;
public uint StatusWord;
public uint TagWord;
public uint ErrorOffset;
public uint ErrorSelector;
public uint DataOffset;
public uint DataSelector;
//[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 80)]
//public byte[] RegisterArea;
public unsafe fixed byte RegisterArea[80];
public uint Cr0NpxState;
private struct LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO {
public readonly IntPtr hFile;
public readonly IntPtr lpBaseOfDll;
public readonly uint dwDebugInfoFileOffset;
public readonly uint nDebugInfoSize;
public readonly IntPtr lpImageName;
public readonly ushort fUnicode;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private struct THREADENTRY32 {
internal UInt32 dwSize;
internal readonly UInt32 cntUsage;
internal readonly UInt32 th32ThreadID;
internal readonly UInt32 th32OwnerProcessID;
internal readonly UInt32 tpBasePri;
internal readonly UInt32 tpDeltaPri;
internal readonly UInt32 dwFlags;
public struct ThreadContext {
public uint ContextFlags; //set this to an appropriate value
public uint Dr0;
public uint Dr1;
public uint Dr2;
public uint Dr3;
public uint Dr6;
public uint Dr7;
public FLOATING_SAVE_AREA FloatSave;
// Retrieved by CONTEXT_SEGMENTS
public uint SegGs;
public uint SegFs;
public uint SegEs;
public uint SegDs;
// Retrieved by CONTEXT_INTEGER
public uint Edi;
public uint Esi;
public uint Ebx;
public uint Edx;
public uint Ecx;
public uint Eax;
// Retrieved by CONTEXT_CONTROL
public uint Ebp;
public uint Eip;
public uint SegCs;
public uint EFlags;
public uint Esp;
public uint SegSs;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 512)]
public byte[] ExtendedRegisters;
private class HookItem {
public HandleHookCallback Callback;
public bool Hooked;
public IntPtr Location;
public HookRegister Register;
public Process Proc;
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