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Created March 6, 2017 23:21
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import com.scalakata._
import scala.reflect._
@instrument class Playground {
* Internal
trait Expr {
type Exp[+T]
def const[T](x:T): Exp[T]
trait StagedExpr extends Expr {
sealed trait Exp[+T]
case class Const[T](x:T) extends Exp[T]
def const[T](x: T) = Const(x)
trait UnstagedExpr extends Expr {
type Exp[+T] = T
def const[T](x:T) = x
trait Lift[A, B] {
def lift(x:A):B
trait Top {
this: Expr =>
trait StagedTop {
type Internal
def exp: Exp[Internal]
trait Stagable[S <: StagedTop] {
def ct: ClassTag[S#Internal]
def fromExp(exp: Exp[S#Internal]): S
val lift: Lift[S#Internal, S] = new Lift[S#Internal, S] {
def lift(x: S#Internal):S = fromExp(const[S#Internal](x))
trait Staged extends Top with StagedExpr
trait Unstaged extends Top with UnstagedExpr
* Booleans
trait Booleans {
this: Top =>
type Bool <: BooleanOps with StagedTop { type Internal = Boolean}
trait BooleanOps {
def &&(b: Bool): Bool
def ||(b: Bool): Bool
def unary_!(): Bool
def not(b: Bool): Bool
def stagableBool: Stagable[Bool]
def liftBool: Lift[Boolean, Bool]
trait BooleansExp extends Booleans {
this: Staged =>
case class BoolAnd(x: Exp[Boolean], y: Exp[Boolean]) extends Exp[Boolean]
case class BoolOr(x: Exp[Boolean], y: Exp[scala.Boolean]) extends Exp[scala.Boolean]
case class BoolNot(x: Exp[scala.Boolean]) extends Exp[scala.Boolean]
case class Bool(exp: Exp[scala.Boolean]) extends BooleanOps with StagedTop {
type Internal = Boolean
def &&(b: Bool) = Bool(bool_and applyOrElse((this.exp, b.exp), (BoolAnd.apply _).tupled))
def ||(b: Bool) = Bool(bool_or applyOrElse((this.exp, b.exp), (BoolOr.apply _).tupled))
def unary_! = Bool(bool_not applyOrElse(this.exp , BoolNot.apply))
val stagableBool = new Stagable[Bool] {
def ct = classTag[Boolean]
def fromExp(exp: Exp[scala.Boolean]): Bool = Bool(exp)
def liftBool = stagableBool.lift
def bool_and = PartialFunction.empty[(Exp[scala.Boolean], Exp[scala.Boolean]), Exp[scala.Boolean]]
def bool_or = PartialFunction.empty[(Exp[scala.Boolean], Exp[scala.Boolean]), Exp[scala.Boolean]]
def bool_not = PartialFunction.empty[Exp[scala.Boolean], Exp[scala.Boolean]]
def not(b: Bool) = !b
trait BooleansOptImpl extends BooleansExp {
this: Staged =>
override def bool_and = {
case (Const(cx), Const(cy)) => Const(cx && cy)
trait BooleansLib extends Booleans {
this: Unstaged =>
case class Bool(exp: Boolean) extends BooleanOps with StagedTop {
type Internal = Boolean
def &&(b: Bool) = Bool(exp && b.exp)
def ||(b: Bool) = Bool(exp || b.exp)
def unary_! = Bool(!exp)
val stagableBool = new Stagable[Bool] {
def ct = classTag[Boolean]
def fromExp(exp: Exp[Boolean]): Bool = Bool(exp)
def liftBool = stagableBool.lift
def not(b: Bool) = !b
trait BooleansAPI {
val x: Booleans with Top
type Boolean = x.Bool
def not(b: Boolean): Boolean = x.not(b)
implicit val stagableBool = x.stagableBool
implicit val liftBool: Lift[scala.Boolean, Boolean] = x.liftBool
//If not present, plain typecheck fail at lifting array, not sure why ?
