#!/bin/sh |
# |
# install-vivaldi.sh Version 1.8.666.7 |
# |
## Basic Usage ## |
# |
# Issue the following in a terminal to install/update the latest snapshot: |
# |
# chmod +x install-vivaldi.sh # Only needed the first time |
# ./install-vivaldi.sh |
# |
## Auto-update ## |
# |
# If you would like to ensure that Vivaldi is automatically kept up to date, |
# add the following crontab entry: |
# |
# 00 20 * * mon $PATH_TO_SCRIPT/install-vivaldi.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 |
# |
# This would execute the script at 20:00 (8pm) every Monday, ensuring you are |
# always running the latest Vivaldi snapshot. |
if [ "$(uname -s )" != "Linux" ]; then |
cat << END >&2 |
This script is for Linux only. If you want the latest snapshot for another OS, |
go the the Vivaldi Team Snapshot blog. |
https://vivaldi.com/blog/snapshots/ |
exit 1 |
fi |
# Correct the name of the script when piped to a shell |
if [ "$0" = "sh" -o "$0" = "ash" -o "$0" = "bash" -o "$0" = "dash" -o "$0" = "ksh" -o "$0" = "zsh" ]; then |
SCRIPT_NAME="./install-vivaldi.sh" |
fi |
VIVALDI_ARCH="$(uname -m)" |
helptext() { |
cat << HELP |
Usage: |
If no options are provided, then the script will install the most recent |
Vivaldi snapshot for the detected system architecture ($VIVALDI_ARCH). It will |
install, system-wide into "/usr/local/share" if possible, otherwise it will |
default to "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}". |
This script handles the fetching of a Vivaldi install file for repackaging but |
will use a local copy, if it is already present in the working directory. |
Options: |
-h, --help (Show this help text and exit) |
-t, --test (Test run Vivaldi with a clean profile |
before install. You will be asked if you |
want to proceed with the install |
NOTE: Does not work when run as root) |
-u, --uninstall (Uninstall the previous version) |
Advanced Options: |
-a, --architecture [ARCHITECTURE] (Use the supplied architecture instead |
of the one detected) |
-d, --directory [DIRECTORY] (Install to the supplied directory. An |
"absolute" path must be given) |
-f, --final (Install the latest final instead) |
--insecure (Do not check package signature) |
-nl, --no-launch (Do not attempt to automatically Launch |
Vivaldi after first install) |
-r, --retrieve (Fetch package but do not install it) |
-v, --version [VERSION] (Install the user supplied version |
number, rather than the latest detected |
in the APT repository) |
} |
available () { |
command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 |
} |
cleanup_before_exit () { |
cd /tmp |
if [ -d "$VIVALDI_FILES" ]; then |
rm -r "$VIVALDI_FILES" |
fi |
if [ -e "$VIVALDI_PKG" -a "$REMOVE_VIVALDI_PKG" = "Y" ]; then |
fi |
} |
# Decide install directory based on write permissions to /usr/local |
if [ -w "/usr/local/share" ]; then |
VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR="/usr/local/share" |
else |
fi |
# Handle user options |
VIVALDI_STREAM=vivaldi-snapshot |
VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT=vivaldi-snapshot |
while [ 0 ]; do |
if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "help" ]; then |
helptext |
exit 0 |
elif [ "$1" = "-f" -o "$1" = "--final" -o "$1" = "final" ]; then |
VIVALDI_STREAM=vivaldi-stable |
shift 1 |
elif [ "$1" = "--insecure" -o "$1" = "insecure" ]; then |
shift 1 |
elif [ "$1" = "-nl" -o "$1" = "--no-launch" -o "$1" = "no-launch" ]; then |
shift 1 |
elif [ "$1" = "-r" -o "$1" = "--retrieve" -o "$1" = "retrieve" ]; then |
shift 1 |
elif [ "$1" = "-t" -o "$1" = "--test" -o "$1" = "test" ]; then |
if [ "${USER:-}" = "root" ]; then |
echo 'The option "--test" cannot be used when running this script is run as the root user' >&2 |
exit 1 |
fi |
shift 1 |
elif [ "$1" = "-u" -o "$1" = "--uninstall" -o "$1" = "uninstall" -o "$1" = "exorcise" ]; then |
shift 1 |
elif [ "$1" = "-v" -o "$1" = "--version" -o "$1" = "version" -o "$1" = "ver" ]; then |
