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Created March 4, 2014 10:54
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# encoding:utf-8
当尝试某个组合时,譬如 加入点k, 使用的组合是 x->k, k->y
import sys
import heapq
nodes = {} # [x][y]: [price, machine, k] 所有设备的图案
reNodes = {} # [y][x]
nodes2 = {}
x2y = {} # ["x->y"]:[(p1,p2,p3)] 缓存任意两点间的所有路径
allMachines = [] #[(price, x, y, machine),] 按价格升序排列
g,rg = {}, {}
stat = [set(), set(), set()] # usedPoints, pointsFromUsedTo, pointsPointToUsedPoints
def selectPoint(point):
stat[0] = set([point])
stat[1] = set(nodes[point].keys())
stat[2] = set(reNodes[point].keys())
def addPath(path, g=g, rg=rg):
x, y = path
if g.get(x) and g[x].get(y): return False
print "connect: %s->%s" % path
if not g.get(x): g[x] = {}
g[x][y] = True
if not rg.get(y): rg[y] = {}
rg[y][x] = True
return True
def removePath(path, g=g, rg=rg):
x, y = path
if g.get(x) and g[x].get(y):
print "deconnect: %s≈%s" % path
del g[x][y]
del rg[y][x]
return True
return False
def findPath(x, prepoints, y, h, without):
if x==without or x in prepoints: return
if x == y:
for k in g[x].keys():
findPath(k, prepoints[:], y, h, without)
def _hasAnother(x, y):
h = []
findPath(x, [], y, h)
for pathPoints in h:
if len(pathPoints) >2:
return True
return False
def clear(point):
# 检查point的入度和出度是否有冗余边
pKeysIn = rg[point].keys()
pKeysOut = g[point].keys()
change = set()
if len(pKeysIn)>=2:
for x in pKeysIn:
if _hasAnother(x, point):
if removePath((x, point)):
if len(pKeysOut) >=2:
for x in pKeysOut:
if _hasAnother(point, x):
if removePath((point, x)):
change.add((point, x))
return change
def clearPath(x,y):
# 检测是否有非直接连线的x到y的连线,如果有则删除x->y
if _hasAnother(x,y):
def hasPath(x, y, without):
# 检查是否能从x 到y
h = []
findPath(x, [], y, h, without)
if h:
return True
return False
def copyG():
nG = {}
nrG= {}
for x in g.keys():
for y in g[x].keys():
if not nG.get(x): nG[x] = {}
nG[x][y] = True
if not nrG.get(y): nrG[y] = {}
nrG[y][x] = True
return nG,nrG
def adjustX1output((x1,y1,y2), x1Output, nG, nrG):
# x 的ouput 可以转移到x->y1->y-> 以及x的可达线路上的任何一点出发, 如果已经在可达线路上了,那么则可以直接删除
for k in x1Output:
removePath((x1,k), nG, nrG)
h = set()
def _findAll(x):
if x in h:return
for m in nG[x].keys():
if k in h: continue
chose = None
for m in h:
if not nodes[m].get(k): continue
if chose is None or chose[0] > nodes[m][k][0]:
chose = (nodes[m][k][0], m)
addPath((chose[1], k), nG, nrG)
def adjustY2Input((x1,y1,y2), y2Input, nG, nrG):
# y2 的input 可以转移到y1,以及x的来路线路上的任何一点,但不能达到y自己
for k in y2Input:
removePath((k,y2), nG, nrG)
h = set()
def _findAll(x, without=[]):
# print without
if x in without or x in h:return
for m in nrG[x].keys():
_findAll(m, without)
if k in h: continue
chose = None
# 获取k的所有来路
h1 = h.copy()
print h,'wow'
for m in h1:
if not nodes[k].get(m): continue
# 如果在k的来路上,有连线连到m,那么当连接km 后, 该连线可以删除
otherConnects = set()
_findAll(k, [m,y2,y1])
for p in h:
if nG[p].get(m):
otherConnects.add((nodes[p][m][0], p))
exGift = 0
for c,p in otherConnects:
exGift += c
print exGift, 'wq', m, otherConnects
if chose is None or chose[0] > nodes[k][m][0] - exGift:
chose = (nodes[k][m][0]- exGift, m, otherConnects)
print chose
if chose[2]:
for (_,p) in chose[2]:
removePath((p, chose[1]), nG, nrG)
addPath((k, chose[1]), nG, nrG)
def clearRedunaryPath(g=g, rg=rg):
def findPath(x, prepoints, y, h):
if x in prepoints: return
if x == y:
for k in g[x].keys():
findPath(k, prepoints[:], y, h)
def _hasAnother(x, y):
h = []
findPath(x, [], y, h)
for pathPoints in h:
if len(pathPoints) >2:
return True
return False
for x in g.keys():
for y in g[x].keys():
if _hasAnother(x, y):
removePath((x,y), g, rg)
def collectionPaths(g=g):
s = set()
for x in g.keys():
for y in g[x].keys():
return s
def calPathsSum(paths):
sum = 0
for x,y in paths:
print x,y
sum += nodes[x][y][0]
return sum
