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Created August 22, 2015 20:02
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Android Simplify SDK 2.0.0 Alpha with Google Wallet
To pull the alpha sdk inculde the following depenency in your build.gradle
compile 'com.simplify:sdk-android:2.0.0-alpha2@aar'
For Android Pay/Google Wallet include:
compile ''
To use Android Pay add the Android Pay button to you view
// Check if WalletFragment already exists
SupportWalletFragment walletFragment = (SupportWalletFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()
if (walletFragment != null) {
// Define fragment style
WalletFragmentStyle fragmentStyle = new WalletFragmentStyle()
// Define fragment options
WalletFragmentOptions fragmentOptions = WalletFragmentOptions.newBuilder()
// Create a new instance of WalletFragment
walletFragment = SupportWalletFragment.newInstance(fragmentOptions);
// Initialize the fragment with start params
// Note: If using the provided helper method Simplify.handleAndroidPayResult(int, int, Intent),
// you MUST set the request code to Simplify.REQUEST_CODE_MASKED_WALLET
WalletFragmentInitParams.Builder startParamsBuilder = WalletFragmentInitParams.newBuilder()
// Add Wallet fragment to the U
.replace(, walletFragment, WALLET_FRAGMENT_ID)
Create a MaskedWalletRequest
private MaskedWalletRequest getMaskedWalletRequest() {
return MaskedWalletRequest.newBuilder()
.setMerchantName("MasterCard labs")
.setDescription("Mc labs")
In your onActivityResult passed the returned data to Simplify
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
// to get back MaskedWallet using call back method.
if (Simplify.handleAndroidPayResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
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