if echo "$2" | grep -xq '\([0-9]\+\.\)\{3\}[0-9]\+-[0-9]\+'; then |
elif echo "$2" | grep -xq '\([0-9]\+\.\)\{3\}[0-9]\+'; then |
VIVALDI_VERSION="${2}-1" # 9 times of of 10 the packaging number is -1 |
else |
echo 'You must specify a valid version number if you use the "-v" switch' >&2 |
exit 1 |
fi |
shift 2 |
elif [ "$1" = "-a" -o "$1" = "--architecture" -o "$1" = "architecture" -o "$1" = "arch" ]; then |
if [ -z "$2" ]; then |
echo 'You must specify the architecture if you use the "-a" switch' >&2 |
exit 1 |
fi |
shift 2 |
elif [ "$1" = "-d" -o "$1" = "--directory" -o "$1" = "directory" -o "$1" = "dir" ]; then |
if [ -z "$2" ] || ! echo "$2" | grep -q '^/'; then |
echo 'You must specify an absolute path if you use the "-d" switch' >&2 |
exit 1 |
fi |
VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR="$(echo $2 | sed 's,/$,,')" |
if ! [ "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR" = "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}" -o "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR" = "/usr/local/share" -o "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR" = "/usr/share" ]; then |
fi |
shift 2 |
else |
break |
fi |
done |
# Just uninstall and then exit, if the user requested this (-u, --uninstall) |
remove_previous () { |
echo "Removing previously installed $VIVALDI_STREAM" |
"$1" |
exit "$?" |
} |
if [ "$VIVALDI_UNINSTALL" = "Y" ]; then |
if [ -x "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT" ]; then |
remove_previous "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT" |
# Handle the old uninstall locations, used by previous versions of this script |
elif [ -x "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT_OLD" ]; then |
elif [ "${USER:-}" = "root" -a -x "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT_ANCIENT" ]; then |
else |
echo "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT is not present" >&2 |
exit 1 |
fi |
fi |
# Set architecture information |
case "$VIVALDI_ARCH" in |
x86_64) DEBARCH=amd64 ;; |
i?86) DEBARCH=i386 ;; |
arm*) DEBARCH=armhf ;; |
aarch64) DEBARCH=arm64 ;; |
*) echo "The architecture $VIVALDI_ARCH is not supported." >&2 ; exit 1 ;; |
esac |
# Make sure we have Wget or cURL |
if available wget; then |
SILENT_DL="wget -qO-" |
LOUD_DL="wget" |
elif available curl; then |
SILENT_DL="curl -fs" |
LOUD_DL="curl -f" |
DL_OUTPUT="-o" |
else |
if [ -z "$VIVALDI_VERSION" ]; then |
# If there is a suitable vivaldi package in the working directory, we could use this instead of fetching |
VIVALDI_VERSION=$(ls | sed -n "s/^${VIVALDI_STREAM}_\(\([0-9]\+\.\)\{3\}[0-9]\+-[0-9]\+\)_$DEBARCH.deb$/\1/p" | sort -t. -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n | tail -n 1) |
if [ -z "$VIVALDI_VERSION" ]; then |
echo "You need to install Wget or cURL to retrieve the latest version of $VIVALDI_STREAM for $VIVALDI_ARCH; exiting" >&2 |
exit 1 |
fi |
printf 'Since neither Wget nor cURL is available, only locally saved packages can be installed\n\n' >&2 |
printf ' * * *\n\n' |
fi |
fi |
# Check if the local script is different from server version (if Wget or cURL is present) |
if [ -n "$SILENT_DL" ]; then |
script_update_msg () { |
# Throw away a redundant copy |
if [ -n "$FIRST_LATEST_SCRIPT" ]; then |
if [ "$(md5sum "$LATEST_SCRIPT" | cut -d' ' -f1)" = "$(md5sum "$FIRST_LATEST_SCRIPT" | cut -d' ' -f1)" ]; then |
rm "$LATEST_SCRIPT" >/dev/null 2>&1 |
fi |
fi |
chmod +x "$LATEST_SCRIPT"; cat << END >&2 |
An updated/different version of this script was found on vivaldi.com. It has |
been downloaded and saved for your current user ($USER) here: |
* * * |
} |
# We can not diff the current version to the server version if we have no copy |
if ! [ "$0" = "sh" -o "$0" = "ash" -o "$0" = "bash" -o "$0" = "dash" -o "$0" = "ksh" -o "$0" = "zsh" ]; then |
