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Last active December 15, 2015 21:48
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Chris Pine - Sorting an Array
def sort arr #wrapper for rec_sort
rec_sort arr, [] #if you are trying to sort an array, you must pass an empty array as second parameter
def rec_sort unsorted, sorted
if unsorted.length <= 0 #if unsorted array length is less than or equal to zero
return sorted #return array sorted
#if we get here, it means there are still strings to sort
smallest = unsorted.pop #sets the variable "smallest" to equal the last element popped out from unsorted
still_unsorted = [] #creates new array to hold unsorted elements
unsorted.each do |tested_object| #do x for each of the elements inside unsorted
if tested_object < smallest #starting from 0, if unsorted element is less than current value for smallest
still_unsorted.push smallest #smallest is moved to the end of still_unsorted
smallest = tested_object #and tested_object is now set to equal smallest, because it was less than previous value for smallest
still_unsorted.push tested_object #if tested object is not less than smallest, the tested_object is moved to the end of still_unsorted
sorted.push smallest #puts the smallest element at the end of the sorted array
rec_sort still_unsorted, sorted #calls rec_sort method again
puts sort(['a', 'c', 'b', 'd'])
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macb commented Apr 6, 2013

So the idea is you pull an element from the unsorted array (pop pulls from the end, push adds to that same end). Then, taking that element you start to compare it to each of the originally unsorted elements left. If they are smaller, you say "well crap" and put your current smallest into still_unsorted and then proceed through the rest of the originally unsorted elements.

The result is you end up with the absolute smallest element as smallest and the rest of the array you orginally passed in as still_unsorted. You then say "ok, good, let's save this smallest element" and add it to the new sorted array (which was originally empty, but now has 1 element). So now you have still_unsorted and sorted, still_unsorted is 1 element shorter than before, and sorted is 1 element larger.

You call rec_sort to start all over, this time passing in your smaller still_unsorted and slightly less empty sorted.

This repeats until the unsorted array's length is 0. So every recursive step, you're taking 1 element(the smallest) from unsorted and adding it to sorted.

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seanot commented Apr 17, 2013

Thanks @SeanBr, your comment got me past a blind spot that has plagued me for the last few days.

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