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Created November 25, 2018 22:47
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const closestEnemy = (arr) => {
let player = [];
let enemy = [];
let distance = 0;
let rowLength = arr[0].length;
let board = arr.length;
// iterate over the length of the board stored in arrWidth
for (let i = 0; i < board; i++) {
// split each row within the board into singlular elements
let row = arr[i].split("");
// set the length of each new split array for iteration
let rowLength = row.length;
for (let j = 0; j < rowLength; j++) {
// look for the player's starting position
// if the player (1) is found then push in the player's index
// && push the index of the row on the board into player array
if (row[j] == 1) {
player.push(j, i);
// look for every enemy (2) on the board
// if the enemy is found then push the enemy's index
// && the index of the row on the board into the enemy array
} else if (row[j] == 2) {
enemy.push(j, i);
console.log("Player", player)
console.log("Enemies", enemy)
// declare variable for enemy array length
// this is for basic optimization of iteration
let enemyLength = enemy.length;
// iterate over the length of the enemy array
for (let i = 0; i < enemyLength; i += 2) {
// declare a newDistance for counting
let newDistance = 0;
// check if the nearest enemy is on the same row
// use Math.abs in order to return an absolute (positive) integer
// if the player's location minus the enemy's location is less than
// the row's length / 2 then adjust the newDistance to that value
if (Math.abs(player[0] - enemy[i]) < rowLength / 2) {
console.log('Inside Loop', player[0])
console.log('2nd', enemy[i])
newDistance = Math.abs(player[0] - enemy[i]);
} else {
// otherwise adjust the newDistance to rowLength - the player's location of the enemy's location
newDistance = rowLength - Math.abs(player[0] - enemy[i]);
// check for distance between the player and enemy up and down the board
if (Math.abs(player[1] - enemy[i+1]) < board / 2) {
// calculate the difference between the player location and the enemy's
// add it to the overall count of the distance from above
newDistance += Math.abs(player[1] - enemy[i+1]);
} else {
newDistance += board - Math.abs(player[0] - enemy[i]);
// if the newDistance is less than the overall distance return it
// otherwise set the distance equal to the shortest travel
if (distance == 0 || newDistance < distance) {
distance = newDistance;
// return the distance
return distance;
closestEnemy(["0000", "2010", "0000", "2002"]);
closestEnemy(["0000", "1000", "0002", "0002"]);
closestEnemy(["0000", "2010", "0000", "2002"]);
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