Follow the documentatation with the below exceptions;
After doing
git clone
cd federatednode
git checkout evmparty
And when you're at the part where you run fednode install <CONFIG> <BRANCH>
you run fednode install base evmparty
After this you should stop the mainnet bitcoin and counterparty processes by running:
fednode stop counterparty
fednode stop bitcoin
And we'll have to wait for testnet to sync:
fednode tail bitcoin-testnet
Then start the testnet counterparty process fednode start counterparty-testnet
and again we wait for the sync to finish:
fednode tail counterparty-testnet
Now we can open a shell in the counterparty-testnet instance:
fednode shell counterparty-testnet
And open one to the bitcoin-testnet as well (different tab in your terminal):
fednode shell bitcoin-testnet
In the bitcoin-testnet let's create a new address
bitcoin-cli -testnet getnewaddress
Copy the address and put it in a var in the counterparty-testnet shell:
Go load that address with some BTC and XCP somewhere external.
now follow for your first smart contract.