if [ -d "${XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR:-$HOME/Downloads}" -a -w "${XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR:-$HOME/Downloads}" ]; then |
LATEST_SCRIPT="${XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR:-$HOME/Downloads}/install-vivaldi-snapshot_new.sh" |
else |
# I am less keen on this destination as it is a shared directory and |
# predictable name. A nefarious second user could exploit that fact |
LATEST_SCRIPT="${TMP:-/tmp}/install-vivaldi-snapshot_$USER.sh" |
fi |
# Avoid updating a script the user might be using |
if [ -e "$LATEST_SCRIPT" ];then |
LATEST_SCRIPT="${LATEST_SCRIPT%???}-$(date '+%Y%V%u%H').sh" |
fi |
$SILENT_DL https://downloads.vivaldi.com/snapshot/install-vivaldi.sh > "$LATEST_SCRIPT" |
# Kill the downloaded copy if it is the same as the one they are using |
if [ "$(md5sum "$0" | cut -d' ' -f1)" = "$(md5sum "$LATEST_SCRIPT" | cut -d' ' -f1)" ]; then |
rm "$LATEST_SCRIPT" >/dev/null 2>&1 |
else |
# Check the script's signature when possible |
if available gpg; then |
if gpg --list-keys 2>/dev/null | grep -Fq '[email protected]'; then |
$SILENT_DL https://downloads.vivaldi.com/snapshot/install-vivaldi.sh.asc > "$LATEST_SCRIPT_SIG" |
if gpg -q --verify "$LATEST_SCRIPT_SIG" >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
script_update_msg |
fi |
rm "$LATEST_SCRIPT_SIG" >/dev/null 2>&1 |
else |
script_update_msg |
fi |
else |
script_update_msg |
fi |
fi |
fi |
fi |
# Find the latest Vivaldi version from the APT repository if --version is not used |
if [ -z "$VIVALDI_VERSION" ]; then |
VIVALDI_VERSION=$($SILENT_DL "https://repo.vivaldi.com/archive/deb/dists/stable/main/binary-$DEBARCH/Packages.gz" | gzip -d | grep -A6 -x "Package: $VIVALDI_STREAM" | sed -n 's/^Version: \(\([0-9]\+\.\)\{3\}[0-9]\+-[0-9]\+\)/\1/p' | sort -t. -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n | tail -n 1) |
fi |
if [ -z "$VIVALDI_VERSION" ]; then |
echo "Could not work out the latest version of $VIVALDI_STREAM for $VIVALDI_ARCH; exiting" >&2 |
exit 1 |
fi |
# Just fetch and then exit, if the user requested this, via "-r" or "--retrieve" |
if [ -n "$SILENT_DL" ] && [ "$VIVALDI_RETRIEVE_ONLY" = "Y" ]; then |
printf "Fetching ${VIVALDI_STREAM} (${VIVALDI_VERSION}) for ${VIVALDI_ARCH} ...\n\n" |
exit "$?" |
elif [ -z "$SILENT_DL" ] && [ "$VIVALDI_RETRIEVE_ONLY" = "Y" ]; then |
echo "You need to install Wget or cURL to retrieve $VIVALDI_STREAM ($VIVALDI_VERSION) for $VIVALDI_ARCH; exiting" >&2 |
exit |
fi |
# Checks if the same Vivaldi version is already installed |
echo "$VIVALDI_STREAM ($VIVALDI_VERSION) is already installed; exiting" |
exit 0 |
fi |
# Get the appropriate package or use a local copy if it is already present |
if [ -e "${VIVALDI_STREAM}_${VIVALDI_VERSION}_${DEBARCH}.deb" ]; then |
printf "Using files from local package \"./${VIVALDI_STREAM}_${VIVALDI_VERSION}_${DEBARCH}.deb\"\n\n" >&2 |
else |
VIVALDI_PKG="$(mktemp -t vivaldi-pkg.XXXXXX)" |
printf "Fetching ${VIVALDI_STREAM} (${VIVALDI_VERSION}) for ${VIVALDI_ARCH} ...\n\n" |
if ! [ "$?" = 0 ]; then |
echo "Download failed!" >&2 |
cleanup_before_exit |
exit 1 |
fi |
fi |
data_extract () { |
if available ar; then |
ar p "$VIVALDI_PKG" data.tar.xz > "$VIVALDI_FILES/data.tar.xz" |
else |
DATA_ARCHIVE_LENGTH="$(grep -aom1 'data\.tar.*[0-9]\+' "$VIVALDI_PKG" | sed 's/.* //')" |
# Use part of the XZ magic bytes to locate the start of data.tar.xz |
if available strings; then |
# The problem with strings -o is that sometimes you get a result in |
# octal and other times decimal and -t is not always present |
DATA_ARCHIVE_POSITION="$(strings -o "$VIVALDI_PKG" | grep -m1 '7zXZ$' | sed 's/ *0*\([0-9]\+\) .*/\1/')" |
# See if offset above is in Octal because we'll need to convert if so |
if [ "$(expr "$DATA_ARCHIVE_LENGTH" + "$DATA_ARCHIVE_POSITION")" -gt "$(stat -c '%s' "$VIVALDI_PKG")" ]; then |
fi |
else |
# This is cleaner but you cannot use -b this way on non GNU grep |
DATA_ARCHIVE_POSITION="$(grep -Fabom1 7zXZ "$VIVALDI_PKG" | cut -d: -f1)" |