//TODO: inspect why
implicit val boolCT: ClassTag[x.Bool] = classTag[Boolean]
* Arrays
* The array indices are Boolean instead of Int for sake of simplicity
* Else I would have to implement Int as well
trait Arrays {
this: Booleans with Top =>
type AArray[T <: StagedTop] <: AArrayOps[T] with StagedTop { type Internal = scala.Array[T#Internal]}
trait AArrayOps[T] {
def update(x: Bool, y: T): AArrayOps[T]
def get(x: Bool): T
def stagableArray[T <: StagedTop : Stagable]: Stagable[AArray[T]]
def liftArray[T <: StagedTop : Stagable]: Lift[scala.Array[T#Internal], AArray[T]]
def liftStagedArray[T <: StagedTop : Stagable]: Lift[scala.Array[T], AArray[T]]
trait ArraysExp extends Arrays {
this: BooleansExp with Staged =>
case class ArrayUpdate[T <: StagedTop](x: Exp[scala.Array[T#Internal]], y: Exp[scala.Boolean], z: Exp[T#Internal]) extends Exp[scala.Array[T#Internal]]
case class ArrayGet[T <: StagedTop](x: Exp[scala.Array[T#Internal]], y: Exp[scala.Boolean]) extends Exp[T#Internal]
case class ToArray[T <: StagedTop](x: scala.Array[Exp[T#Internal]]) extends Exp[scala.Array[T#Internal]]
case class AArray[T <: StagedTop : Stagable](exp: Exp[scala.Array[T#Internal]]) extends AArrayOps[T] with StagedTop {
type Internal = scala.Array[T#Internal]
val s = implicitly[Stagable[T]]
def get(b: Bool) = s.fromExp(array_get[T] applyOrElse((this.exp, b.exp), (ArrayGet.apply[T] _).tupled))
def update(b: Bool, y: T) = AArray(array_update[T] applyOrElse((this.exp , b.exp, y.exp), (ArrayUpdate.apply[T] _).tupled))
def stagableArray[T <: StagedTop : Stagable] = new Stagable[AArray[T]] {
val s = implicitly[Stagable[T]]
implicit val tct = s.ct
def ct = classTag[AArray[T]#Internal]
def fromExp(exp: Exp[scala.Array[T#Internal]]): AArray[T] = AArray(exp)
def liftArray[T <: StagedTop : Stagable]: Lift[scala.Array[T#Internal], AArray[T]] = stagableArray[T].lift
def liftStagedArray[T <: StagedTop : Stagable] = new Lift[scala.Array[T], AArray[T]] {
val s = implicitly[Stagable[T]]
implicit val tct = s.ct
def lift(x:scala.Array[T]) = AArray(ToArray(
def array_get[T <: StagedTop] = PartialFunction.empty[(Exp[scala.Array[T#Internal]], Exp[scala.Boolean]), Exp[T#Internal]]
def array_update[T <: StagedTop] = PartialFunction.empty[(Exp[scala.Array[T#Internal]], Exp[scala.Boolean], Exp[T#Internal]), Exp[scala.Array[T#Internal]]]
trait ArraysLib extends Arrays {
this: BooleansLib with Unstaged =>
case class AArray[T <: StagedTop: Stagable](exp: Array[T#Internal]) extends AArrayOps[T] with StagedTop {
type Internal = scala.Array[T#Internal]
val s = implicitly[Stagable[T]]
def get(b: Bool) = {
val e =
if (b.exp == true)
def update(b, y) = {
if (b.exp == true)
exp(0) = y.exp
exp(1) = y.exp
def stagableArray[T <: StagedTop : Stagable] = new Stagable[AArray[T]] {
val s = implicitly[Stagable[T]]
implicit val tct = s.ct
def ct = classTag[AArray[T]#Internal]
def fromExp(exp: Exp[scala.Array[T#Internal]]): AArray[T] = AArray(exp)
def liftArray[T <: StagedTop : Stagable]: Lift[scala.Array[T#Internal], AArray[T]] =
def liftStagedArray[T <: StagedTop : Stagable] = new Lift[scala.Array[T], AArray[T]] {
val s = implicitly[Stagable[T]]
implicit val tct = s.ct
def lift(x:scala.Array[T]) = AArray(
trait ArraysAPI {
val x: Arrays with Top
type Array[T <: x.StagedTop] = x.AArray[T]
implicit def stagableArray[T <: x.StagedTop : x.Stagable] = x.stagableArray[T]
implicit def liftArray[T <: x.StagedTop : x.Stagable] = x.liftArray[T]
implicit def liftStagedArray[T <: x.StagedTop : x.Stagable] = x.liftStagedArray[T]
* If-then-else
trait IfThenElse {
this: Booleans with Top =>
def __ifThenElse[T <: StagedTop : Stagable](cond: Bool, thenp: =>T, elsep: =>T): T
trait IfThenElseExp extends IfThenElse {
this: Booleans with Staged =>
case class IfThenElse[T <: StagedTop](cond: Exp[Boolean], thenp: Exp[T#Internal], elsep: Exp[T#Internal]) extends Exp[T#Internal]
def __ifThenElse[T <: StagedTop : Stagable](cond: Bool, thenp: =>T, elsep: =>T): T = {
val s = implicitly[Stagable[T]]
s.fromExp(ifthenelse[T] applyOrElse((cond.exp, thenp.exp, elsep.exp), (IfThenElse.apply[T] _).tupled))
def ifthenelse[T <: StagedTop : Stagable] = PartialFunction.empty[(Exp[Boolean], Exp[T#Internal], Exp[T#Internal]), Exp[T#Internal]]
trait IfThenElseOptImpl extends IfThenElseExp {
this: Booleans with Staged =>
override def ifthenelse[T <: StagedTop : Stagable] = {
case (Const(true), x, _) => x
case (Const(false), _, x) => x
trait IfThenElseLib extends IfThenElse {
this: BooleansLib with Unstaged =>
def __ifThenElse[T <: StagedTop : Stagable](cond: Bool, thenp: =>T, elsep: =>T): T = {
if (cond.exp)
trait IfThenElseAPI {
val x: IfThenElse with Booleans with Top
//The lifting doesn't rely on an implicit lift but on the knowledge that a StagedTop can Lift.
