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Created September 7, 2022 13:33
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CombineEstimates[es_] := Module[{result, ds, var, tvals, newe, t},
(*Gets the standard deviation for a confidence interval `e`.*)
confidence_] := (Max[e] -
Min[e])/(InverseCDF[NormalDistribution[], confidence]*2);
(*Gets the confidence for an interval given its standard
Confidence[e_, dev_] :=
CDF[NormalDistribution[], ((Max[e] - Min[e])/dev)/2];
ds = Map[Deviation @@ # &, es];
(*Find the minimum variation `var` and
the t-values that yield it.*)
{var, tvals} =
Minimize[{Plus @@ Table[t[i]^2*ds[[i]]^2, {i, 1, Length[ds]}],
Plus @@ Table[t[i], {i, 1, Length[ds]}] == 1},
Table[t[i], {i, 1, Length[ds]}]];
(*The combined estimate*)
newe =
Fold[#1 + #2[[1]]*#2[[2]] &, 0,
Transpose[{es[[All, 1]], Values[tvals]}]];
result = {newe, Confidence[newe, Sqrt[var]]}
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