fi |
fi |
} |
# Check the package signatures (if possible) and extract contents |
VIVALDI_FILES="$(mktemp -d -t vivaldi-files.XXXXXX)" |
if [ "$VIVALDI_SIG_CHECK" = "Y" ];then |
if available gpg; then |
if gpg --list-keys 2>/dev/null | grep -Fq '[email protected]'; then |
if ! grep -q '^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----' "$VIVALDI_PKG"; then |
echo "$VIVALDI_STREAM ($VIVALDI_VERSION) for ${VIVALDI_ARCH} is unsigned; exiting!" >&2 |
cleanup_before_exit |
exit 1 |
fi |
sed -n '/^-----BEGIN/,/^-----END/p' "$VIVALDI_PKG" > "$VIVALDI_FILES/_gpgbuilder" |
data_extract |
if sed -n '/data\.tar\.xz$/s/.* \([a-z0-9]\{40\}\) .*/\1 data.tar.xz/p' _gpgbuilder | sha1sum -c >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
if ! gpg -q --verify _gpgbuilder >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
echo "Failed verifying signature for $VIVALDI_STREAM ($VIVALDI_VERSION) for ${VIVALDI_ARCH}; exiting!" >&2 |
cleanup_before_exit |
exit 1 |
fi |
else |
echo "Failed verifying checksum for $VIVALDI_STREAM ($VIVALDI_VERSION) for ${VIVALDI_ARCH}; exiting!" >&2 |
cleanup_before_exit |
exit 1 |
fi |
rm _gpgbuilder |
cd - >/dev/null |
fi |
else |
printf ' * * *\n\n' |
printf "gpg is not installed, so signature checking cannot be performed for upgrades\n\n" >&2 |
printf ' * * *\n\n' |
fi |
fi |
if ! [ -e "$VIVALDI_FILES/data.tar.xz" ]; then |
data_extract |
fi |
# Now things are getting serious, so stop the script for errors or undefined variables |
set -eu |
if [ "${USER:-}" != "root" ]; then |
if mkdir -p "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR" 2>/dev/null && [ -w "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR" ]; then |
# Without user namespace support a single user install will not work |
if available unshare; then |
if ! unshare -U true >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
echo "User namespace support not enabled." >&2 |
echo "Re-run this script as root (or prefaced with sudo)" >&2 |
cleanup_before_exit |
exit 1 |
fi |
fi |
else |
echo "You do not have write permission to \"$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR\"" >&2 |
echo "Try re-running this script as root (or prefaced with sudo)" >&2 |
cleanup_before_exit |
exit 1 |
fi |
fi |
# Extract files from the /usr/share and /opt directories and rearrange |
printf "Uncompressing $VIVALDI_STREAM ($VIVALDI_VERSION) for ${VIVALDI_ARCH} ...\n\n" |
export EXTRACT_UNSAFE_SYMLINKS=1 # This keeps busybox happy ;) |
tar xJf data.tar.xz "./opt/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT" ./usr/share |
mv usr temp |
mkdir -p ".$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR" |
mv temp/share/* ".$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR" |
rmdir temp/share temp |
rmdir opt |
rm data.tar.xz |
# Test run the package if the user selected this with -t or --test |
if [ "$VIVALDI_TEST" = "Y" ]; then |
printf "Test launching $VIVALDI_STREAM ($VIVALDI_VERSION) for ${VIVALDI_ARCH} ...\n\n" |
".$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT" --user-data-dir=tmp-user-data >/dev/null 2>&1 ||: |
if [ -d "tmp-user-data" ]; then |
rm -r "tmp-user-data" |
fi |
while [ 0 ]; do |
read -p "Do you want to install $VIVALDI_STREAM ($VIVALDI_VERSION) for ${VIVALDI_ARCH}? [y/N]: " VIVALDI_PROCEED_AFTER_TEST </dev/tty |
[Yy]*) break ;; |
[Nn]*) cleanup_before_exit; exit ;; |
*) echo 'Please answer yes or no.' >&2 ;; |
esac |
done |
printf '\n' |
fi |
# Create the first part of the uninstall script |
#!/bin/sh -e |
available () { |
command -v "\$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 |
} |
# Update the icon and desktop databases (non-essential) |
updatedbs () { |
touch -c "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/icons/hicolor" 2>/dev/null ||: |
if available gtk-update-icon-cache; then |
gtk-update-icon-cache -tq "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/icons/hicolor" 2>/dev/null ||: |
