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Last active January 29, 2025 04:46
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FNV1a c++11 constexpr compile time hash functions, 32 and 64 bit
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
//fnv1a 32 and 64 bit hash functions
// key is the data to hash, len is the size of the data (or how much of it to hash against)
// code license: public domain or equivalent
// post:
inline const uint32_t hash_32_fnv1a(const void* key, const uint32_t len) {
const char* data = (char*)key;
uint32_t hash = 0x811c9dc5;
uint32_t prime = 0x1000193;
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
uint8_t value = data[i];
hash = hash ^ value;
hash *= prime;
return hash;
} //hash_32_fnv1a
inline const uint64_t hash_64_fnv1a(const void* key, const uint64_t len) {
const char* data = (char*)key;
uint64_t hash = 0xcbf29ce484222325;
uint64_t prime = 0x100000001b3;
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
uint8_t value = data[i];
hash = hash ^ value;
hash *= prime;
return hash;
} //hash_64_fnv1a
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
// FNV1a c++11 constexpr compile time hash functions, 32 and 64 bit
// str should be a null terminated string literal, value should be left out
// e.g hash_32_fnv1a_const("example")
// code license: public domain or equivalent
// post:
constexpr uint32_t val_32_const = 0x811c9dc5;
constexpr uint32_t prime_32_const = 0x1000193;
constexpr uint64_t val_64_const = 0xcbf29ce484222325;
constexpr uint64_t prime_64_const = 0x100000001b3;
inline constexpr uint32_t hash_32_fnv1a_const(const char* const str, const uint32_t value = val_32_const) noexcept {
return (str[0] == '\0') ? value : hash_32_fnv1a_const(&str[1], (value ^ uint32_t((uint8_t)str[0])) * prime_32_const);
inline constexpr uint64_t hash_64_fnv1a_const(const char* const str, const uint64_t value = val_64_const) noexcept {
return (str[0] == '\0') ? value : hash_64_fnv1a_const(&str[1], (value ^ uint64_t((uint8_t)str[0])) * prime_64_const);
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Lijmer commented Jan 20, 2018

Is there any license on this code? I would love to use this in a little graphics demo that I am building. It's for a non-commercial purpose, just for fun and learning :).

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How would one use this to hash wstrings?
With std::wstring text = L"Hello There", I get different results from hash_64_fnv1a_const(L"Hello There") and hash_64_fnv1a(text.c_str(), string.size() * 2 + 1).

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nshtg commented Oct 13, 2018

c_str() adds a \0 byte at the end.

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gulrak commented Jun 25, 2023

Actually, this code still only delivers the same result when the string is only using 7-bit ASCII when the system has a signed char (as is default on gcc/clang/msvc). The original non-constexpr code solves this issue by using uint8_t. So there needs to be an added cast, to the the constexpr code to:

inline constexpr uint32_t hash_32_fnv1a_const(const char* const str, const uint32_t value = val_32_const) noexcept {
    return (str[0] == '\0') ? value : hash_32_fnv1a_const(&str[1], (value ^ uint32_t((uint8_t)str[0])) * prime_32_const);

inline constexpr uint64_t hash_64_fnv1a_const(const char* const str, const uint64_t value = val_64_const) noexcept {
    return (str[0] == '\0') ? value : hash_64_fnv1a_const(&str[1], (value ^ uint64_t((uint8_t)str[0])) * prime_64_const);

Now the results are the same for the full range of char even on a signed char system.

(edit: original was updated)

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xorz57 commented Oct 18, 2024

I think we can also get rid of the recursion too!

constexpr std::uint32_t hash_32_fnv1a_const2(const char* str, std::uint32_t value = val_32_const) noexcept {
	for (; *str != '\0'; ++str) {
		value = (value ^ static_cast<std::uint32_t>(static_cast<uint8_t>(*str))) * prime_32_const;
	return value;

constexpr std::uint64_t hash_64_fnv1a_const2(const char* str, std::uint64_t value = val_64_const) noexcept {
	for (; *str != '\0'; ++str) {
		value = (value ^ static_cast<std::uint64_t>(static_cast<uint8_t>(*str))) * prime_64_const;
	return value;

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