def newG((x1,y1), (x2,y2)):
# 通过向图中添加两个路径来加入一个新点 ( x1->(y1=x2)->y2)
# 当路径添加后,判断y2的入度能不能切换到x1,y1 然后获得更小的图
# 当路径添加后,判断x1的出度能不能通过y1,y2出去,然后获得更小的图
# 是否存在y2->x1的路径, 如果存在,那么y2的input转移到x1的话可以获得一份隐性资源回收(y2-x1)
# 是否存在x1->y2的路径, 如果存在,那么可以获得一份隐性的资源回收(x1->y2)
# x1的outpu是否可以清理
# y2的input是否可以清理
# (cost, addPaths, removePaths)
# 计算可以直接去除的路线
nG, nrG = copyG()
y2Input, x1Output = set(nrG[y2].keys()), set(nG[x1].keys())
# 由于有了新加入的点,所以如果存在,则必然可以回收
addPath((x1,y1), nG, nrG)
addPath((x2,y2), nG, nrG)
removePath((x1,y2), nG, nrG)
hasSuperPoint = y2Input & x1Output
if hasSuperPoint and len(y2Input - hasSuperPoint) == 0:
# 将super point 取出来调整它的位置
# 意味着,super point 可以整体的替换某个路径,因为他的入口和出口都可以调整,且是在同一个环上调整
print hasSuperPoint, '哦ih'
for point in hasSuperPoint:
h = []
findPath(y2, [], x1, h, None)
start, paths = None, []
for points in h:
for p in points:
if start is not None:
print start
path=(start, p)
start = p
print "222", start
chose = [nodes[x1][point][0] + nodes[point][y2][0], (x1, y2)]
print paths, h
for x,y in paths:
if not nodes[x].get(point): continue
if not nodes[point].get(y): continue
if nodes[x][point][0] + nodes[point][y][0] - nodes[x][y][0] < chose[0]:
chose = [nodes[x][point][0] + nodes[point][y][0], (x, y)]
removePath((x1, point), nG, nrG)
removePath((point, y2), nG, nrG)
addPath((chose[1][0], point), nG, nrG)
addPath((point, chose[1][1]), nG, nrG)
y2Input, x1Output = set(nrG[y2].keys()), set(nG[x1].keys())
# print "计算x1 的出度的转移"
adjustX1output((x1,y1,y2), x1Output, nG, nrG)
# print "计算y2 的入度的转移"
adjustY2Input((x1,y1,y2), y2Input, nG, nrG)
# 清理图上的冗余边
clearRedunaryPath(nG, nrG)
ps1, ps2 = collectionPaths(), collectionPaths(nG)
needAddPath, clearPath = ps2 - ps1, ps1 - ps2
# print needAddPath
# print clearPath
sum = calPathsSum(needAddPath) - calPathsSum(clearPath)
return (sum, needAddPath, clearPath)
def addPointToG(point):
# print "\n%s\n" % point
# 加入一个点,意味着,将这个点的入度出度连接到图上
selectOutput = stat[0] & set(nodes[point].keys())
selectInput = stat[0] & set(reNodes[point].keys())
pairs = None # (cost, addPaths, removePaths)
# print selectInput, selectOutput
# print "$" * 20
for x in selectInput:
for y in selectOutput:
# x->point, point->y
# 并且检查y的入度,能否通过连接到x 或者连接到point来获益
# 并且检查x的出度能否变为通过point或者y出去来获益
# print "*" * 20
# print "==", x, point, y
pairs2 = newG((x,point), (point, y))
# print pairs2, "\n\n\n"
if pairs is None or pairs[0] > pairs2[0]:
pairs = pairs2
# print "wwww", pairs
for path in pairs[1]:
for path in pairs[2]:
def updateStat():
stat[:] = [set(), set(), set()]
for x in g.keys():
for y in g[x].keys():
for x in stat[0]:
for y in nodes[x].keys():
if y not in stat[0]:
for y in reNodes[x].keys():
if y not in stat[0]:
def addMiniCycle(path):
# 从某一路径出发找出过这条路径的最小环,加入图中
def _findShortestPath(x, y):
item = (0, [x])
h = [item]
while True:
lastPrice, prepoints = heapq.heappop(h)
k = prepoints[-1]
if k == y: break
for k2,(price, _,_) in nodes[k].items():
points = prepoints[:]
heapq.heappush(h, (lastPrice + price, points))
start = None
paths = []
for x in prepoints:
if start is not None:
paths.append((start, x))
start = x
return paths
x,y = path
paths2 = _findShortestPath(y,x)
for path in paths2:
# 更新出度和入度
def notStable():
change = False
# 对所有图中单入口单出口的点
# 将其取出,然后再加入,看改点的入度出度是否相同
l = []
for p in stat[0]:
if len(g[p].keys()) == 1 and len(rg[p].keys()) == 1:
l.append((p, rg[p].keys()[0], g[p].keys()[0]))
for (p, input, output) in l:
if nodes[input].get(output):
removePath((p, output))
addPath((input, output))
if rg[p].keys() != [input] or g[p].keys() != [output]:
return True
return change
def miniCycle():
(_, x, y, _) = allMachines[0]
while stat[1] or stat[2]:
# 点的两端(出入)都连在图上
intersect = stat[1] & stat[2]
if not intersect:
# 将出度中的一点和点集的最近一点 连成一条路径
# 然后从这条路径出发找出一个回到图中的最短路径,加入进来;
# 然后更新出度和入度
# pass
print "没碰到过..."