fi |
if available update-desktop-database; then |
update-desktop-database -q "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/applications" 2>/dev/null ||: |
fi |
} |
# Remove Widevine and Proprietary media on uninstall |
if [ "x\${1:-}" = "x--upgrade" ]; then : |
else |
if [ -x "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-ffmpeg" ]; then |
if [ "\${USER:-}" = "root" ]; then |
"$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-ffmpeg" --undo >/dev/null 2>&1 ||: |
[ -x "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-widevine" ] && "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-widevine" --undo >/dev/null 2>&1 ||: |
else |
"$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-ffmpeg" --user --undo >/dev/null 2>&1 ||: |
[ -x "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-widevine" ] && "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-widevine" --user --undo >/dev/null 2>&1 ||: |
fi |
fi |
fi |
# Remove installed files and directories (if empty) |
while read f; do |
# '-e' alone would not find broken symlinks |
if [ -e "\$f" -o -h "\$f" ]; then |
if [ -d "\$f" ]; then |
if ! ls -A "\$f" | grep -q ^; then |
# Don't remove a symlink pointing to a directory, as it could have |
# been created by the user or the distribution |
if [ ! -h "\$f" ]; then |
rmdir "\$f" |
fi |
fi |
else |
rm "\$f" |
printf '.' |
fi |
fi |
done << FILE_LIST |
# Record the version number in the package |
# Symlink desktop environment icons to icons within the package |
for png in ".$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/"product_logo_*.png; do |
pngsize="${png##*/product_logo_}" |
mkdir -p ".$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/icons/hicolor/${pngsize%.png}x${pngsize%.png}/apps" |
ln -fs "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/product_logo_${pngsize}" ".$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/icons/hicolor/${pngsize%.png}x${pngsize%.png}/apps/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT.png" |
done |
# Update the executable path in the desktop launcher |
# Create a symlink between the old and new uninstall locations. |
# Create symlinks in /usr/local/bin or $HOME/bin when possible |
if [ -d "/usr/local/bin" ] && [ -w "/usr/local/bin" ]; then |
SYMLINK_PATH="/usr/local/bin" |
elif [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] && [ -w "$HOME/bin" ]; then |
fi |
if [ "$CREATE_PATH_SYMLINKS" = "Y" ]; then |
mkdir -p ".$SYMLINK_PATH" |
fi |
# Find all files and add them to the uninstall script with their absolute paths |
find . ! -type d | sed 's,^\.,,' | grep -Fxv "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT" >> ".$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT" |
# Find all directories and add them to the uninstall script with their absolute |
# paths. Standard system directories are filtered out |
find . -depth -type d | sed 's,^\.,,;/^\.\?$/d' | \ |
grep -Fxv \ |
-e '/home' \ |
-e "$HOME" \ |
-e "$HOME/bin" \ |
-e "$HOME/.local" \ |
-e '/usr' \ |
-e '/usr/local' \ |
-e '/usr/local/bin' \ |
-e '/usr/local/share/doc' \ |
-e '/usr/local/share/man' \ |
-e '/usr/local/share/man/man1' >> ".$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT" |
updatedbs |
printf '. done\n\n' |
# Don't register desktop files and icons, in non-standard locations |
if [ "$REGISTER_DESKTOP_AND_ICONS" = "N" ]; then |
sed -i '/^updatedbs$/s/^/#/' ".$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT" |
fi |
# Make the uninstall script executable |
# If an old Vivaldi is already installed, remove it first |
remove_previous_upgrade () { |
printf ' * * *\n\n' |
echo "Removing previously installed $VIVALDI_STREAM first" |
"$1" "${2:-}" |
} |
if [ -x "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT" ]; then |
remove_previous_upgrade "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT" --upgrade |
