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Last active July 14, 2017 19:53
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import spatial.dsl._
import org.virtualized._
import spatial.SpatialCompiler
import spatial.interpreter.Interpreter
import spatial.interpreter.Streams
import spatial.metadata._
trait ParticleFilter extends SpatialStream {
val N: scala.Int = 10
val initV: (scala.Double, scala.Double, scala.Double) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
val initP: (scala.Double, scala.Double, scala.Double) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
val initQ: (scala.Double, scala.Double, scala.Double, scala.Double) = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
val initTime: scala.Double = 0.0
val covGyro: scala.Double = 0.01
type Real = FltPt[_32, _0]
type Time = Real
type Position = Vec3
type Velocity = Vec3
type Acceleration = Vec3
type Omega = Vec3
type Attitude = Quat
@struct case class Quat(r: Real, i: Real, j: Real, k: Real)
@struct case class Vec3(x: Real, y: Real, z: Real)
@struct case class IMU(t: Time, a: Acceleration, g: Omega)
@struct case class Vicon(t: Time, p: Position, q: Attitude)
@struct case class State(v: Velocity, p: Position)
@struct case class Particle(w: Real, q: Quat, st: State, lastA: Acceleration)
@struct case class POSE(p: Position, q: Quat)
case class Mat(h: scala.Int, w: scala.Int, x: Array[Real]) { self =>
def *(y: Mat) = MatMult(self, y)
def +(y: Mat) = MatAdd(self, y)
def -(y: Mat) = MatSub(self, y)
def t = transpose(self)
// implicit class FIFOpeek[T](x: FIFO[T]) {
// def peek: T = ???
// }
implicit class Vec3Ops(x: Vec3) {
def *(y: Real) = Vec3(x.x*y, x.y*y, x.z*y)
def +(y: Real) = Vec3(x.x+y, x.y+y, x.z+y)
def +(y: Vec3) = Vec3(x.x+y.x, x.y+y.y, x.z+y.z)
implicit class QuatOps(x: Quat) {
def *(y: Real) = Quat(x.r*y, x.i*y, x.j*y, x.k*y)
def *(y: Quat) = QuatMult(x, y)
def rotateBy(q: Quat) = q*x
def rotate(v: Vec3) = {
val inv = x.inverse
val nq = (x*Quat(0.0, v.x, v.y, v.z))*inv
Vec3(nq.i, nq.j, nq.k)
def inverse = QuatInverse(x)
@virtualize def prog() = {
val inIMU = StreamIn[IMU](In1)
val inV = StreamIn[Vicon](In2)
val out = StreamOut[POSE](Out1)
val parFactor = N (1 -> N)
Accel {
val particles = SRAM[Particle](N)
val fifoIMU = FIFO[IMU](100)
val fifoV = FIFO[Vicon](100)
val lastTime = Reg[Time](initTime)
val lastO = Reg[Omega](Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
Sequential {
Foreach(N by 1 par parFactor)(x => {
particles(x) = Particle(1 / N,
Quat(initQ._1, initQ._2, initQ._3, initQ._4),
State(Vec3(initP._1, initP._2, initP._3), Vec3(initV._1, initV._2, initV._3)),
Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
Parallel {
Stream(*)(x => {
Stream(*)(x => {
FSM.fsm[Boolean](true, (x => x), (x => {
if ((fifoV.empty && !fifoIMU.empty) || (!fifoIMU.empty && !fifoV.empty && fifoIMU.peek.t < fifoV.peek.t))
updateFromIMU(fifoIMU.deq(), lastTime, lastO, particles, parFactor)
else if (!fifoV.empty)
updateFromV(fifoV.deq(), lastTime, lastO, particles, parFactor)
out := averagePOSE(particles)
}) , (x => (!fifoV.empty || !fifoIMU.empty)), style=SeqPipe)