//This is nice
def __ifThenElse[T <: x.StagedTop : x.Stagable](cond: x.Bool, thenp: T, elsep: T): T =
x.__ifThenElse(cond, thenp, elsep)
def __ifThenElse[T <: x.StagedTop : x.Stagable](cond: x.Bool, thenp: T#Internal, elsep: T): T = {
val s = implicitly[x.Stagable[T]]
x.__ifThenElse(cond, s.lift.lift(thenp), elsep)
def __ifThenElse[T <: x.StagedTop : x.Stagable](cond: x.Bool, thenp: T, elsep: T#Internal): T = {
val s = implicitly[x.Stagable[T]]
x.__ifThenElse(cond, thenp, s.lift.lift(elsep))
def __ifThenElse[T <: x.StagedTop : x.Stagable](cond: x.Bool, thenp: T#Internal, elsep: T#Internal): T = {
val s = implicitly[x.Stagable[T]]
x.__ifThenElse(cond, s.lift.lift(thenp), s.lift.lift(elsep))
* Equal
trait Equals {
this: Booleans with Top =>
def __equals[T <: StagedTop](a: T, b: T): Bool
trait EqualsExp extends Equals {
this: BooleansExp with Staged =>
case class Equals[T <: StagedTop](x: Exp[T#Internal], y: Exp[T#Internal]) extends Exp[Boolean]
def __equals[T <: StagedTop](x: T, y:T): Bool = {
Bool(equals[T] applyOrElse((x.exp, y.exp), (Equals.apply[T] _).tupled))
def equals[T <: StagedTop] = PartialFunction.empty[(Exp[T#Internal], Exp[T#Internal]), Exp[Boolean]]
trait EqualsOptImpl extends EqualsExp {
this: BooleansExp with Staged =>
override def equals[T <: StagedTop] = {
case (x, y) if x == y => const(true)
trait EqualsLib extends Equals{
this: BooleansLib with Unstaged =>
def __equals[T <: StagedTop](a: T, b: T): Bool =
Bool(a.exp == b.exp)
trait EqualsAPI {
val x: Equals with Booleans with Top
def __equals[T <: x.StagedTop](e1: T, e2: T): x.Bool =
x.__equals(e1, e2)
def __equals[T <: x.StagedTop : x.Stagable](e1: T, e2: T#Internal): x.Bool = {
val s = implicitly[x.Stagable[T]]
x.__equals(e1, s.lift.lift(e2))
def __equals[T <: x.StagedTop : x.Stagable](e1: T#Internal, e2: T): x.Bool = {
val s = implicitly[x.Stagable[T]]
x.__equals(s.lift.lift(e1), e2)
//No need to handle T#Internal T#Internal as this should be the default scala == and handled by the macro virtualization
* Frontend
//Common DSL
trait DSL extends BooleansAPI with ArraysAPI with IfThenElseAPI with EqualsAPI {
val x: Arrays with Booleans with IfThenElse with Equals with Top
implicit def liftF[A,B](x:A)(implicit l: Lift[A, B]):B =
//That almost work except for array and then the combination of the two above confuse the compiler :<
//But it shows how flexible is the type system
//implicit def liftS[A, B <: x.StagedTop{ type Internal = A }](y:A)(implicit l: x.Stagable[B]):B =
// l.lift.lift(y)
//Stage backend
trait Stage extends DSL {
override lazy val x = new BooleansOptImpl with ArraysExp with IfThenElseOptImpl with EqualsOptImpl with Staged {}//with ...
//Lib backend
trait Lib extends DSL {
override lazy val x = new BooleansLib with ArraysLib with IfThenElseLib with EqualsLib with Unstaged {}
object Prog {
val ir = new Lib {}
//To switch to Staging, uncomment next line
//val ir = new Stage {}
import ir._
def main() = {
val a: Boolean = true
val b: Boolean = false
val c: Array[Boolean] = Array(a, b)
val d = a && c.get(b)
__ifThenElse(a, __equals(d, d), not(d))
//For plain typecheck we don't need even need any implementation
trait TypeCheck extends DSL {
def main() = {
val a: Boolean = true
val b: Boolean = false
val c: Array[Boolean] = Array(a, b)
val d = a && c.get(b)
__ifThenElse(a, __equals(d, d), not(d))
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