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Created November 25, 2016 14:37
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package scala.lms
package common
import internal._
import scala.reflect.SourceContext
import scala.lms.internal.{GenericNestedCodegen, GenericFatCodegen, GenerationFailedException}
trait IfThenElse extends Base{
this: Booleans =>
def __ifThenElse[A:Rep](cond: Boolean, thenp: => A, elsep: => A)(implicit pos: SourceContext): A
override def __ifThenElse[T](cond: => scala.Boolean, thenp: => T, elsep: => T) = cond match {
case true => thenp
case false => elsep
trait IfThenElsePureExp extends BaseExp with IfThenElse {
this: Booleans =>
case class IfThenElse[T](cond: Exp[scala.Boolean], thenp: Exp[T], elsep: Exp[T]) extends Def[T]
def __ifThenElse[A:Rep](cond: Boolean, thenp: => A, elsep: => A)(implicit pos: SourceContext): A = { match {
case Const(true) => thenp
case Const(false) => elsep
case bool@_ =>
val tp = typ[A]
implicit val mf = tp.m
val thenpC =
val elsepC =
tp.from(IfThenElse(bool, thenpC, elsepC))
trait IfThenElseExp extends IfThenElse with EffectExp {
this: Booleans =>
abstract class AbstractIfThenElse[T] extends Def[T] {
val cond: Exp[scala.Boolean]
val thenp: Block[T]
val elsep: Block[T]
case class IfThenElse[T](cond: Exp[scala.Boolean], thenp: Block[T], elsep: Block[T]) extends AbstractIfThenElse[T]
override def __ifThenElse[A:Rep](cond: Boolean, thenp: => A, elsep: => A)(implicit pos: SourceContext): A = {
val tp = typ[A]
implicit val mf = tp.m
val a = reifyEffectsHere(
val b = reifyEffectsHere(
def ifThenElse[T:Manifest](cond: Boolean, thenp: Block[T], elsep: Block[T])(implicit pos: SourceContext) = {
val ae = summarizeEffects(thenp)
val be = summarizeEffects(elsep)
// TODO: make a decision whether we should call reflect or reflectInternal.
// the former will look for any read mutable effects in addition to the passed
// summary whereas reflectInternal will take ae orElse be literally.
// the case where this comes up is if (c) a else b, with a or b mutable.
// (see TestMutation, for now sticking to old behavior)
////reflectEffect(IfThenElse(cond,thenp,elsep), ae orElse be)
val condBool: Exp[scala.Boolean] =[Exp[scala.Boolean]]
reflectEffectInternal(IfThenElse(condBool,thenp,elsep), ae orElse be)
override def mirrorDef[A:Manifest](e: Def[A], f: Transformer)(implicit pos: SourceContext): Def[A] = e match {
case IfThenElse(c,a,b) => IfThenElse(f(c),f(a),f(b))
case _ => super.mirrorDef(e,f)
override def mirror[A:Manifest](e: Def[A], f: Transformer)(implicit pos: SourceContext): Exp[A] = {
e match {
case Reflect(IfThenElse(c,a,b), u, es) =>
if (f.hasContext)
__ifThenElse(f(c), f.reflectBlock(a), f.reflectBlock(b))
reflectMirrored(Reflect(IfThenElse(f(c),f(a),f(b)), mapOver(f,u), f(es)))(mtype(manifest[A]), pos)
case IfThenElse(c,a,b) =>
if (f.hasContext)
__ifThenElse(f(c), f.reflectBlock(a), f.reflectBlock(b))
IfThenElse(f(c),f(a),f(b)) // FIXME: should apply pattern rewrites (ie call smart constructor)
case _ => super.mirror(e,f)
override def aliasSyms(e: Any): List[Sym[Any]] = e match {
case IfThenElse(c,a,b) => syms(a):::syms(b)
case _ => super.aliasSyms(e)
override def containSyms(e: Any): List[Sym[Any]] = e match {
case IfThenElse(c,a,b) => Nil
case _ => super.containSyms(e)
override def extractSyms(e: Any): List[Sym[Any]] = e match {
case IfThenElse(c,a,b) => Nil
case _ => super.extractSyms(e)
override def copySyms(e: Any): List[Sym[Any]] = e match {
case IfThenElse(c,a,b) => Nil // could return a,b but implied by aliasSyms
case _ => super.copySyms(e)
override def symsFreq(e: Any): List[(Sym[Any], Double)] = e match {
case IfThenElse(c, t, e) => freqNormal(c) ++ freqCold(t) ++ freqCold(e)
case _ => super.symsFreq(e)
override def boundSyms(e: Any): List[Sym[Any]] = e match {
case IfThenElse(c, t, e) => effectSyms(t):::effectSyms(e)
case _ => super.boundSyms(e)
trait ScalaGenIfThenElsePure extends ScalaGenNested {
val IR: IfThenElsePureExp with Effects
import IR._
override def emitNode(sym: Sym[Any], rhs: Def[Any]) = rhs match {
case IfThenElse(c,a,b) =>
val blockA = reifyBlock(a)
val blockB = reifyBlock(b)
stream.println("val " + quote(sym) + " = if (" + quote(c) + ") {")
stream.println("} else {")
case _ => super.emitNode(sym, rhs)
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