elif [ -x "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT_OLD" ]; then |
remove_previous_upgrade "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT_OLD" |
elif [ "${USER:-}" = "root" -a -x "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT_ANCIENT" ]; then |
remove_previous_upgrade "$UNINSTALL_VIVALDI_SCRIPT_ANCIENT" |
fi |
# Avoids changing system directory permissions and ownership |
printf "Installing $VIVALDI_STREAM ($VIVALDI_VERSION) for ${VIVALDI_ARCH} ...\n\n" |
find . ! -type d | tar -cf- -T- | tar -xf- -C / |
# Remove temporary files |
cleanup_before_exit |
# Run the widevine and proprietary media scripts and correct sandbox permissions |
if [ "${USER:-}" = "root" ]; then |
chmod 4755 "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/vivaldi-sandbox" |
if [ -x "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-ffmpeg" ]; then |
[ -x "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-widevine" ] && "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-widevine" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||: |
"$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-ffmpeg" >/dev/null 2>&1 ||: |
fi |
else |
if [ -x "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-ffmpeg" ]; then |
"$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-widevine" --user >/dev/null 2>&1 ||: |
[ -x "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-widevine" ] && "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/$VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT/update-ffmpeg" --user >/dev/null 2>&1 ||: |
fi |
fi |
# Update the icon and desktop databases |
if [ "$REGISTER_DESKTOP_AND_ICONS" = "Y" ]; then |
touch -c "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/icons/hicolor" 2>/dev/null ||: |
if available gtk-update-icon-cache; then |
gtk-update-icon-cache -tq "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/icons/hicolor" 2>/dev/null ||: |
fi |
if available update-desktop-database; then |
update-desktop-database -q "$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR/applications" 2>/dev/null ||: |
fi |
fi |
# Extract the cron job key handling functions and adapt them for use with gpg |
# instead of apt-key. This allows updates to have their signatures checked |
VIVALDI_KEY_FUNCTIONS="$(mktemp -t vivaldi-key-functions.XXXXXX)" |
sed -n '/^\(remove_old\|install\(_future\)\?\)_key() {/,/^}$/p' "$VIVALDI_CRON" | sed \ |
-e 's/ apt-key / gpg /' \ |
-e 's/\("$APT_KEY"\) del /\1 --no-tty --quiet --batch --yes --delete-key /' \ |
-e 's/\("$APT_KEY"\) list /\1 --list-keys /;s/\("$APT_KEY"\) add - /\1 --import /' \ |
for KEY_CMD in remove_old_key install_key install_future_key; do |
if available "$KEY_CMD"; then |
"$KEY_CMD" ||: |
fi |
done |
fi |
# And ... we're done! ;) Let the user know what is next |
printf ' * * *\n\n' |
echo "Vivaldi was successfully installed into \"$VIVALDI_INSTALL_DIR\"" |
if [ "$REGISTER_DESKTOP_AND_ICONS" = "Y" ]; then |
printf "\nRe-login to your desktop environment if $VIVALDI_STREAM does not immediately show up.\n" |
fi |
printf '\n * * *\n\n' |
printf "You can start $VIVALDI_STREAM manually via the following command:\n\n" |
if [ "$CREATE_PATH_SYMLINKS" = "Y" ]; then |
else |
fi |
if [ "${USER:-}" = "root" ]; then |
printf "\nTo uninstall, issue the following as root (or prefaced with sudo):\n\n" |
else |
printf "\nTo uninstall, issue the following:\n\n" |
fi |
if [ "$CREATE_PATH_SYMLINKS" = "Y" ]; then |
printf " $SYMLINK_PATH/remove-${VIVALDI_STREAM_SHORT}.sh\n\n" |
else |
fi |
# Try and launch Vivaldi for new users, who are not running as root when |
# possible, and assuming they haven't disabled it ;) |
if available nohup && [ "$VIVALDI_UPGRADE" = "N" -a "$VIVALDI_LAUNCH" = "Y" -a "$USER" != "root" ]; then |
printf ' * * *\n\n' |
printf "Attempting to launch $VIVALDI_STREAM ($VIVALDI_VERSION) for ${VIVALDI_ARCH} ...\n\n" |
fi |
exit |