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Rafael Munitić rubber-duck

  • Zagreb, Croatia
  • 21:33 (UTC +01:00)
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my profile -> User Profile
chose filters -> Huuk Filters
switch to list view -> Huuk List View
create -> Huuk Create
tap on marker -> Huuk Details Over Map
tap on promoted place marker -> Promoted Place Details
rubber-duck / SketchSystems.spec
Last active January 25, 2021 07:52
Huuk Explorer
Huuk Explorer
new huuk -> Huuk Creation
select huuk -> Huuk Details
Huuk Details
join -> Waiting For Approval
if rejected -> Rejected
Huuk Creation
create -> Huuk Explorer
cancel -> Huuk Explorer
import bmesh
import bpy
bm =
new_face = bm.faces[0].copy()
rust: task failed at 'index out of bounds: the len is 6 but the index is 7', /home/wiseen/SDK/rust/src/libstd/
use std::vec;
use std::str;
use std::char;
use std::iterator;
use std::num::strconv;
use token;
struct Scanner<'self> {
source: &'self str,
next: uint,
struct Foo<'self>
foo: &'self fn()
impl<'self> Foo<'self> {
fn foo(&self) {
println("Method foo");
struct Foo<'self>
foo: &'self str
fn main() {
struct Foo {
bar: ~[int]
fn main() {
let mut foo = Foo { bar: ~[0i] }; = append_one(, 1);
pub use self::_vec2::vec2;
pub use self::_vec3::vec3;
pub use self::_vec4::vec4;
macro_rules! impl_vec_dot(
($x: ident, $y: ident, $z: ident, $w: ident) => ( x.$x * y.$x + x.$y * y.$y + x.$z * y.$z + x.$w * y.$w );
($x: ident, $y: ident, $z: ident) => ( x.$x * y.$x + x.$y * y.$y + x.$z * y.$z );
($x: ident, $y: ident) => ( x.$x * y.$x + x.$y * y.$y );
macro_rules! define_vec (
($vect: ident, $vecmod: ident, $compt: ty, $($components: ident)+) => (
mod $vecmod {
pub struct $vect { $($components : $compt),+ }
impl $vect
pub fn new($($components: $compt),+) -> $vect {