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Created April 23, 2023 03:41
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Skills list (partial)
v = {
ada: "Ada",
adobe: "Adobe",
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aerosolve: "Aerosolve",
ahrefs: "Ahrefs",
airflow: "Airflow",
airpal: "Airpal",
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ajax: "AJAX",
"amazon_a/b_testing": "Amazon A/B Testing",
amazon_api_gateway: "Amazon API Gateway",
amazon_cloudfront: "Amazon CloudFront",
amazon_cloudsearch: "Amazon CloudSearch",
amazon_cloudwatch: "Amazon CloudWatch",
amazon_dynamodb: "Amazon DynamoDB",
amazon_ebs: "Amazon EBS",
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amazon_ec2_container_service: "Amazon EC2 Container Service",
amazon_elastic_transcoder: "Amazon Elastic Transcoder",
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notion: "Notion",
nuclide: "Nuclide",
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optimizely: "Optimizely",
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packer: "Packer",
pandas: "Pandas",
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phabricator: "Phabricator",
photoshop: "Photoshop",
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pipedrive: "Pipedrive",
pop: "Pop",
postgres: "Postgres",
prepack: "Prepack",
presto: "Presto",
rust: "Rust",
scala: "Scala",
bash: "Bash",
unix: "Unix",
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travis: "Travis",
prometheus: "Prometheus",
prophet: "Prophet",
prospecting: "Prospecting",
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puppet: "Puppet",
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ringpop: "Ringpop",
rocksdb: "RocksDB",
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swift: "Swift",
sysadmin: "System Administrator",
talkdesk: "Talkdesk",
tchannel: "TChannel",
technical_writer: "Technical Writer",
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thrift: "Thrift",
time_management: "Time Management",
tornado: "Tornado",
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twemproxy: "Twemproxy",
twilio: "Twilio",
twilio_sendgrid: "Twilio SendGrid",
twitter: "Twitter",
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udestroy: "uDestroy",
unison: "Unison",
urban_airship: "Urban Airship",
vagrant: "Vagrant",
vimeo: "Vimoe",
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vitess: "Vitess",
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wistia: "Wistia",
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"µeta": "µETA",
"μmonitor": "μMonitor",
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vercel: "Vercel",
nextjs: "NextJS",
tailwind_ui: "Tailwind UI",
nestjs: "NestJS",
typeorm: "TypeORM",
prisma: "Prisma"
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