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pmbaumgartner / cloud-init.yaml
Last active February 28, 2025 09:17
Multipass & Docker Setup
package_upgrade: true
- <your key>
- apt-transport-https
- ca-certificates
- curl
GregRos /
Last active May 3, 2021 15:58
Some notes on "Configuring a pretty and usable terminal emulator for WSL"

These comments are based on a few years of experience working with WSL. It's based on this tutorial:

And are basically updates to make it more relevant.

Opening a shell

In the past, to make the WSL run a command from cmd or somewhere else, you had to run the bash.exe program from windows, which fired up bash (and always bash) in the WSL and made it execute a command.

jkullick /
Last active March 24, 2024 14:36
Chroot into Raspberry Pi ARMv7 Image with Qemu
# install dependecies
apt-get install qemu qemu-user-static binfmt-support

# download raspbian image

# extract raspbian image
unzip raspbian_latest
boates /
Last active January 16, 2019 01:37
For running sklearn classification algorithms easily on pandas data frame. Also perform tests on model accuracy.
def splitData(df, trainPerc=0.6, cvPerc=0.2, testPerc=0.2):
return: training, cv, test
(as pandas dataframes)
df: pandas dataframe
trainPerc: float | percentage of data for trainin set (default=0.6
cvPerc: float | percentage of data for cross validation set (default=0.2)
testPerc: float | percentage of data for test set (default=0.2)
(trainPerc + cvPerc + testPerc must equal 1.0)