@virtualize def updateAttitude(dt: Time, lastO: Reg[Omega], particles: SRAM1[Particle], parFactor: Int) = {
Foreach(N by 1 par parFactor)(i => {
val pp = particles(i)
val nq = sampleAtt(pp.q, lastO, dt)
particles(i) = Particle(pp.w, nq,, pp.lastA)
def updateAcceleration(x: Acceleration, dt: Time, particles: SRAM1[Particle], parFactor: Int) = {
Foreach(N by 1 par parFactor)(i => {
val pp = particles(i)
particles(i) = Particle(pp.w, pp.q,, pp.q.rotate(x))
def updateFromIMU(x: IMU, lastTime: Reg[Time], lastO: Reg[Omega], particles: SRAM1[Particle], parFactor: Int) = {
val dt = x.t - lastTime
lastTime := x.t
lastO := x.g
updateAttitude(dt, lastO, particles, parFactor)
updateAcceleration(x.a, dt, particles, parFactor)
def sampleAtt(q: Quat, om: Omega, dt: Time): Quat = {
val withNoise = gaussianVec(om, covGyro)
val integrated = withNoise * dt
val lq = localAngleToQuat(integrated)
def updateFromV(x: Vicon, lastTime: Reg[Time], lastO: Reg[Omega], particles: SRAM1[Particle], parFactor: Int) = {
val dt = x.t - lastTime
lastTime := x.t
def gaussianVec(mean: Vec3, variance: Real) = {
val g1 = gaussian()
val g2 = gaussian()
(Vec3(g1._1, g1._2, g2._1)*sqrt(variance)) + mean
@virtualize def gaussian() = {
val x1 = Reg[Real]
val x2 = Reg[Real]
val w = Reg[Real]
val w2 = Reg[Real]
FSM.fsm[Boolean]((true), (x => x), (x => {
x1 := 2.0 * random[Real](1.0) - 1.0
x2 := 2.0 * random[Real](1.0) - 1.0
w := (x1 * x1 + x2 * x2)
}), (x => w.value >= 1.0), style=SeqPipe)
w2 := sqrt((-2.0 * log(w.value)) / w)
val y1 = x1 * w2;
val y2 = x2 * w2;
(y1, y2)
def QuatMult(q1: Quat, q2: Quat) = {
q1.r * q2.r - q1.i * q2.i - q1.j * q2.j - q1.k * q2.k,
q1.r * q2.i + q1.i * q2.r + q1.j * q2.k - q1.k * q2.j,
q1.r * q2.j - q1.i * q2.k + q1.j * q2.r + q1.k * q2.i,
q1.r * q2.k + q1.i * q2.j - q1.j * q2.i + q1.k * q2.r
def QuatInverse(q: Quat) = {
val n = q.r * q.r + q.i * q.i + q.j * q.j + q.k * q.k
Quat(q.r, -q.i, -q.j, q.j)*(1/n)
def norm(v: Vec3) =
v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z
def localAngleToQuat(v: Vec3): Quat = {
val n = norm(v)
val l = n / 2
val sl = sin(l)
val nrot = v*(l/n)
Quat(cos(l), nrot.x, nrot.y, nrot.z)
def MatMult(a: Mat, b: Mat): Mat =
def MatAdd(a: Mat, b: Mat): Mat =
def MatSub(a: Mat, b: Mat): Mat =
def kalmanPredict(xp: Mat, sp: Mat, f: Mat, u: Mat, q: Mat) = {
val xm = f * xp + u
val sigm = f * sp * f.t + q
(xm, sigm)
def inv(x: Mat): Mat =
def transpose(x: Mat): Mat =
def kalmanUpdate(xm: Mat, sigm: Mat, z: Mat, h: Mat, r: Mat) = {
val s = h * sigm * h.t + r
val za = h * xm
val k = sigm * h.t * inv(s)
val sig = sigm - k * s * k.t
val x = xm + k * (z - za)
(x, sig, (za, s))
def averagePOSE(x: SRAM1[Particle]): POSE = {
val p = x(0)
POSE(, p.q)
val outs = List(Out1)
val inputs = Map[Bus, List[MetaAny[_]]](
(In1 -> List[Real](3f, 4f, 2f, 6f).map(x => IMU(x/10, Vec3(x, x, x), Vec3(x/100, x/100, x/100)))),
(In2 -> List[Real]().map(x => Quat(x, x, x, x)))
object ParticleFilterInterpreter extends ParticleFilter with SpatialStreamInterpreter
object ParticleFilterCompiler extends ParticleFilter with SpatialApp {
def main() =
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