# 取出相交的一点
h = []
p = list(intersect)[0]
# 接下来对图中单入口,单出口的点,取出,然后再加入,看图是否变化,如果变化说明不是最优
while notStable():pass
def calGSum():
sum = 0
h = []
for x in g.keys():
for y in g[x].keys():
sum += nodes[x][y][0]
heapq.heappush(h, int(nodes[x][y][1][1:]))
print sum
h2 = []
while h:
x = heapq.heappop(h)
print " ".join(h2)
def hashSet(pointSet):
h = []
for x in pointSet:
heapq.heappush(h, x)
return "".join(h)
def flody():
keys = nodes.keys()
for k in keys:
for x in keys:
if x == k:continue
for y in nodes[x].keys():
if y == k or y==x:continue
if not nodes[x].get(k) or not nodes[k].get(y):continue
sum = nodes[x][k][0] + nodes[k][y][0]
if nodes[x][y][0] > sum:
nodes[x][y] = [nodes[x][y][0], None, k]
def clearRedunary():
keys = nodes.keys()
for x in keys:
for y in nodes[x].keys():
if nodes[x][y][2] is not None:
# print "clean %s->%s k: %s" % (x,y, nodes[x][y][2])
del nodes[x][y]
def findAllX2YPathsPointsle3():
# x2y = {} # ["x->y"]:[(p1,p2,p3)] 缓存任意两点间的所有路径
def _findx2y(x,y):
h = set()
def __findx2y(x, prepoints, y):
if len(prepoints) >= 3: return
if x in prepoints: return
if x == y:
for k in nodes[x].keys():
__findx2y(k, prepoints[:], y)
__findx2y(x, [], y)
xy = "%s->%s" % (x,y)
x2y[xy] = h
allPoints = set()
for x in nodes.keys():
for y in nodes[x].keys():
keys = list(allPoints)
for x in keys:
for y in keys:
if x == y: continue
def process():
# # 求出任意两点间的最短距离
# 剔除冗余路线,如果Sxy < Sxk + Sky 那么删除x->y
# outputCleanMachine()
# 计算并缓存任意两点间的所有路径
def outputCleanMachine():
for x in nodes.keys():
for y in nodes[x].keys():
print nodes[x][y][1], x, y, nodes[x][y][0]
def copyPriceAndInitReNodes():
for x in nodes.keys():
for y in nodes[x].keys():
nodes[x][y] = [nodes2[x][y][0], nodes2[x][y][1], None]
if not reNodes.get(y):
reNodes[y] = {}
reNodes[y][x] = True
def output():
sum = 0
machine = []
for start in nodes.keys():
for end in nodes[start].keys():
sum += nodes[start][end][0]
machineName = nodes[start][end][1][1:]
hadBeenInsert = False
for index,name in enumerate(machine):
if int(machineName) < int(name):
machine.insert(index, machineName)
hadBeenInsert = True
if not hadBeenInsert:
print sum
print " ".join(machine)
def initDataFromFile(f):
for line in f:
line = line.replace("\t", " ").split()
# from, to, price, machineName
machineName = line[0]
x = line[1]
y = line[2]
price = int(line[3])
if not nodes.get(x):
nodes[x] = {}
nodes[x][y] = [price, machineName, None]
if not nodes2.get(x):
nodes2[x] = {}
nodes2[x][y] = [price, machineName, None]
heapq.heappush(allMachines, (price, x,y, machineName))
# allMachines.append((price,x,y,machineName))
def log(str):
# print str
def main(f):
# 初始化数据
# 计算任意两点的最短距离
# 处理图
# 输出结果
log("init finish")
log("process finish")
# output()
log("output finish")
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
filename = sys.argv[1]
f = open(filename)
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